Green’s Dictionary of Slang

pussy n.

[SE pussy, an affectionate name for a cat]

1. (also pussey, pussie) the vagina; also attrib.

[UK] in D’Urfey (1719) Pills to Purge Melancholy II 82: As fleet as my Feet, / Could convey me I sped, / To Johnny who many / Times Pussey had fed.
[UK] ‘Cat’ [broadsheet ballad] A desperate battle between them [i.e. two copulating lovers] was fought / And John kept knocking poor pussy about.
[UK]Sam Sly 3 Mar. 2/3: Tom H—e, Thomas F—s, and William Wr—t, not to be so fond of playing ‘pussy’ so much with the gals.
[UK] ‘Lady Pokingham’ in Pearl 1 July 19: Where’s your hand? here, put it there; can’t you feel the hair just beginning to grow on my pussey?
[UK]‘Walter’ My Secret Life (1966) V 1050: Sure and ye’ll say ye niver seed such a pussy as moine.
[US]‘Bob Sterling’ Town-Bull 113: ‘How is Pussey?’ [...] ‘Pussey is hot [...] She wants stroking’.
[UK]Sheaves from an Old Escritoire 49: When her pussie had been worked to a certain pitch, the girl [...] would squirt jets of perfumed water into the burning cunt.
[UK]Crissie 109: ‘Hillo, Criss, give us a kiss! How’s yer pussy after last night?’.
[UK]Lustful Memoirs of a Young and Passionated Girl 20: No, you are not old enough nor large enough now, but it won’t be long [...] before your pussy will be able to take in one as big as that.
[US] in P. Smith Letter from My Father (1978) 38: Nan’s cunt was the first pussy that I ever had my fingers in.
[US]‘J.M. Hall’ Anecdota Americana I 137: I put his hand on my pussy, and he got up and washed himself!
H. Roy ‘My Girl’s Pussy’ 🎵 I stroke it every chance I get, it’s my girl’s pussy. / It’s never dirty, always clean, it’s the best I’ve ever seen — is my girl’s pussy.
[US]H. Miller Tropic of Cancer (1963) 43: She commenced rubbing her pussy affectionately, stroking it with her two hands.
[US]Mezzrow & Wolfe Really the Blues 85: The cash customers were hotter than a pussy with the pox.
[UK]Nunnery versus Fuckery 24: Over-joyed by the sensations that the red-head’s little pussy was causing to shoot up and down his sensitive prick-shaft.
[Aus]D. Niland Big Smoke 162: Who’s got the lips I love to kiss and the pussy I love to tickle!
[US]R. Abrahams Deep Down In The Jungle 51: I hate to talk about your mother, / She’s a good old soul. / She’s got a ten-ton pussy / And a rubber asshole.
[US]E. Bunker No Beast So Fierce 8: My pussy’s so long I use it for a jump rope.
[WI]S. Selvon Moses Ascending (1984) 21: I hadn’t raised a black pussy since I was in England, being that white ones were more available.
[Oth]D. Marechera House of Hunger (2013) [ebook] ‘Of course it’s another thing when a man is starving for pussy’.
[WI](con. 1950s) M. Thelwell Harder They Come 112: You can’ done pussy, so don’t mek it rule you.
[UK]P. Bailey An Eng. Madam 72: He tried fingering my pussy, very gentle like.
[Aus]R.G. Barrett Godson 31: Poking a pussy in my face is like giving Popeye spinach’.
[US]S. King Dolores Claiborne 98: Has he had his penis into you, Selena? Has he had it in your pussy?
[US]P. Beatty White Boy Shuffle 6: Passing mashed potatoes and photos of pussy lesions around the table.
[UK]R. Antoni Grandmother’s Erotic Folktales 185: Miss Dorothy went to the river to bathe / And Mr Catfish made a raid! [...] Miss Dorothy bawled, ‘Oh my! Oh me! / Look, Mr Catfish is nibbling me pussy!’.
[US] (refs. to 1920s–30s) N. Tosches Where Dead Voices Gather (ms.) 147: Speaking of early black vocal groups, slang terms for the female genitalia or vagina, and errant pullulations in country music, mention might here be made of the Old South Quartette’s ‘Pussy Cat Rag’ of 1928 [...] From there, it was not far to Bo Chatman’s 1931 ‘Pussy Cat Blues.’ The leap to country music came with a Western-swing recording called ‘Pussy, Pussy, Pussy,’ recorded in 1939 by the Light Crust Doughboys.
[Aus]L. Redhead Peepshow [ebook] The glossy paper had been shredded across her neck, boobs and pussy.
[UK]Jade LB Keisha the Sket (2021) 27: He slid his 2 fingaz in ma pussy.
[UK]R. Antoni Carnival 231: Listen here. You ain’t the first smooth-talking nigger to wet he prick with a little white pussy.
[US]A. Steinberg Running the Books 55: You fucking cunt ass ho, you got the stinkiest damn pussy in this whole place.
[US]P. Beatty Sellout (2016) 230: Women of all creeds [and] colors [...] have to suffer through their partners humping them at two miles a minute and yelling ‘Who owns the pussy?’.
[Ire]L. McInerney Blood Miracles : Pussy’s just that fucking significant, is that it?
[WI]Mavado ‘Big Bumpa Gal’ 🎵 If you know your pum-pum clean [...] your pussy good, your body tight.
Cardi B ‘WAP’ 🎵 Bring a bucket and a mop for this wet-ass pussy / Give me everything you got for this wet-ass pussy.
[UK]J. Meades Empty Wigs (t/s) 293: In those days pussies weren’t shaved.

2. a (young) woman.

[[UK]P. Stubbes Anatomie of Abuses 55: He hath his pretie Pussie to huggle withall].
[UK]Trollope Dr. Thorne 56: You must have dear little pussy too. [...] Pussy was the youngest Miss Gresham.
[UK]H. Kingsley Hillyars and Burtons (1870) 81: How’s pussy? I was sorry for the old girl getting nabbed.
F. Locker Mabel n.p.: My jealous Pussy cut up rough / The day before I bought her muff / With sable trimming [F&H].
[US]Larry Chittenden ‘The Cowboys’ Christmas Ball’ in Ranch Verses 16: Purr ’round yer gentle pussies, neow rope ’em! Balance all!
[Aus]Sport (Adelaide) 23 Aug. 9/3: Jack F says when he gets his new suit he will show the boys the way to catch tarts. You could not catch pussy after last Monday night, Jacky .
[US]N. Algren Somebody in Boots 110: Y’all know that, pussy?
[UK]J. Gosling Ghost Squad 87: When a crook speaks about ‘the pussies’ he’s talking about furs — or women. They go together.
[US]D.R. Pollock Devil All the Time 136: Matson liked to think of himself as the school cock-hound, was always bragging about the pussy he picked up.
Grizzle ‘Mandem Salute’ 🎵 See the pussy on the back doors getting slap, slap slap slap.
[Scot]G. Armstrong Young Team 102: ‘A’m ir a dug! Always chasin pussies’.

3. the female pubic hair.

[UK]‘Walter’ My Secret Life (1966) II 222: I had seen the girl’s virgin cunt, and recollect the look of pussy, belly, thighs and slit.
[UK]School Life in Paris 14: ‘Dkd you ever see such big voluptuous thighs?’ ‘Ah! but look at the “pussie” in between them!’.
[US]J. Wambaugh Secrets of Harry Bright (1986) 145: ‘I used to date a girl with a pussy like that!’ ‘Green?’ said the club pro. ‘Velvet,’ said Otto.
[UK]G. Iles Turning Angel 277: They all shave their pussies.

4. (also puss) the cat-o’-nine-tails.

[US]‘Frederick Benton Williams’ (H.E. Hamblen) On Many Seas 226: He could have gloried in seeing the alternate white and red streaks rise on the paternal back in response to ‘Pussy’s’ gentle caresses.
[Aus]Townsville Dly Bulletin (Qld) 27 Aug. 3/3: Convicts do not refer to the cat o' nine tails. They are ‘sent down for a dose of Pussy’.
[Ire]J. Phelan Letters from the Big House 37: Six with the pussy I had that time.
[UK]J. Morton Lowspeak 116: Puss – the cat o’nine tails; a flogging.

5. a gentle, kind person.

[[UK]Paul Pry 5 Mar. 5/1: Mr. W. W—n, the Wellclose square pussey, not to visit the Blakeney's Head so often, but to think more of the young woman in St. Luke’s].
[US]S. Lewis Arrowsmith 64: You ought to hear some of the docs that are the sweetest old pussies with their patients – the way they bawl out the nurses.
[SA]Mail & Guardian 13 Apr. 🌐 Mike Tyson. Once described as ‘the baddest man on the planet’, he now says he is a ‘pussy’.

6. an old woman, usu. a spinster, who is inquisitive and meddling.

[Aus]Truth (Melbourne) 10 Jan. 6/3: That cheap philanthropy [...] pursued by all the purse-proud Pecksniffian pussies of the Commonwealth.
[US]S. Lewis Main Street (1921) 124: Mrs. Westlake, wife of the veteran physician, marched into Carol’s living-room like an amiable old pussy.
[UK]A. Christie Murder Is Announced (1958) 32: Don’t you despise the old Pussies in this village of yours, my boy?
[US]J. Wambaugh Glitter Dome (1982) 170: Gibson Hand was irritated because a bunch of celebrity pussies were trying to put his favorite newspaper, The National Enquirer, out of business.
[UK]W. Trevor Fools of Fortune 145: ‘Foul old pussy,’ Cynthia said.

7. a general term for women in pl. or a woman/vagina as representing sex; thus sexual intercourse itself (uses are often indistinguishable); also attrib.

[US]J. Weidman I Can Get It For You Wholesale 48: I wouldn’t miss a second of this for all the pussy in Paris.
[US] in G. Legman Limerick (1953) 215: [They] built a world-circling pussy cartel.
[WI]S. Selvon Lonely Londoners 100: Boy, it have bags of white pussy in London.
[US]H.S. Thompson Hell’s Angels (1967) 24: I wasn’t hurtin’ for pussy anyway. [Ibid.] 200: The new pussy would dance a bit, drink a few beers, then roar off into the night with her Shane.
[US]D. Jenkins Semi-Tough 12: I believe a cat could hang around with you and get hisself some white pussy.
[SA]J. Matthews The Park and Other Stories (1983) 21: ‘Dose whities a case,’ Sly said sourly [...] ‘Yah. Dey come looking forra black pussy.’.
[US]A. Brooke Last Toke 9: New York full of pussy givin’ itself away fo’ drinks an’ a meal.
[US]C. White Life and Times of Little Richard 152: Gloria says she was the first one that ever gave Richard some pussy.
[US](con. early 1950s) J. Ellroy L.A. Confidential 124: Let’s talk about pussy. Did you get laid last night?
[US]Mack 10 ‘Based on a True Story’ 🎵 If people out there, not hip to the fact / Strawberry is a girl, sellin pussy for crack.
[Aus](con. 1964-65) B. Thorpe Sex and Thugs and Rock ’n’ Roll 134: She saved her love pussy for her man. The Johns were biz and didn’t count as sex.
[UK]Observer Rev. 10 Oct. 13: Endless discussions about ‘pussy’ and companionable sessions ogling photos of women having sex with pigs.
[US](con. 1975–6) E. Little Steel Toes 19: You know I’m state-raised [...] when the fuck am I supposed to of had any pussy.
[Aus]M.B. ‘Chopper’ Read Chopper 3 34: I manage to pull more pussy than a Chinese restaurant.
[UK]K. Richards Life Dr. Bill was there [...] primarily for the pussy: .
[US]S.A. Crosby Blacktop Wasteland 1: ‘Y’all might as well go on back home to your ugly wives and try and get some Tuesday night pussy’.

8. (Aus.) a rabbit.

[Aus]X. Herbert Capricornia (1939) 425: You couldn’t shoot pussy.
[Aus]Baker Popular Dict. Aus. Sl. 58: Pussy, a rabbit.

9. a fur garment; thus pussy-hoisting, stealing furs; pussy mob, a gang of fur thieves; pussy-shop, a furrier’s.

[[US]A. Baer Two & Three 16 Jan. [synd. col.] A genuine seal coat that used to meow when it was alive and walk fence tops like Blondin].
[UK]‘David Hulme’ Halfway to Horror 4: Those who steal furs handle them as ‘pussies’ [OED].
[UK]‘Charles Raven’ Und. Nights 21: We opened up in thirty seconds dead and Fanlight led the way straight to the pussies. [Ibid.] 195: When Messrs Schwartz’ pussy-shop was screwed he was safely locked up.
[UK]P. Beveridge Inside the C.I.D. 35: He went on: ‘There’s a load of ‘pussies’ (furs) in the fourth shed in the alley’.
[UK]D. Powis Signs of Crime 198: Pussies Furs.
[UK]J. Morton Lowspeak.

10. a male homosexual; or a man judged to be or teased as being so.

[[US]Ade ‘The New Fable of the Father Who Jumped In’ in Ade’s Fables 85: Father came in and took one look and said: ‘Not for Mine! I won’t stand for any Puss Willow being grafted on to our Family Tree.’ His name was Kenneth [...] it was rumored that he put oil on his Eye-Brows and rubbed Perfumery on the backs of his Hands].
[US]Berrey & Van den Bark Amer. Thes. Sl.
[US]Monteleone Criminal Sl. (rev. edn) 185: pussy An effeminate boy.
[US]M. Braly On the Yard (2002) 56: ‘See the sweet little bull?’ an anonymous voice asked [...] ‘Pussy on the gun rail,’ another voice called.
[US]T. O’Brien If I Die in a Combat Zone (1980) 49: ‘A couple of college pussies [...] Out behind them barracks hiding from everyone and making some love, huh?’ [...] ‘College puss almost ain’t enough for good fuckin’.’.
[UK]J. Mowry Way Past Cool 81: Somebody dint know you, figure you maybe for a puss.

11. (also puss) a coward, a weakling, with an implication of homosexuality.

[US] ‘Death Row’ in D. Wepman et al. Life (1976) 120: Jim turned stone pussy and screamed and wailed.
[US]F. Salas Tattoo the Wicked Cross (1981) 208: Beat on the punk, / knock him around, / bloody him up, / make him bawl like a broke-dick-dog, / like pussy, / punk-punk-punk.
[US]E. Torres Carlito’s Way 32: He screamed like a pussy.
[US]A. Vachss Hard Candy (1990) 152: A pussy in his heart. He ain’t got the stones.
[US]Bill Hicks [perfomance] How much do you smoke a day, dude? [...] Pack an’ a half. You little puss.
[US]B. Hamper Rivethead (1992) 102: The crowd was screeching for a kill. ‘Hit him with your purse, you pussy!’ shouted one fine American.
[UK]Indep. on Sun. Real Life 7 Nov. 5: My wife misses the point [...] preferring to believe it stems from my being, to use one of her adopted Americanisms, ‘a pussy’.
[US]Hip-Hop Connection Jan./Feb. 47: When you go to war you don’t necessarily have to win but you don’t want to be considered a pussy.
[UK]G. Iles Turning Angel 158: Chris [...] kept calling Jimmy a pussy.
[UK]A. Wheatle Dirty South 1: Before all you know-it-all pussies start thinking that this is the story of some young black guy [...] you’re wrong.
[US]A. Steinberg Running the Books 329: A man must marry, or he’s a pussy [...] if the man doesn’t have extramarital affairs, he’s a pussy.
[Aus]N. Cummins Tales of the Honey Badger [ebook] Lions [...] Nothing but big pussies when faced with a honey badger.
[UK]A. Wheatle Crongton Knights 6: ‘Why are you scared of them pussies?’.
[Aus]G. Gilmore Headland [ebook] Maybe he should stop being such a pussy.
[US]S.M. Jones Lives Laid Away [ebook] ‘Awnings are for pussies,’ Tomás said. ‘We’re Mexican! We don’t need no stinkin’ awning!’.
[UK]G. Krauze What They Was 14: And Bloogz says you ain’t getting no money pussy, do what you gotta do .
[US]C. Hiaasen Squeeze Me 223: He’d look like a pussy for fleeing to Washington.

12. (gay) the anus, i.e. a play on sense 1.

[US]B. Jackson Get Your Ass in the Water (1974) 206: Another agent sold his pussy for forty-four sticks, / he smoked like a madman and soon got his kick.
[US]R.D. Pharr Giveadamn Brown (1997) 45: ‘I’m going to put the hottest piece of lead up your funky pussy you ever enjoyed’.
[US]L. Kramer Faggots 153: Jam that nigger stick into my pussy muff.
[US](con. 1940s) C. Bram Hold Tight (1990) 189: If it’s just pussy you want, forget it.
A. Travis Big Shots 154: Kip’ll find it too hard, getting five old geezers a week to stuff some cash up his pussy.
[US]T. Fontana ‘Napoleon's Boney Parts’ Oz ser. 3 ep. 2 [TV script] Cyril [...] why don’t you give us some of that sweet pussy I’ve been hearing about.
[US]T. Pluck Boy from County Hell : ‘Ora did ten in Nasty-Toe-Cheese for stat rape [...] Traded ink for young pussy’.

13. cowardice.

[US]‘Iceberg Slim’ Airtight Willie and Me 40: ‘Ain’t you leery?’ I said stoutly, ‘I’m not into pussy, Sugar Pie.’.

14. in fig. use of sense 1, the ‘real thing’, i.e. as opposed to masturbation.

[US](con. 1967) E. Spencer Welcome to Vietnam (1989) 25: Long-range rifle fire is jacking off. Real close is pussy.

15. a trans gender woman who passes satisfactorily as cis gender. 🌐 If a trans gender woman passes well for a cis gender woman [...] you might say she’s ‘fish’ (referring to the smell of a woman's vagina!) or ‘pussy’.

16. see puss n.1 (1)

In derivatives

pussified (adj.)


[US]S. Grafton O is for Outlaw (2000) 303: Hardly any chest hair. Kind of pussyfied in that regard.
[US]F. Bill Back to the Dirt 101: ‘For a big wad of a human you sure are pussified’.

In compounds

prison pussy (n.)

(Aus. prison) an inmate who coluntarily or otherwise adapts the role of a passive lesbian while in prison.

[Aus]G. Disher Deathdeal [ebook] ‘Are you okay for the time being?’ [...] ‘I’m not prison pussy, if that’s what you’re thinking’.
pussy-bait (n.)

(US black) money.

[US]G. Scott-Heron Vulture (1996) 14: The crapshooters [...] risked their hard-earned pussy-bait on a flick of the wrist.
pussy bandit (n.) [-bandit sfx (3)]

(US) a man who is obsessed with sex and seduction.

[UK]‘Mystikal’ ‘Pussy Crook’ 🎵 on Tarantula [album] Callin all cars, callin all cars / Be on the look out for a pussy vandalism. Over / A pussy bandit / Suspect is known in many states for dickin yo woman.
pussyboy (n.)

1. a passive male homosexual, a catamite.

[US]J. Blake Ex Post Facto in Joint (1972) 45: They were known as pussyboys, galboys, fuckboys, and all had taken girls’ names like Betty, Fifi, Dotty, etc., and were universally referred to as ‘she’ and her’.
[UK]C. Newland Scholar 292: I feel say it’s time for pussy bwoy Pitt to get robbed innit?
[US]G. Pelecanos Right As Rain 311: That what you gonna do, pussy-boy? Just walk away?

2. a general insult, implying cowardice or homosexuality.

[US]Eble Campus Sl. Nov. 7: pussy boy – wimp.
[US]College Sl. Research Project (Cal. State Poly. Uni., Pomona) 🌐 Pussy-boy (noun) Someone who is weak either physically or mentally or is a coward.
[UK]S. Kelman Pigeon English 57: All I could hear was their laughing [...] 'Pussy boy!’.
Grizzy ‘Look Like You’ 🎵 If we get the drop pussy boy better move out.
[Aus]G. Gilmore Headland [ebook] ‘Sorry, pussyboy, did I wake you?’.
pussy bumper (n.) [SE bumper]

1. (US Und.) a male homosexual.

[US]Monteleone Criminal Sl. (rev. edn).

2. thus, an effeminate whipping boy.

[US]P. Thomas Down These Mean Streets (1970) 191: Unless you’re willing to kill at the exact moment you have to, you’ll be a pussy bumper for the rest of your life.

3. a lesbian [bumper n.7 ].

[US]Goldin et al. DAUL 36/2: Bumper (or Pussy-bumper). A moral eccentric in sex relations with women; a male oral copulator whose degeneracy extends only to women.
[US]B. Rodgers Queens’ Vernacular.
pussy call (n.)

(US Und.) the hiring of a prostitute.

[US]Simon & Burns ‘More with Less’ Wire ser. 5 ep. 1 [TV script] ‘Pussy call.’ ‘Just glad to know Marloe has a hobby.’.

see separate entries.

pussy claat (n.) (also pussyclaht, pussy clart, pussyclot) [SE cloth, i.e. a sanitary towel]

1. (W.I./UK black) a general pej., a coward, an informer; also as general abusive oath.

[UK]C. MacInnes City of Spades (1964) 98: ‘You ras-clot man — you’s wasted.’ ‘These bumble-clotmen — these pussy-clots.’.
[UK]T. White Catch a Fire 75: Mr gone now, ya fockin’ bloody pussy clot!
[UK]C. Knight We Shall Not Die 65: Wha’ di pussy claat goin’ on here? Take di fuckin’ gun out of mi neck, man!
[UK]J. Mowry Way Past Cool 18: ‘Pussy clot!’ hissed Curtis.
[UK]G. Small Ruthless 219: A youth [...] breaks off from the conversation to beckon a passing higgler. ‘Eh, bwoy! Eh, eh pussyclaat!’.
[UK]C. Newland Scholar 255: Ey yuh lickle pussyclaat.
[UK]S. Kelman Pigeon English 13: Chevon Brown: Pussy clart. Two punches.

2. attrib. use of sense 1.

[UK]T. White Catch a Fire 252: Ta fockin’ raas wit’ dis bullrush, pussy clot double–billin’!
[UK]C. Knight We Shall Not Die 133: Wi reach too far wid dis for any pussyclaat babylon come aroun’ now.
[UK]R. Hewitt White Talk Black Talk 183: You fockin’ pussyclaht machine nah!
[UK]‘Q’ Deadmeat 75: fuck yu moni. Ah don’t need dis pusyclatt shit.
pussy eater (n.) [eat v. (4)]

(orig. US) a cunnilinguist.

J. Jones Merry Month of May (2004) 55: He had been a dedicated pussy-eater since the very first time he had indulged the pastime.
[US]‘Randy Everhard’ Tattoo of a Naked Lady 75: You’re the best pussy-eater in West Tarwater!
J. Roux Who’s Your Daddy? 235: He wasn’t the best pussy eater in either world but it wasn’t for lack of effort.
[Scot]I. Welsh Dead Man’s Trousers [27]: He idly wonders if Mikey is a pussy eater, whether he goes south on rag week, and if he brushes his teeth after.
pussy-eating (n.) [eat v. (4)]

1. (orig. US) cunnilingus, both by lesbian women or heterosexual men.

[US]E. Folb Runnin’ Down Some Lines 155: I wash good! But I jus’ don’ feel right ’bout no pussy-eatin’.
[US]K. Anderson Night Dogs 96: ‘Some pussy eating going on in here, then? Cunnilingus? Some anal intercourse?’.
Y. Rainer A Woman Who... 113: [of women] Some of my best friends are lesbians. As for pussy-eating, you’ll have to take my word for it.
J. Alexander How to Be Her Best Lover Ever 98: Pussy eating comes late in the sexual intercourse game.

2. attrib. use of sense 1.

M. Montecino Sacred Heart 65: But the Commissioner was going to be there, the Archbishop, maybe even that pussy-eating Mayor.
pussyfart (n.)

a weakling, a coward.

T.M. Simmler ‘Suicide Chump’ in ThugLit July [ebook] ‘Cause even you should be able to do better. Come on, pussyfart’.

see separate entries.

pussy game (n.) [game n. (6)]

(US) the world of prostitution.

[US]Milner & Milner Black Players 34: The selling of sexual favors by women is often called the pussy game (or sometimes just The Game) and is conceived to be of several levels.
pussy glommer (n.) [glom v. (2)]

(Can. tramp) a hand.

[Can](con. 1920s) O.D. Brooks Legs 112: He grabbed me with his big pussy glommers, picked me up like I was a five-year-old.

In compounds

pussy hair (n.)

1. the female pubic hair.

[US] in E. Cray Erotic Muse (1992) 95–6: ’Twas the gath’ring o’ the clans, / And all the Scots were there, / A-skirlin’ on their bagpipes, / And strokin’ pussy hair.
[US](con. 1949) J.G. Dunne True Confessions (1979) 66: A pair of panties [...] With a blond pussy hair in it.
[WI]R. Abrahams Man-of-Words in the West Indies 68: When the pepper tree begin to bear / It burn off all of Jennifer’ pussy hair.

2. see cunt hair under cunt n.

pussy hole (n.) (UK/US black/W.I.)

1. the vagina.

in E. Wald Dozens 8: I remember when your mama didn’t have no stove. / She cooked flapjacks on her pussy hole.
[US]E. Folb Runnin’ Down Some Lines 31: Your momma’s so black you can’t find her pussy hole in the dark.
[US]UGK ‘976-Bun B’ 🎵 I clown on hoes to leave their pussyhole frownin.
[UK]G. Small Ruthless 192: Someone in the crowd didn’t like it, and they fling a bottle on him [...] He said: ‘Pussyhole [female sex organ], fling another bottle again and I will shot ounu down right now.’.
[UK]Jade LB Keisha the Sket (2021) 95: Fuck d ‘feelin lyk a pussy hole flex’.

2. a general term of abuse, i.e. cunt n. (4)

[UK]P. Baker Blood Posse 322: Those pussy holes are really gonna get it.
[UK]‘Q’ Deadmeat 259: ‘Fuck dem pussy ’oles,’ said Froggy, looking at the cowboys.
[UK]A. Wheatle Dirty South 99: I’m just kinda wondering why you linked him in the first place. He’s a pussy-hole.
Jamaica Patwah 24 Sept. 🌐 ‘Pussyhole, go suck yuh mada’ = ‘Motherfucker, go fuck yourself’.
[UK]Skepta ‘Lyrics’ 🎵 Tell a pussyhole look sharp, fix up.
[UK]G. Krauze What They Was 134: You fucking pussyole go suck your mum.

3. attrib. use of sense 2.

[UK](con. 1981) A. Wheatle East of Acre Lane 114: Friggin’ pussy’ole beast dem, he cursed inwardly.
[UK]A. Wheatle Dirty South 182: Just wanna duppy one of them. The pussyhole leader.
[UK]Guardian 8 Aug. 🌐 We don’t need pussyhole feds to run the streets and put our brothers in jail so tool up.
pussy-hound (n.) [-hound sfx]

a man who is obsessed with the pursuit of sex.

[US]E. Torres Carlito’s Way 7: I was a big pussy-hound.
[UK]J. Morton Lowspeak.
[US](con. 1970s) G. Pelecanos King Suckerman (1998) 169: It would be just like a pussy hound like you to pick out a tube top.
[US]T. Pluck Boy from County Hell 161: The pastor was a pussy hound, with the white sheep of his flock and the staff.
pussy juice (n.) (also pussy-liquids) [juice n.1 (2a)]

vaginal secretions.

[US]C. Cooper Jr Farm (1968) 158: I began to think [...] how my hips would move against her and me upfront stir her pussy-liquids.
[US]N. Eastwood Gardener Got Her n.p.: Lucy screamed with pleasure and soaked his face with sizzling pussy juice.
[US]Sandmann ‘Burning Down the House’ Planet Sex Stories 🌐 I reached up and touched Jolene’s cunt and it was gushing plenty of pussy juice.
pussy-kisser (n.)

(US) a general insult, lit. a cunnilinguist.

[US]N. Mailer Why Are We in Vietnam? (1970) 123: You ain’t seen the day you was strong enough to unzip it out of your pants around me, pussy kisser.
pussylicker (n.) (also pussy-lapper)

(US) a general term of abuse, lit. a cunnilinguist; thus pussylick adj.

[US]J. Crumley One to Count Cadence (1987) 90: Maybe I’ll [...] bust his pussylick face for him.
[US]T. Thackrey Thief 246: I need you for moral support, you old pussy-lapper, you!
[US](con. 1964–8) J. Ellroy Cold Six Thousand 647: Sirhan called him a ‘pussylicker.’ Sirhan called him a ‘vampire Jew’.
pussy palace (n.)

(US) an ostensible massage parlor where prostitution occurs.

E. Wilson Show Business Laid Bare 134: [A]round 1970 we began hearing of the body-rub dives, the massage parlors, the pussy palaces.
pussy-parlor (n.)

1. (US) a hotel used by ‘short-time’ prostitutes to entertain clients.

E. Wilson Show Business Laid Bare 134: [T]hen ‘the pussy parlor’ had emerged. The GIs, ‘the servicemen,’the foreign seamen, had found plenty of prostitutes on Eighth Avenue in the late ’60s. The girls enticed them into mean-looking little hotels.

2. (US) a striptease club.

[US]C. Hiaasen Skin Tight 192: It was your idea to meet at this pussy parlor.
pussy-pelmet (n.) (also puss-pelmet)

a very short miniskirt.

[UK]Coventry Eve. Teleg. 10 Apr. 28/3: Pussy Pelmet [i.e. a race horse] got home by two lengths at Doncaster on the opening day of the season.
[UK]Observer 27 Aug. n.p.: ‘Newest name for microskirt is pussy-pelmet, according to a Jamican girl-friend’.
[UK]J. Morton Lowspeak.
[UK]K. Lette Mad Cows 67: Wearing a knicker-skimming miniskirt — what Gillian called a pussy-pelmet — and white stilettoes.
J. Hardy Unforgiven 164: The girl, who is wearing nothing but a pussy pelmet and crop top.
pussy picture (n.)

(US) a pornographic photograph of a woman.

[US](con. 1949) J.G. Dunne True Confessions (1979) 173: ‘You pimp for Lois Fazenda?’ [...] ‘Pussy pictures, that’s all I did with her.’.
pussy posse (n.) (also pussy patrol)

(US police/Und.) the Vice Squad, esp. those members who deal with prostitutes.

[US]G.V. Higgins Friends of Eddie Coyle 144: ‘Why the hell don’t you guys stop chasing around bothering people that’re minding their own business there, and stop some of that crap that's coming in?’ ‘Hey [. . .], you're not getting me on the pussy posse’.
[US]B. Rodgers Queens’ Vernacular 206: the vice squad [...] Syn: pussy patrol.
[US]N. De Mille Smack Man (1991) 34: Never got the clap, never got pregnant. Hardly ever got rounded up by the pussy posse.
[US]H. Gould Fort Apache, The Bronx 176: ‘Let’s go on the pussy posse, first,’ Corelli said. They drove over to the Hunts Point market where at least twenty or thirty hookers could be found every day.
[US]A.K. Shulman On the Stroll 125: Down the street rolled the plain green Chevy Prince knew as the wheels of the pussy posse.
[UK]J. Morton Lowspeak.
pussy-printer (n.)

(W.I.) shorts so tight they outline the genital area.

[WI]Francis-Jackson Official Dancehall Dict. 42: Pussy-printer form-hugging shorts. Type of shorts worn so tight it actually shows off the shape of the pubic area.
pussy prober (n.)

(US) a gynaecologist.

[US]J. Wambaugh Glitter Dome (1982) 261: All the doctors around here’re pussy probers, seems to me.
pussy-struck (adj.)

obsessed by sex.

[Can](con. 1920s) O.D. Brooks Legs 197: As soon as I get over being pussy-struck I’ll be long gone.
pussy sucker (n.)

a cunnilinguist.

[UK]P. Baker Blood Posse 229: ‘Hey, you a pussy sucker,’ I cursed [...] ‘Love it, too [...] That juice just dribbling down your face.’.
pussy tickler (n.)

(orig. US black) a moustache.

[US]P. Thomas Down These Mean Streets (1970) 138: ‘You think I oughtta shave my pussy tickler? It don’t look too good in the picture.’ ‘What mustache you talkin’ about?’.
[US]R. Campbell Alice in La-La Land (1999) 53: Very pretty, very Valentino [...] Little pussy tickler on his lip.
[UK]J. Baker King of the Streets (1999) 242: He had a pussy tickler on his top lip.
pussy whip (v.)

(orig. US) of a woman, to dominate one’s husband or partner.

[US]E. Bunker Mr Blue 248: Flip had ‘pussy-whipped’ him, which she could do if any woman ever could.
[US]D.H. Sterry Chicken (2003) 173: Cum awn by when you done gittin’ pussy-whipped.
[US]M. Lacher On the Bro’d 44: Derek is getting all pussywhipped by these chicks.
pussy-whipped (adj.) (also hen-whipped, p.w.’ed, p-whipped) [fig. used of SE whip]

1. (orig. US) dominated by a woman, esp. a wife or girlfriend.

[US]Current Sl. I:1 4/1: Pussy whipped A male dominated by a female.
[US]M. Braly On the Yard (2002) 342: Hopefulness continued to come to him like some beautiful bitch who had him pussy whipped.
[US]Baker et al. CUSS 136: Hen whipped [...]. [Ibid.] 167: P.W.’ed / Pussywhipped / Be excessively submissive to your girl friend.
[US]G.V. Higgins Digger’s Game (1981) 127: Brennan’s pussy-whipped [...] Afraid his wife’s gonna find out.
[US]S. King Christine 378: His rotten shitting old man who was so fucking pussywhipped.
[UK]K. Lette Llama Parlour 137: She’s a bitch, basically. And my father is pussy-whipped.
[US]Eble Campus Sl. Apr. 4: p-whipped – pussy whipped.
[UK]Guardian Weekend 15 Jan. 3: You’re a worthless, pussy-whipped wuss.
[Aus]R.G. Barrett Mystery Bay Blues 12: Despite all Edwin’s machismo and style, he was more than a little pussy whipped.
[Ire]P. Howard PS, I Scored the Bridesmaids 156: This goy is totally pussy-whipped.
[UK]K. Richards Life 201: Big mama fear [...] Which didn’t mean they were soft or pussy whipped. It was the respect for their mothers.
E. Beetner ‘Going in Style’ in ThugLit Feb. [ebook] Not that his boy—his only boy—wasn’t complicit in a pussy-whipped sort of way.

2. (US black/campus) besotted with, infatuated by.

[US]E. Folb Runnin’ Down Some Lines 126: Expressions like pussy-whipped [...] mean to be deeply infatuated or in love with another.
[US]Eble Campus Sl. Nov. 4: pussy-whipped – dating only one girl: You don’t party like you used to. You must be pussy-whipped.
[US]J. Ellroy Widespread Panic 168: ‘Freddy’s pussy-whipped, and he’s got this thing for dead chicks’.

3. in non-marital contexts, subservient.

[US]Simon & Burns ‘Ebb Tide’ Wire ser. 2 ep. 1 [TV script] You’re fuckin’ whipped. Pussy-whipped agin’ an inch of your life.
[US](con. 1962) J. Ellroy Enchanters 202: He’s a stooge for a pussy-whipped crooner.

In phrases

bump pussies (v.)

1. (gay) of male homosexuals or lesbians, to have sexual intercourse.

[US]Monteleone Criminal Sl. (rev. edn) 195: pussy bumping Sexual variance.
[US]J. Blake letter 7 Sept. in Joint (1972) 221: I might have known it. A couple of faggots bumpin’ pussies.
[US]M. Braly On the Yard (2002) 300: What would we [i.e. two homosexuals] do — bump pussies?
[US]H. Gould Fort Apache, The Bronx 191101: Bumpin’ pussy and gettin’ high, huh, Charlotte.
[US](con. 1950s) E. White My Lives 110: ‘And do what together? [...] Two big girls? [i.e. male homosexuals] Bump pussies?’.

2. of male homosexuals, to find themselves too similar in their sexual preferences (e.g. both passive or both active) to have satisfactory sex.

[US]J. Rechy City of Night 289: The lay-est thing in the world a queen wants is to make it with what turns out to be huh sistuh [...] It’s exaayctly lak bumpin pussies.
[US]B. Rodgers Queens’ Vernacular 38: bumping pussies the embarassing of two homosexual men who find themselves too passive, active, or in other ways too similar to create a sexual situation.
feed one’s pussy (v.) (also feed one’s pussycat)

of a woman, to have sexual intercourse.

[UK]‘Jon Bee’ Dict. of the Turf, the Ring, the Chase, etc. 22: ’Tis quite the contrary when [a lady] ‘feeds her pussey-cat.’ Then it is the secrets are put in the sack .
[UK]Farmer & Henley Sl. and Its Analogues.
[UK]Farmer Vocabula Amatoria (1966) 171: Laisser aller (se). To copulate; ‘to feed or trot out one’s pussy’.
[US]Maledicta IV:2 (Winter) 197: Those derived from the words for the penis or vulva include to [...] trot out one’s pussy [...] When Eblis has caused a moisture to flow, […] she is said to have fed her pussy.
get some pussy (v.) (also do the pussy)

(US/Aus.) of a man, to have sexual intercourse.

[Aus]D. Niland Big Smoke 164: You do that again and you won’t get any pussy for I don’t know how long.
[US]E. Folb Runnin’ Down Some Lines 240: get some [...] pussy Engage in sexual intercourse.
give up pussy (v.)

of a woman, to have sexual intercourse.

[US]O. Hawkins Chili 95: I hope she ain’t giving up too much pussy.
[US]G. Hayward Corruption Officer [ebk] cap. 10: Some of his boys have gotten chick C.O.s to bring them in weed, razors and all sorts of things. Some even gave up the pussy.
go pussy (on) (v.)

(US) to act in a cowardly manner.

[US]D. Winslow Border [ebook] ‘You chickening out on me? [...] Going pussy?’.
play pussy (and get fucked) (v.) [play on sense 1/sense 11 + fuck v. (1)/fuck v. (2a)]

(US black) to act weakly and to suffer as a result.

[US]R.D. Pharr Giveadamn Brown (1997) 79: [H] was not going to play too much pussy for this new Harry Brown.
Pariah ‘FFA Battle...join in’ 17 Sept. on VBHeaven Freestyle Forum 🌐 Play pussy and get fucked like a virgin in the projects / if i need my beef handle, I got plenty of prospects.
poke one’s pussy (v.) [poke v. (1)]

of a woman, to masturbate. Forum ‘Cybersex...cheating or not?’ 🌐 I give him my unpublished number and we go at it. He tells me what he wants me to do to him and he can hear me poke my pussy with my various ‘toys’.
pop pussy (v.)

to work as a prostitute.

[US]UGK ‘Trill Niggaz Don’t Die’ 🎵 For the girls popping pussy, and the boys with the blow / Cadillac’ers and flat-backers.
pussy out (v.) (also puss out) [sense 11]

(orig. US) to act in a cowardly manner, to give up under pressure; to distance oneself.

[US]‘Iceberg Slim’ Pimp 289: I’m not going to pussy out [...] I could do a month in here.
[US]R. Price Ladies’ Man (1985) 189: I wanted to ask her to come back with me right then, but I pussied out.
[US](con. 1967) P. Conroy Lords of Discipline 369: Don’t pussy out on us now.
[UK]J. Mowry Six Out Seven (1994) 491: Prince Cheetah wasn’t going to puss-out this time!
[UK]N. Barlay Curvy Lovebox 146: You’re just pussyin’ out.
[UK]Indep. Rev. 8 Mar. 7: Are you going to do it – or pussy out?
[UK]A. Wheatle Dirty South 188: Should I follow them? [...] Of course I should track their black asses! You think Noel would have pussied out.
[UK]S. Kelman Pigeon English 55: Don’t try and pussy out. You can’t [...] not do the dare.
[US]M. Lacher On the Bro’d 40: This was when Chaz Kerry started pussing out on our crew.
[UK]A. Wheatle Crongton Knights 7: ‘Then deal with your problem instead of pussying out’.
[US]N. Walker Cherry 152: I was pretty sure I was about to die but it would have been lame if I’d pussied out, so I flicked the safety switch to burst and I didn’t think about it.
ride pussy (v.)

(US black/teen) to sit in the middle of the back seat in a car.

[US]E. Folb Urban Black Argot 144: Ride Pussy / Punk / the Bitch’s Seat to ride in the front of the car between two other males.
[US]E. Folb Runnin’ Down Some Lines 162: To ride pussy/punk/the bitch’s seat defines a manipulative ploy whereby a young man finds himself [...] forced to ride in a car ‘on the hump,’ where the woman is supposed to ride.
sling pussy (v.)

to work as a prostitute.

[US]S. Morgan Homeboy 4: Why not [...] sling pussy on Sunset Strip.
throw the P (v.)

(US black) of a woman, to have sexual intercourse.

[US]Anquette [song title] Throw the P.
[US]G. Smitherman Black Talk.

SE in slang uses

In phrases