Green’s Dictionary of Slang

terry toon n.

[rhy. sl. ]

1. (Aus.) a pimp, one who lives off a prostitute [hoon n. (1)].

[Aus]R. Aven-Bray Ridgey-Didge Oz Jack Lang 47: Terry Toon (Hoon) Bludger off prostitutes.
[Aus]Tupper & Wortley Aus. Prison Sl. Gloss. 🌐 Terrytoon. 1. Rhyming slang for ‘hoon.’ Terrytoon is a cartoon series and so the term also has a debunking function.

2. (Aus. prison) a derog. term for a black person [coon n. (4)].

[Aus]Tupper & Wortley Aus. Prison Sl. Gloss. 🌐 Terrytoon. 2. Rhyming slang for coon (derogatory term for a coloured person).