Green’s Dictionary of Slang

joey n.3

[SAusE joey, a young kangaroo]

1. (Aus.) a child, usu. a white child.

[UK]‘Aus. Colloquialisms’ in All Year Round 30 July 67/2: ‘Joey’ is a familiar name for anything young and small, and is applied indifferently to a puppy, or a kitten, or a child.
[UK]E.E. Morris Austral Eng. 223/1: Joey (2) slang used for a baby or little child.
[Aus]D. Niland Shiralee 27: Got a joey with yer, have yer? And what’s your name, young ’un.
[Aus]S. Gore Holy Smoke 42: Until along comes young Daniel, not much more’n a joey at the time, but pretty shrewd for his age.

2. (Aus.) a sodomite, an active male homosexual.

[Aus]Stephens & O’Brien Materials for a Dict. of Aus. Sl. [unpub. ms.] 88: JOEY: Aust. vulgar an hermaphrodite, or sodomite; applied generally to any foppish or effeminate young man.
[US]Trimble 5000 Adult Sex Words and Phrases.

3. (Aus.) a worthless cheque; like the animal, it ‘bounces’.

[Aus]Baker Popular Dict. Aus. Sl. (2nd edn).

4. (Aus. gay) a young male prostitute or the young lover of an older man.

[US]B. Rodgers Queens’ Vernacular 118: Joey (Aus hetero sl, fr Aus Joey = baby kangaroo) boy erotically fostered by an older guardian.
[US]Maledicta III:2 220: Similar terms, such as joey (from the baby kangaroo, a small thing ‘in your pocket’) from Australia [...] may be more localized.

5. a fool, an ineffectual person.

[US]‘Jennifer Blowdryer’ Modern English 10: In England a lot of words mean jerk, including cunt, wally, gaylord and joey .

In phrases

slip a joey (v.) [SE slip, of animals, to miscarry, to give birth prematurely] (Aus.)

1. to have a miscarriage.

[Aus]Baker Popular Dict. Aus. Sl.
[Aus]N. Pulliam I Travelled a Lonely Land (1957) 239/1: slip a joey – have a miscarriage, or, sometimes, give birth.
[Aus]N. Keesing Lily on the Dustbin 36: Other synonyms [for an abortion] include ‘slip a joey’, ‘crack an egg’, [...] ‘need a scrape’ (which can be a curette recommended for other reasons) or ‘have appendicitis’.

2. to give birth.

see sense 1.
[Aus]D. Niland Call Me When the Cross Turns Over (1958) 235: Springing a thing like that on a man? You shouldn’t have slipped that joey for a month yet.

SE in slang uses

In phrases

have a joey in the pouch (v.)

(Aus.) to be pregnant.

[Aus]D. Niland Call Me When the Cross Turns Over (1958) 227: Dorry’s boyfriend had blown through. She’s in a spot. Nobody wants to take her on with a joey in the pouch.
W. Gill Petermann Journey 14: An’ you can stuff that bloody muck I bought off you. Ma’s got another joey in th’ pouch, that’s how good it is [AND].