Green’s Dictionary of Slang

sword n.

[note D’Urfey, Pills to Purge Melancholy (1719): ‘Brave Carpet Knights in Cupid’s Fights, their milk-white Rapiers drew’]

1. the penis.

Lydgate Falle of Prynces Bk II line 1156–1162: Thou were nakid in this bed liggyng [...] A feerful woman, and he an hardi knyht, Al-be-it so onknyhtli was his deede, With nakid suerd tassaile thi womanheede.
[UK]Shakespeare Love’s Labour’s Lost V ii: Dumaine was at my service, and his sword: ‘No point,’ quoth I: my servant was mute.
[UK]Rowley & Shakespeare Birth of Merlin (1662) II i: He has a fair Sword, but his Hangers are faln.
[UK]Rowley Woman never Vext 9: You give away the sword, and must defend Your selfe with the scabbard.
[UK]‘Mary Tattle-well’ Womens sharpe revenge 177 There he saw wonders [...] Charles Brandons Launce, Ancient Pistolls Sword, [...] Sir John Falstaffs Pistoll.
[UK] ‘The Masquerade Ball’ in Farmer Merry Songs and Ballads (1897) III 235: The sprightly Harlequin, / Exerts his Manly Parts, / And never fails to strike his Sword, / To pierce the Ladies Hearts.
‘The Martin and the Oyster or the Alsatia Amour’ in 18C Collections Online n.p.: Thus out Alsatia Martin blends / His S---d with Fish and Flesh.
[UK] ‘Sodger Laddie’ in Farmer Merry Songs and Ballads (1897) IV 275: The sword I forsook for the sake of the church.
[UK]‘Lustful Peh’ in Fal-Lal Songster in Spedding & Watt (eds) Bawdy Songbooks (2011) III 23: ‘I should like much to know what you hold in your hand?’ / [...] / So he answer’d — ‘Why this is my long sword, my dear, / Which is always unsheathed when the ladies are near’.
[US]Gleaner (Manchester, NH) 20 May n.p.: Had’nt you better go to Captain Smoothee an[d] take an injection [...] Captain Smoothee a commander greatly expirenced in the use of short swords and small arms.
[UK]T. Rowlandson Pretty Little Games (1872) plate ix: His amorous sword of pleasure draws, / Blest instrument in natures cause.
[UK]‘Lais Lovecock’ Bagnio Misc. 33: Each flaming sword was sheathed in its lovely scabbard.
[US]L. Kramer Faggots 321: Think schnitzel, schwantz, sewing machine, slug, spout, sword, tom-tom, wand, wang, water pistol, weener, wienie!, wheezer!, wishbone!, worm!, Ying-Yang!
[Aus]N. Cummins Adventures of the Honey Badger [ebook] VITAL AUSSIE VERNACULAR Penis: 1. beef bayonet 2. a major part of his tackle allowance 3. sword 4. pyjama python 5. rod 6. middle leg 7. rodger.

2. (UK black/gang) a knife.

[UK]T. Thorne (ed.) ‘Drill Slang Glossary’ at Forensic Linguistic Databank 🌐 Sword - knife.

In compounds

sword fight (n.)

1. a primarily male party.

Online Sl. Dict. 🌐 sword fight n 1. a gathering with many more males than females. (‘This party is a sword fight.’).
[Aus]T. Spicer Good Girl Stripped Bare 35: Men wallpaper our screens. In fact, the second-oldest profession could best be described as a sword fight.
[US]J.A. Juarez Brotherhood of Corruption 71: ‘How’s the action tonight, José?’ [...] ‘It’s going on. It started off as a sword fight, but now all the little chickies are out to play’.

2. the sequential (or simultaneous) fellation of two men by the same woman.

[US]D. Waters Heathers [film script] OK, I rarely listen to neanderthals like Kurt Kelly, but he said that he and Ram had a nice little sword fight in your mouth last night.
swordsman (n.) [Williams notes a similar 17C use of fencer]

a male sexual athlete.

[US]W. Burroughs Naked Lunch (1968) 251: Jack the Ripper, Literal Swordsman of the 1890s.
[US]Trimble 5000 Adult Sex Words and Phrases.
R.M. McInerny Seventh Station 305: He was an ass- hound [...] A real swordsman.
J. Sifton Scandalous Stewardess n.p.: I’ll bet he’s one helluva swordsman.
[UK]J. Morton Lowspeak.
[UK]J. Green It 199: Not that I saw myself as a stud in this situation, hardly a swordsman. My self-image is much more the little boy getting lucky.
[US](con. 1970s) G. Pelecanos King Suckerman (1998) 16: Not a stone swordsman like Clay, but not bad.
[UK]Indep. Rev. 23 June 4: Kirk Douglas, quite a swordsman in his day.
[US]N. Green Shooting Dr. Jack (2002) 13: He was [...] a draft horse among fillies, the most improbably successful swordsman in New York City.
[US]J. Ellroy Widespread Panic 159: Meyerhold was a sweltering swordsman. Did he siphon his seed [...] in New York?
Twitter 23 May 🌐 [T]wo young London swordsmen shacked up and enjoying all the swinging 60’s could offer in their fantastic bachelor pad at the Albany.
sword-swallower (n.)

a fellator or fellatrix; thus sword-swallowing n., fellating; swallow (a) sword v., to fellate.

[US]Trimble 5000 Adult Sex Words and Phrases.
[Aus]J. Hibberd White with Wire Wheels (1973) 160: rod: Who was she? mal: A female sword-swallower. rod: I know that. Her name. [...] mal: I don’t remember. I don’t even remember the naughty.
[US]‘Troy Conway’ Cunning Linguist (1973) 21: No sword-swallower, past, present, or future, will ever match the depth and overwhelmingly proper consumption of Damon by Suzette de Pogany.
[US]B. Rodgers Queens’ Vernacular 33: to suck a penis [...] swallow a sword.
[Aus]Tupper & Wortley Aus. Prison Sl. Gloss. 🌐 Sword swallower. One who fellates.
Zane Heat Seekers 🌐 There I was infatuated with what I thought was a prime candidate for The Pussy Eater’s Hall of Fame when all along I was giving all my sweet loving to a booty bandit, a rump wrangler, a sword swallower. No wonder he knew how to eat a pussy so damn good.
[US]T. Udo Vatican Bloodbath 81: Fucken jism-guzzling sword fucken swallowing fucken cross-fucken-dressing fucken ass-fucken-biter!
[US]G. Pelecanos Right As Rain 63: Girl was probably [...] swallowing sword ten times a day just for the right to squat in that shit hole.
[US](con. 1973) C. Stella Johnny Porno 68: Linda lovelace [...] the broad that does the sword-swallowing in the fuck movie.

SE in slang uses

In compounds

sword-eating (adj.)

keen on duels of honour.

[UK]Satirist (London) 8 Jan. 11/3: '[F]rom the well known sword-eating qualities of the little hero, a fatal rencontre has been hourly expected.
sword fighter (n.)

(N.Z. prison) a homosexual.

[NZ]D. Looser Boobslang [U. Canterbury D.Phil. thesis] 182/2: sword-fighter n. a homosexual.
sword-swallower (n.)

(Aus.) one who eats from his knife.

[Aus]Sun (Kalgoorlie) 29 Oct. 6/2: He is always rousing on poor old Plain Bill about using his knife instead of his fork, and declares he will be taken for a sword-swallower.
[Aus]Newcastle Morn. Herald (NSW) 5 Apr. 3/8: The ‘sword swallower’ who negotiates his meal with his knife and the offender who ‘floats’ his spoon in his cup, seem below the contemptuous notice of the critics.
[Aus]Western Mail (Perth) 17 Dec. 12/4: His reputation as a ‘sword swallower’ has never been really challenged in the North. He has never been known to use a fork in his life.
[Aus]Sun (Sydney) 23 Apr. 25/1: It gets on a wife’s nerves to have to sit opposite man at meals who is a sword-swallower and a soup-gargler .
[Aus]Baker Popular Dict. Aus. Sl.
sword-swallowing (n.)

(US) eating.

[US]Van Loan ‘Mister Conley’ in Score by Innings (2004) 427: In our camp the recruits have tables of their own and do their sword-swallowing in a bunch.

In phrases

have the sword (v.) [play on SE wounded but on basis of sense 1 [above] note fucked adj.1 (2)]

(Aus.) to be finished or exhausted, to be irreparably damaged.

[Aus]D. Ireland Burn 99: If I come across that rifle you’ll all be in the reservation so quick it’ll make you giddy. You’ve really had the sword this time.
[Aus]R. Beckett Dinkum Aussie Dict. 28: Had the claw: Something or someone is buggered. Normally used in reference to a piece of machinery which will no longer work as in, ‘Sorry, mate, but your washing machine’s had the bloody claw.’ Pieces of machinery can also be deemed to have had the ‘sword’, ‘Richard’ or ‘Dick’.
[US]Medicine Online ‘Aussiespeak’ 🌐 When something is broken or out of order, we say: Its all screwed up..../ had the dick, had the gong, had the Richard, had the ridgy didge (although that is what we call the fridge!), had the sword.
[Aus]N. Cummins Adventures of the Honey Badger [ebook] VITAL AUSSIE VERNACULAR Tired: 1. Buggered 2. Shagged 3. Had the sword 4. Rooted 5. Clagged out 6. Done and dusted.

In exclamations

be sword!

(US black) relax, be calm.

[US]N.Y. Mag. 28 May 27/1: [black high school slang] ‘Be sword’ [...] means ‘relax’.