nip v.1
1. (UK Und.) to cut a purse or pick a pocket.
Quip for an Upstart Courtier G3: It is reported you can lift or nip a boung like a quire Coue if you want pence. | ||
Sir John Oldcastle V ii: Come, for Lancashire: we must nip the bung for these crowns. | ||
Martin Mark-all 58: He made among other, these Statutes among them, that whosoeuer he be, that being borne and bred vp in the trade of maunding, nipping and foisting for the space of tenne years, and hath, not the right dexterity in his fingers to picke a pocket, but is faine to cloy his fellowes, and cowarly to demand scrappage. | ||
Gypsies Metamorphosed 4: Therefore, till [...] he be able to beate it on the hard hoofe, to the ben bowse, or the stauling Ken, to nip a Jan, and cly the iarke; ’tis thought fitt he marche in the Infants equipage. | ||
Eng. Villainies (8th edn) O: If we niggle or mill a Bowsing Ken, Or nip a Boung that hath a Win . | Canting Song in||
Cleivelandi Vindiciae (1677) 99: He is in the Inquisition of the Purse an Aunthentick Gyspsie, that nips your bung with a canting Ordinance . | ||
Eng. Rogue I 40: One of our diving Comrades pickt their pockets, or with a short sharp knife, and a horn on the thumb nipt their bungs. | ||
Proc. Old Bailey 7 July n.p.: It was said, that some of the Diving Gang should declare, That they would go no more to Church, because many of them had had such ill there of late, but henceforth they would haunt the Quakers Meetings, and nip their things without controul. | ||
Academy of Armory Ch. iii item 68c: Canting Terms used by Beggars, Vagabonds, Cheaters, Cripples and Bedlams. [...] Nip, cut. | ||
Memoirs (1714) 13: Nip, to Pick. | ||
Hist. of Highwaymen &c. 59: They endeavour’d to nip his Bung, pick his Pocket. | ||
Poor Robin n.p.: Meanwhile the cut-purse in the throng, / Hath a fair means to nyp a bung [F&H]. | ||
Truth (Sydney) 27 Jan. 1/8: When the starving poor ‘nip’ such purses, they are crushed [...] by the overwhelming discovery that the thing contains nothing but a crumpled tram-ticket. | ||
Boss 96: As fly a dip as ever nipped a watch or copped a leather. | ||
Variety Stage Eng. Plays 🌐 When you’re out to do some dipping, / Leather stripping, pocket nipping. | ‘Types’
2. (UK Und.) to arrest.
Damon and Pithias (1571) Bii: I go into the Cittie some knaues to nip. | ||
Belman of London H3: The Under-keepers of Newgate [...] haue a tricke to get a warrant, into which they put the names of nine or ten of the most notorious Foists and Nips that are free of their Gaole (which they call Whittington Colledge,) and those Nips or Foists doe the Jaylors nip. | ||
Q. Horatius Flaccus (1640) 55: Here’s no Justice Lippus / Will seeke for to nip us / In Crampring, or Cippus. | Masque of the Gipsies in||
Works (1869) III 10: I haue heard some Serieants haue beene mild, / And vs’d their Prisoner like a Christians child; / Nip’d him in priuate. | Brood of Cormorants in||
Witts Recreations ‘Fancies & Fantasticks’ No. 126: Here’s no Justice Lippus / Will seek for to nip us, / In Cramp-ring or Cippus. | ||
Nat. Police Gaz. (NY) 7 Jan. 7/3: Two new swindlers [...] got ‘nipped’ on their first operation . | ||
Nat. Police Gaz. (NY) 8 Feb. 2/2: ‘I made haste to get out of town. But they nipped me afterward, and it cost me $1,800 to get out of the scrape’. | ||
Such is Life 39: We were sent from the station expressly to nip you. | ||
Shorty McCabe 70: Say, you’d thought the Boss had been nipped with the goods on. | ||
Adventures of Jimmie Dale (1918) I viii: We’re nipped—de lot of us! | ||
White Moll 34: The police, or anybody else, aren’t to know anything about it, because then they’d nip my friends. See? | ||
Put on the Spot 34: I’ll go out and nip her myself—in person. | ||
Double-Action Gang June 🌐 Not to make a horse’s neck of the God damn feds [...] if they’re screwballs enough to try to nip me. | ‘Revolt of the Damned’||
DAUL 145/2: Nip. (Rare) To arrest. | et al.||
Get Your Ass in the Water (1974) 85: He nipped me by my coatsleeve and lamped me with a wicked eye. |
3. to cheat, to take advantage of.
Eng. Villainies (9th edn) n.p.: Nap, Nip, to Cheat. | Canters Dict. in||
Lives of Most Notorious Highway-men, etc. (1926) II [as cit. 1648]. | ||
in Variety 8 Jan. 123: Suckers wouldn’t be nipped [...] if they weren’t trying to beat some game themselves [HDAS]. | ||
Amer. Thes. Sl. |
4. to steal (from), to snatch, to shoplift.
‘The Thief-Ketcher’s Song’ Canting Academy (1674) 145: The twelfth a Trapan, if a Cull he does meet, / He nips all his Cole, and turns him i’th’street. | ||
Dict. Canting Crew n.p.: Nip [...] to Pinch or Sharp any thing. | ||
‘Black Procession’ in Musa Pedestris (1896) 38: The twelfth is a beau-trap, if a cull he does meet, He nips all his cole, and turns him into the street. | ||
New Canting Dict. [as cit. c.1698]. | ||
Scotch Proverbs (Jamieson) 87: Yet was set off frae the oon for nipping the pyes [F&H]. | ||
, , , | Universal Etym. Eng. Dict. [as cit. c.1698]. | |
Crim.-Con. Gaz. 24 Nov. 106/1: He then throws his lacing around them and eventually nipps them of their sixpenny tickets. | ||
Bell’s Penny Dispatch 17 Apr. 4/2: [H]e smiled, and, unseen, gave us the wink [...] ‘I thought it would be queer if they could nip him so sweet as that,’ said Curtis. | ||
, , | Sl. Dict. | |
(con. c.1840) Tom Sawyer 256: Whoever nipped the whiskey in No. 2, nipped the money, too, I reckon. | ||
Lantern (N.O.) 16 Apr. 2: The car drivers on the Magazine line nip more fares. | ||
Aus. Sl. Dict. 53: Nip, [...] to steal. | ||
Boss 262: W’en one of ’em nipped a super or a rock, an’ wanted d’ quick dough, he brought it to me fadder, who chucked down d’ stuff an’ no questions asked. | ||
Sydney Sportsman (Surry Hills, NSW) 7 Sept. 3/5: [A] bloke named ‘Yumpy Bill’ was quodded, he being suspected. of having ‘nipped a nag’. | ||
Dock Rats of N.Y. (2006) 18: At the same time she ‘nipped’ a letter which the man dropped from his jacket, and thus got down on the whole business. | ||
Keys to Crookdom 45: These men become so expert at nipping stones they can cut one from the pin without looking. | ||
Nine Tailors (1984) 279: I just nipped the keys off the nail by the door. | ||
Criminal Sl. (rev. edn). | ||
Und. Nights 11: Sapphire Harris swears he’s even nipped the diamond out of a Begum’s nose. |
5. (US) to shoot someone.
Harper’s Monthly June 11: If I’d had a six-shooter [...] they’d a carried away the fellow that nipped Jack! |
6. (US) to defeat.
Major in Wash. City 67: I got nipped at poker agin yesterday evenin’. | ||
Amer. Thes. Sl. |
7. (US Und.) to obtain, to get hold of.
[ | O per se O O3: This cuffin, getting glimmer / I’ th’ prat, so cleymed his jockey, / The nab was queer, the bube him nipped]. | Canting Song|
Dock Rats of N.Y. 🌐 Ch. xxxiv: I’ve got some valuable information—some ‘tips’ that Vance will pay big money to ‘nip’. | ||
Bottom Dogs 228: He was to start hitchin’ up at two-thirty and thought he’d nip a little sleep till then. |
8. of a man, to have sexual intercourse.
Le Slang. |
9. (Aus./N.Z.) to borrow, to cadge, to wheedle (money) out of.
N.Z. Truth 21 June 1/7: He’ll nip you mornin’, noon and night . | ||
(con. WWI) Gloss. Sl. [...] in the A.I.F. 1921–1924 (rev. t/s) n.p.: nip. To be[g] or borrow. | ||
Riverslake 172: He had tried to nip Zigfeld for five shillings and been firmly refused. | ||
Inside the C.I.D. 35: ‘That you, guv’nor?’ said the voice of the man who had ‘nipped’ me for five shilings. | ||
Only Fools and Horses [TV script] Well why don’t you nip Del for a few quid? | ‘Thicker than Water’
10. (US black) to slash with a knife.
N.Y. Amsterdam Star-News 9 Aug. 13: Nipping the thinkbox straight up and down — Slicing the head with a knife that way. |
11. (US black) to scratch to give a superficial wound.
Jailhouse Jargon and Street Sl. [unpub. ms.]. |
12. (Irish/Scot.) to pick up (a woman).
Patter 49: To nip a wee burd is one way of saying pick up a girl. | ||
Miseducation of Ross O’Carroll-Kelly (2004) 77: Turns out, roysh, he nipped her in Annabel’s last Friday night. |
13. (Scot.) to pet, to neck.
Young Team 40: A go in slowly n she tilts hur heed the right way. We’re nippin like fuck in the back seat. |
In phrases
(UK Und.) to cut a purse.
Caveat for Common Cursetours in Viles & Furnivall (1907) 84: To nyp a boung to cut a pursse. | ||
Quip for an Upstart Courtier in Hindley Old Book Collector’s Misc. (1871) 75: You can lift, or nip a boung, like a Quire Cove. | ||
Lanthorne and Candle-Light Ch. 1: If we niggle, or mill a bowsing Ken, / Or nip a boung that has but a win. | ||
Roaring Girle V i: Ben mort, shall you and I heave a bough, mill a ken, or nip a bung. | ||
London Chanticleers i: I mean to be as perfect a pick pocket, as good as ever nipped the judge’s bung while he was condemning him [F&H]. | ||
Eng. Villainies (9th edn) . | ||
Hey for Honesty III i: I’ll stand the pad or mill, the church’s deneir. Nip bungs, dupp gibbers leager, louse and bouse. | ||
Catterpillers of this Nation Anatomized 4: Before they nib [sic] a bung they jog the pocket. | ||
Eng. Rogue 40: One of our diving Comrades pickt their pockets, or with a short sharp knife, and a horn on the thumb nipt their bungs. | ||
New Academy of Complements 213: Then in the throng, / I nip his Bung. | ||
Maronides (1678) VI 146: Cut purses / They nipp your bungs for coyn. | ||
Eng. Rogue IV 152: Which Arts are divided into that of High-Padding, Low-Padding, Cloy-Filing, Bung-Nipping, Prancers Prigging, Duds-Lifting, Rhum-Napping, Cove-Cuffing, Mort-Trapping, Stamp-Flashing, Ken-Milling, Jerk the Naskin. | ||
Newgate Calendar I (1926) 291: ‘Now,’ saith he, ‘that thou art entered into our fraternity, thou must not scruple to act any villainies which thou shalt be able to perform, whether it be to nip a bung, bite the Peter Cloy, [...] or to cloy a mish from the crack man’s.’. | in||
‘The Vagabond’ in Merry Drollery Compleat (1875) 205: Then in the throng I’ll nip a bung. | ||
Hell Upon Earth 5: Bien weder Rumvil, and nip a Bung. | ||
Lives of Most Notorious Highway-men, etc. (1926) II. | ||
New Canting Dict. n.p.: Nip-a-bung, c. to cut a Purse. | ||
Hist. of Highwaymen &c. 105: [as cit. 1684]. | ||
, , , | Universal Etym. Eng. Dict. [as cit. 1725]. | |
Scoundrel’s Dict. 18: To cut a Purse – Nip the bung. |
(Aus./N.Z.) to cadge from.
Digger Dialects 35: nip — To cadge (or ‘Put the nips in’). | ||
(con. WWI) Sl. Today and Yesterday 287: Joe. I put the nips into the fellow in charge for a feed. | in Partridge||
Press (Canterbury) 2 Apr. 18: To ‘put the nips in’ and ‘the acid on’ are clear enough. | ||
Lucky Palmer 230: You can’t put the nips into old Alf. He’s got death adders in his pockets. | ||
Come in Spinner (1960) 337: Kim reckoned when Aunt Annie answered the phone she sounded as though she expected you to put in the nips for a fiver. | ||
Call Me When the Cross Turns Over (1958) 136: In the pub. Put the nips into me for a tenner. | ||
Odd Spot of Bother 114: It’s a wonder some of the banks and insurance companies haven’t been putting the nips into you to invest in some of their capers. | ||
(con. 1930s) ‘Keep Moving’ 48: Parsons, priests, doctors, lawyers and professional people [...] were legitimate prey, and we had no scruples about ‘putting the nips’ into them. | ||
Dict. of Kiwi Sl. 89/2: put the nips in/squeeze on seek to extract money or a favour. | ||
🌐 Hey – perhaps I should go over Remmers way, I might even be able to get my nips into someone rich over there, aye? | posting on 4 Feb. on
SE in slang uses
In compounds
a tailor.
Sl. and Its Analogues. |
(Scot.) a teacher.
Sl. and Its Analogues. |
a tailor.
Confused Characters (1860) 58: Though her nimble nipshred never meddles with the garments [OED]. |
In phrases
(US campus) to stop something [? similar image to nip it off! below].
Campus Sl. Nov. 4: nip it – stop. | ||
🌐 Don’t allow them to spend precious work hours complaining to co-workers and stirring up further unrest. If you become aware of such activity, do what Barney Fife says – ‘Nip it, nip it, nip it!’. | ‘Six Management Tips for Trying Economic Times’ WorkEthicWizard Pt I
(Aus.) hurry up!
Aus. Vulgarisms [t/s] 11: nip it off: Hurry up! (A term with excretory origins). |