Green’s Dictionary of Slang

cup n.

(Aus.) constr. with the, The Melbourne Cup, a classic horse race; thus Cup day, Cup fever.

[[Aus]Bell’s Life in Victoria (Melbourne) 19 Jan. 3/3: Mr. Standish also gave notice of motion that [...] he should move that a race [...] to be called the Melbourne Cup, be run annually at the spring meeting of the club].
[Aus]Argus (Melbourne) 7 Nov. 4/7: [headline} Who Wins The ‘Cup’ Today? [...] [I]nstead of a ‘work of labour and love’ on ‘the Cup’ to be run for to-day, it is truly a work of labour and trepidation to attempt the naming of the most likely animals to show in front this after- noon.
[Aus]Sport (Adelaide) 25 Oct. 8/1: They Say [...] That if he goes to the Sunday rooks, he’ll never arrive at the Cup .
[Aus]J. Byrell Lairs, Urgers & Coat-Tuggers 70: Now, there’ve naturally been some real bump’n’thump Cups since 1861, but none much more roughhouse than this one.
[Aus]J. Byrell Lairs, Urgers & Coat-Tuggers 250: So, right up to Cup Day, Lennie The Loser keeps his little sweeps ticket a close-to-the-tit secret.
[Aus]J. Byrell Lairs, Urgers & Coat-Tuggers 45: Then he comes down with another bout of ‘Cup Fever’.

SE in slang uses

With ref. to drunkenness

In compounds

cupman (n.)

a drunkard.

Lytton Pompeii II Ch. iii: Oh, a friend of mine! a brother cupman, a quiet dog [...] said Burbo.
cup-shaken (adj.) (also cup-sprung, cup-stricken)


[UK]J. Taylor ‘An Armado’ in Works (1869) I 83: When any of them are wounded, pot-shot, jug-bitten or cup-shaken.
[UK]Gent.’s Mag. 559: To express the condition of an Honest Fellow, and no Flincher, under the Effects of good Fellowship, it is said that he is [...] 18 Cup-stricken, 19 Cup-sprung.
cupshot (adj.) (also cupshotten) [fig. shot by one’s consumption of cups; cit. 1848 is mis-sp.]


[UK]J. Heywood Proverbs I Ch. xi: He was, (as he will be), somewhat cupshotten.
[UK]L. Lemnius The touchstone of complexions n.p.: [T]hese good fellowes vnder colour of being cupshot & heauy headed.
[UK] in W. Harrison Description of England 152: It may be that diuers of them liuing at home, with hard and pinching diet, small drinke, and some of them hauing scarce inough of that, are soonest ouertaken when they come vnto such bankets; howbeit they take it generallie as no small disgrace if they happen to be cupshotten.
[UK]L. Lemnius An herbal for the Bible 36: [Oil] withstandeth dronkennes, and will keepe a man that he shall not hastilie or quickly be ouertaken and cupshot.
[UK]R. Finch The epiphanie of the church n.p.: [T]their cupshot doctrine brawled in their conuenticles, and whispered in corners [...] hath brought [...] the people to a wonderfull loosenesse of liuing.
[UK]H. Smith Foure sermons n.p.: Some go about to accuse Noah because hee was an olde man, and therefore might soone be taken cupshot.
[UK]W. Parry the trauels of sir Anthony Sherley Knight 7: [C]up shot companions, tripping their nimble wittes with quicke and subtile wine.
[UK]T. Gainsford The secretaries studie 65: To his miserable and most wretched sonne, R.B. / Thou cupshot, stain to my name, & torture to my thoughts.
[UK]R. Tisdale The lavvyers philosophy n.p.: [W]e doe but grope, and feele, / Like cupshot Bacchinals, that wandring reele / About the roome, to finde a burning Candle.
Fuller Holy War Bk III Ch. xvi: The spring-tide of their mirth so drowned their souls that the Turks coming in upon them cut every one of their throats [...] and quickly they were stabbed with the sword that were cup-shot before .
[UK]T. Taylor The second part of the theatre of Gods ivdgments 106: Cleomenes the Lacedemonian, stabb’d himself with his knife when he was extreamely cup-shot.
[UK]Mercurius Fumigosus 47 I8–25 Apr. 375: These cup-shot blades of Bacchus.
A general collection of discourses of the virtuosi of France [trans.] 396: For [wine] so cheers and fortifies the heart that so long as a man is cup-shot he is never invaded by the Pestilence, the Wine being his antidote and preservative.
[Ire]Head Canting Academy (2nd edn) n.p.: No man ought to call a Good-fellow a Drunkard; but [...] he may without a forfeit say he is [...] cup shot.
Y. van Diemerbroeck The anatomy of human bodies 54: [C]oming home about Midnight well Cup-shot, without any body to help him to Bed, [he] went into his Chamber.
[UK]B.E. Dict. Canting Crew.
[UK] ‘The Art of Drinking’ in Wit’s Cabinet 138: He is flaw’d, fluster’d, Cup-shot.
[UK]New Canting Dict.
[UK]Bailey Universal Etym. Eng. Dict.
[UK]B.M. Carew Life and Adventures.
[UK]Grose Classical Dict. of the Vulgar Tongue.
[UK]G. Andrewes Dict. Sl. and Cant.
[UK]Lex. Balatronicum.
[UK]Egan Grose’s Classical Dict. of the Vulgar Tongue.
[UK]G. Kent Modern Flash Dict. n.p.: Cup-shot, very drunk.
[UK]Flash Dict. in Sinks of London Laid Open 104/1: Cup-hot [sic], very drunk.
[UK]E. de la Bédollière Londres et les Anglais 313/2: cup shot, [...] ivre.
[US]Trumble Sl. Dict. (1890).
[Aus]Crowe Aus. Sl. Dict. 21: Cupshot, drunk.

In phrases

cup too low, a [the person needs another cup to become more loquacious]

describing someone who remains silent in company.

[UK]B.E. Dict. Canting Crew.
[UK]M.P. Andrews Better Late than Never 10: I was sadly ’fraid it would make you melancholy; and they tell me you’re already a cup too low.

General uses

In compounds

cup and can (n.) [a cup is filled from a can; thus one friend nourishes the other]

great friends.

[UK]B.E. Dict. Canting Crew n.p.: As great as Cup and Cann; or as great as two Inkle-makers.
[UK]Swift Polite Conversation 88: Miss, I hear that you and Lady Couplers, are as great as Cup, and Can.
cup and saucer (n.)

1. (N.Z. prison) a pair of close friends.

[NZ]D. Looser Boobslang [U. Canterbury D.Phil. thesis] 50/1: cup and saucer n. 1 two inmates who are very good friends and spend much of their time together.

2. see cup and saucer

cup of tea (n.) (also cup and saucer) [? no more than the length of time it takes to drink one]

(N.Z. prison) a short sentence.

[NZ]D. Looser Boobslang [U. Canterbury D.Phil. thesis] 50/1: cup of tea n. 1 a short prison sentence, specifically three months in length [...] cup and saucer n. a short sentence.
cup-tosser (n.)

1. a juggler.

[UK]Brewer Dict. of Phrase and Fable.

2. a fortune-teller who uses tea leaves (occas. coffee grounds) as a medium of prediction.

[Aus]Sydney Morn. Herald 29 Dec. 1/4: [advert] Specimen plates of the Society's Prize, [...] ‘The Blind Girl at the Holy Well,’ and ‘Cup Tossing,’ may be seen, and every information obtained, at W.A. Coleman’s Book and Stationery warehouse.
[Aus]Sth Aus. Register (Adelaide) 19 Sept. 2/5: ‘The most jury-packing, road-jobbing, paper-reading, buckeen-breeding, sea-bathing, car driving, cockle-eating, cup-tossing, tea-and-whisky drinking, ribbon-lodging, orange-lodging, fighting, shouting, landlord-hooting, pig-jobbingest, potato-lovingest, good-for-nothingest nation on the face of the universal globe’.
[UK]Hotten Sl. Dict.
[UK]Sl. Dict.
Freeman’s Jrnl (Sydney) 18 Aug. 4/2: ‘Bad cess to the thief! that a cup-tosser tould him he'd die of stoppage of breath’.
Kilmore Free Press (Vic.) 20 Jan. 1/5: His aunt Oonnagh the cup tossed, shouted ‘Caubeen, ye fool, don’t be a gommock, and part with your stick, for you’ll require it before divel a long’.
[Aus]Crowe Aus. Sl. Dict. 21: Cup Tosser, one who tells fortunes from the grounds in tea-cups, etc.
[Ire]L. Mackay My Oul’ Town 72: Sure, everybody knows what takes the lasses to star-gazers, cup-tossers, an’ the like; it’s just to know if they will get husbands!
[US]A.J. Pollock Und. Speaks.