Green’s Dictionary of Slang

boar n.1

[play on hog n. (1a)]

(UK Und.) a shilling.

[UK]Scoundrel’s Dict. 19: A Shilling – Boar or Hog.

SE in slang uses

In compounds

boar pussy (n.) [SE boar, generic for a male animal + pussy n. (1)]

(US prison) homosexual anal intercourse.

[US](con. 1950s) A. Sample Racehoss 163: You [...] ack lak you ain’ never had no boar pussy before [HDAS].
boar’s nest (n.) [SE nest; note the bar in the TV series The Dukes of Hazzard, set in America’s bootlegging country, which was named the Boar’s Nest, although it appeared to entertain women customers]

1. (US) anywhere, orig. a logging or mining camp, where only men live or only men are admitted.

[US]O. Wister diary 21 Feb. in Wister Owen Wister Out West (1958) 152: The Bunk House.

2. an untidy room or house.

[US]W.R. Burnett Quick Brown Fox 222: ‘You should see the joint where I live. Everything upside down. Shirts and towels all over the place. A regular boar’s nest’.
[NZ]McGill Reed Dict. of N.Z. Sl. 27: boar’s nest. A mess – Rhyming slang.

3. (Can.) in fig. use, something insufficiently sorted or arranged.

Can. Parlty Debates 24 27864: It came to committee with a boar’s nest of a Bill on which it had not done its homework, and now it is asking the Chair and the Opposition Parties to sit back and correct its errors of omission and commission.