Green’s Dictionary of Slang

notion n.

[SE notion, an inclination, disposition or desire]

(Irish) amorous inclinations; usu. as have a notion of v., to be sexually attracted by.

[Ire]C.J. Kickham Knocknagow 487: She was a good-looking lump uv a girl at the time, but my grandfather never had any notion uv her.
[Ire]L. Mackay Mourne Folk 109: This hussy had a notion of Peter’s son, but Peter’s son was courtin’ another girl.
[US] ‘One-Eyed Riley’ in G. Logsdon Whorehouse Bells Were Ringing (1995) 251: I was a-sitting in my easy chair, / A-viewing the landlord’s daughter; / I took a notion in my head, / I’d like to feel her hindquarter.
[Ire]S. O’Faolain Talking Trees 83: She said they didn’t want any girls in their school who had notions. The three gazed at one another, and began to discuss all the possible sexy meanings of notions .
[Ire]J.B. Keane Bodhrán Makers 169: ‘Bullocks’ notions is what you have you poor oul’ thing,’ she cracked as she moved out of his reach. ‘Go up to the room at once and strip and you’ll see what notions I have.’.
[Ire]M. Ryan et al. No Shoes in Summer n.p.: It’s a hard bind when a dacent woman has a notion of you and does you a good turn [...] unless of course you get a notion of her as well! [BS].