Green’s Dictionary of Slang

grape n.1

1. (also grapes, the grape, the grapes) wine, thus cut into the grape, to drink wine.

[UK]Henry VIII Letters n.p.: [Y]e will neuer be so gredy vppon any swete wyne / be the grape neuer so plesaūt / that ye wyll desyre to taste it.
[UK]Marston ‘To Detraction’ Satyres I A3: My spirit is not huft vp with fatte fume / Of slimie Ale, nor Bacchus heating grape.
[UK]G. Wilkins Miseries of an Enforced Marriage Act III: Here’s the pure and neat grape, gentlemen.
[UK]Middleton & Rowley Old Law (1656) IV i: The Sages never drunk better Grape.
[UK] ‘Upon a Surfeit Caught by Drinking Bad Sack’ in Wardroper (1969) 150: Our poet-ape, that do so much impute / unto the grape’s inspirement.
[UK] ‘On a Campaign Miss’ in Playford Pills to Purge Melancholy II 209: She’s Young while she drinks, / ’tis the Grape makes her gay.
[UK] in D’Urfey Pills to Purge Melancholy IV 203: [as prev.] She’s young while she Drinks, / ’tis the Grape makes her gay.
[UK]Harlot’s Progress 54: A grave pious Man of Crape, / After Refreshment from the Grape, / Stood up.
[UK]F. Coventry Hist of Pompey Little I 113: The generous God of the Grape had cast such a Mist over their Understanding, that they were insensible.
[UK]R. King New London Spy 111: We [...] had taken an enlightening drop of the grape.
[UK]Harris’s List of Covent-Garden Ladies 27: Though fond of the grape [she] does not chose to drink more than procures the wished for effect.
[UK]Satirist (London) 22 Jan. 31/3: My tight little frigate, I cannot go on board of you to night. I have been firing grape with a Frenchman, until I am half-seas over.
[US]W.J. Kountz Billy Baxter’s Letters 17: Ordinarily I call the booze clerk by his first name, but when you are cutting into the grape at four dollars per, you always want to say Mr. Bartender.
[US]B. Fisher A. Mutt in Blackbeard Compilation (1977) 65: Attorneys Hash and Shortribs, flirting with a bottle of the grape.
[US]B. Fisher Mutt & Jeff 15 Jan. [synd. cartoon] I bought about $900 worth of grape.
[US]Van Loan ‘Sporting Doctor’ Taking the Count 60: You’ve got to cut into the grape to show you’re a good fellow.
[US]O.O. McIntyre New York Day by Day 19 June [synd. col.] Two sporting men were seated at a table, nearby. They were cutting into the grape.
[US]Ade Hand-made Fables 319: The Male Guests throwing Solid Formation against the Grape.
[US]D. Runyon ‘Madame La Gimp’ Runyon on Broadway (1954) 251: Mr. Conde gets a couple of jolts of the old grape.
[US](con. 1944) J.H. Burns Gallery (1948) 81: No rough edges in your relations with others to be lubricated with the grape.
[Aus]T.A.G. Hungerford Riverslake 71: ‘The grape!’ Murdoch exulted close against Randolph’s ear.
[US]G. Swarthout Where the Boys Are 93: I clue you, nobody can be more fungous than middle-agers on the grape.
[US]A.S. Fleischman Venetian Blonde (2006) 215: He’s on the grape [...] he’s been a wino since he was fourteen.
[US]G. Scott-Heron Vulture (1996) 43: Nissy was a wino, man dedicated to the pursuit of the grape.
[US]E. Folb Runnin’ Down Some Lines 187: There are many vernacular terms for wine — the grapes, the berries, the vine [...] smash.
Notorious B.I.G. ‘Drop the Dough’ 🎵 on Life After Death [album] Pop corks of the best grapes / Make the best CDs and the best tapes.

2. any form of liquor.

[US](con. 1926) G. Fowler Schnozzola 100: The grape flowed.
[UK]M. Shadbolt Among Cinders 76: [of brandy] Great stuff. Nothing to beat the pure grape.
[Aus]Sydney Morn. Herald 7 June 35/5: It doesn’t matter if he’s in the grip of the grape and full as a fairy’s phonebook.

3. (Aus./US black) in pl., haemorrhoids.

[US]Goldin et al. DAUL 86/1: Grapes. Hemorrhoids.
[Aus]Baker Aus. Lang. (2nd edn).
[US]B. Rodgers Queens’ Vernacular 99: grapes any unsightly conglomeration stuck to the anal hairs or found adhering to the anal tissue itself: dingle-berries, venereal warts and hemorrhoids are all classified as grapes.

4. (US prison) an alcoholic.

[US]E. Bunker Animal Factory 14: The wino was snoring lustily, spittle drooling from his toothless mouth. In jail vernacular he was a ‘grape’.
[US]E. Bunker Mr Blue 317: An old wino shaking from age and booze who was having a hard time maintaining his balance while stripping down. [...] ‘Fucking old grape,’ the youth said to the trembling old man.

5. in pl., the female breasts.

[US]E. Folb Runnin’ Down Some Lines 141: There are a number of vernacular terms that refer to a woman’s breasts as big, tasty, touchable, and formidable – grapes, apples.

6. in pl., the testicles.

[UK]J. Baker Walking With Ghosts (2000) 291: I tried to kick him in the grapes.
[US]Simon & Pelecanos ‘Duck and Cover’ Wire ser. 2 ep. 8 [TV script] ‘What d’you know? A pussy that’s got some grapes on him.’ ‘Banana too’.

7. (N.Z. prison) a 30mg morphine sulphate tablet [the tablet is purple].

[NZ]D. Looser ‘Boob Jargon’ in NZEJ 13 32: grape n. 30 milligram morphine sulphate tablets (barbiturate).
[NZ]D. Looser Boobslang [U. Canterbury D.Phil. thesis] 81/1: grape n. a 30mg morphine sulphate tablet.

In compounds

grapehead (n.)

an alcoholic, a wino.

[US]L. Stringer Grand Central Winter (1999) 28: ‘You can get clothes here?’ I asked the weathered grapehead teetering on his feet at the end of the line.

In phrases

grapes of wrath (n.) [sense 1 above + pun on the biblical use + the then-recent publication of John Steinbeck’s novel The Grapes of Wrath (1939)]

(US black) wine.

[US]M.H. Boulware Jive and Sl.

SE in slang uses

In compounds

grape gag (n.) [SE sour grapes + gag n. (1)]

(US) a sarcastic or negative comment.

[US]Nat. Police Gaz. (NY) 8 May 14/3: Zack Phelps got oft the same grape gag that the Louisvilles will be stronger without big California Smith than they will with him.
Secretary’s Report Harvard College Class of 1907 June 170: The old sour grape gag! But, I can honestly say that ‘I done my best’ — and served my country in the only way I was able.
grape-juice (n.) (also grape’s juice, juice of the grape)

wine; also attrib.

[UK]Swift ‘Epistle to Two Friends’ in Chalmers Eng. Poets XI (1810) 511/2: When I left you, I found myself of the grape’s juice sick.
[UK]Belle’s Stratagem 8: I was carried from her house at five this morning, [...] much overloaden [sic] with the juice of the grape.
[UK] ‘Woman’s Dial’ Gentleman’s Spicey Songster 6: So with grape-juice contrived to make their dad drunk / Then each of them got him to open her trunk.
[UK]Sporting Times 10 Mar. 1/4: [He] arrived at the wine merchant’s office, rushed in and slapped down the cheque, which the astonished grape-juice vendor promptly collared.
[UK]Sporting Times 7 Mar. 1/5: He walked into the wine merchant’s office as bold as brass and asked if the purveyor of the juice of the grape could sell him a few cases of Imperial quarts of champagne.
[US]F. Dumont Darkey Dialect Discourses 31: Grape juice is as old as de Garden of Eden whar it was fust brewed.
[US]J. Callahan Man’s Grim Justice 140: I didn’t mind her tossing the ten-dollar-a-bottle grape juice into the cuspidor.
[UK]F. Norman in Lilliput June Norman’s London (1969) 83: Personally this [i.e. 10:00 am] is a bit early in the morning for me to start caning the the grape juice.
[US]A.S. Fleischman Venetian Blonde (2006) 231: I opened the closet and began pouring his grapejuice down the drain.
grape-nut (n.) [the healthiness of the breakfast cereal, Grape-Nuts]

(US campus) one who identifies with the styles and concerns of the Sixties.

[US]Eble Campus Sl. Spring.
grape parfait (n.) [when packaged in purple pills]

(drugs) LSD.

[US] S.N. Pradhan Drug Abuse.
[US] in AS LVII:4 289: When LSD is mixed with other drugs [...] [s]uch mixtures are today called [...] grape parfait.
[US]ONDCP Street Terms 11: Grape parfait — LSD.
grape-stomper (n.) (also grape-squasher) [the viticulture practised in these countries]

any person of Mediterranean origin, e.g. Italian, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Greek.

[US](con. early 1950s) J. Peacock Valhalla 27: Will you tell this superstitious grape squasher that no Mongolians in Korea was seven feet tall.
[US]Maledicta II:1+2 (Summer/Winter) 157: Grape-stomper Applied indiscriminately to those of European Latin extraction – French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italians, and Romanians.
[US]Maledicta VII 27: Italians, also recently, were dubbed grape stomper and earlier but rarely wino.
grapevine (n.)

see separate entry.

In phrases

grape on the business (n.) [? SE phr. sour grapes] (Aus.)

1. a puritan, a ‘kill-joy’.

[Aus]Baker Popular Dict. Aus. Sl.

2. a bore, one who depresses or irritates the company by their presence.

[Aus]L. Glassop We Were the Rats 9: All the girls’ll be going with their boy friends and I don’t want to be a grape on the business.
[Aus]A. Marshall ‘You’re a Character’ in Tell Us About the Turkey, Jo 65: She is a grape on the business on account of having no bloke.
[Aus]J.A. Gunderson Sleuth is Mightier than the Sword 156: Don’t be a grape on the business, Riley! No need to be a drag on cheery company.
grape up (v.)

(US) to be sycophantic.

[US]‘Tom Pendleton’ Iron Orchard (1967) 39: You can win Mister Drum over by your charming personality, which means kissin’ his ass — grapin’ up, as they call it.
have a grape on (v.) (also be a grape on) [? SE sour grapes]

(Aus.) to feel hostile towards someone or something.

[Aus] in A. Marshall These Are My People (1957) 142: I’ve always been a grape on crook meat.
[UK]Partridge DSUE (8th edn) 495: [...] since ca. 1925.
[NZ]McGill Reed Dict. of N.Z. Sl.

In exclamations