Green’s Dictionary of Slang

Bogan shower n.

(Aus.) a sandstorm.

[Aus]A.B. Paterson Rio Grande (1937) 33: We don’t respect the clouds up there, they fill us with disgust, / They mostly bring a Bogan shower – three raindrops and some dust.
[Aus]Dubbo Liberal (NSW) 11 24 May 2/4: First it threat[e]ned, then it blew, which filled our hearts with pain, / There only came a Bogan shower with thirteen drops of rain.
[Aus]Morn. Bulletin (Rockhampton, Qld) 15 Nov. 7/4: The heat was terrific; all hands thought we were in for a much needful downfall. All we got out of it was a good parting with dust and the storm ended in a Bogan shower.
[Aus]Sydney Mail 25 Sept. 29/1: Gay Blonde became a ‘boom’ for the Epsom, but to my mind she looked as dry as a Bogan shower at Tattersall's and even drier at Rosehill.
W. Wyalong Advocate (NSW) 16 Jan. 1/1: With all the so-called ‘Bogan showers’ which have passed through the district in the present drought, yesterday evening’s was [...] the most intense wall of dust seen for many years.
[Aus]Narromine News (NSW) 12 Oct. 8/4: Though yesterday started off as a much more pleasant day than last Monday by lunchtime clouds of dust were blowing up from the south. A real ‘Bogan shower.’.
[US]D. Ireland Chosen 343: No rain for months, just bogan showers: a few raindrops and a face full of dust [AND2].