Green’s Dictionary of Slang

ell n.

[play on SE ell, 45 inches (a Flemish ell was 27 inches) + therefore link to yard n.1 + Fr. elle, she]

the vagina.

[UK]Maroccus Extaticus B4: bankes: They that take vp commodities make no difference for measure betweene a Flemishe ell and an Englishe yard. horse: I knowe an ell Flemish cost English Anthonie halfe a yard of the best ware he had.
[UK]J. Day Ile of Guls n.p.: Is there any good baudry int, iests of an ell deepe and a fathome broad.
[UK]Mennis & Smith ‘On Tom Holland and Nell Cotton’ Wit Restor’d (1817) 239: A Light young man lay with a lighter woman [...] And gave her (when her good will he had gotten), A yard of Holland for an ell of Cotton.
[UK]Merry-Thought II 8: When I lay with my bouncing Nell, I gave her an Inch, and she took an Ell: But [...] it was damnable hard, When I gave her an Inch, she’d want more than a Yard.
[US]Maledicta II:1+2 (Summer/Winter) 118: He misses [...] ass-bandit, formerly molrower (now obsolete, like so many other vivid sex terms: swive, Athenian, ell, etc.).