Green’s Dictionary of Slang

weirdsville n.

[SE weird + -ville sfx1 ]

(US) anywhere considered off or out of the ordinary; a bizarre situation.

[US]M. Shulman Rally Round the Flag, Boys! (1959) 139: ‘Weirdsville,’ said Isaac solemnly.
[US]W.C. Anderson Adam M-1 201: ‘I have a new hearse.’ ‘Wild, man. What’s the color?’ ‘Fire-engine red.’ ‘Red, man? Weirdsville.’.
[Can]Maclean’s (Toronto) Feb. 39: It’s an area that reads hippie weirdsville to the old folks.
[US]S. King Dreamcatcher 415: ‘We’re still up here,’ Jonesy says [...] Totally Weirdsville.