Green’s Dictionary of Slang

witter v.

[? Scot. whitter, to twitter]

to chatter on pointlessly, thus n. witter, meaningless chatter.

[UK]N. Smith Gumshoe (1998) 121: ‘Stop wittering, lad,’ he said wearily.
W. Boyd Good Man in Africa 164: What is he wittering on about? Morgan thought.
[UK]D. Jarman diary 12 June Smiling in Slow Motion (2000) 144: Tony Peake wonderful company and listened to me ‘wittering on.’.
[UK]N. Griffiths Grits 183: Wuh laugh. An then just witter on about all kinds uv shit.
S. Lewis Bad Traffic 10: [A] middle-aged woman addressed him in a witter as meaningless as birdsong.