Green’s Dictionary of Slang

stroker n.

[stroke v.1 (2)]

a masturbator; also fig. use, a loser.

[US]A. Goldman Lenny Bruce 123: Arty dance acts [...] got to be too goddamned much for the strokers in the third row with the newspapers over their joints.
[Aus]‘Thommo’ Dict. Aus. Swearing & Sex Sayings 126: STROKER — Similar to a strummer but needs an operation to remove both hands from his cock.
[UK](con. 1960s) A. Frewin London Blues 68: Charlie describes these books as strokers’ manuals, wankers’ digests and ‘handbooks for geezers who want the solution in their fists’.
[US]Eble Campus Sl. Apr. 8: stroker – male who tries hard to be successful with women but fails.