Green’s Dictionary of Slang

tom adj.

[tom v. (1)]

1. of a black person, acting subserviently towards white society.

[US]E. Tidyman Shaft 82: One fucking remark about any Tom shit [...] and I’ll break both your legs.

2. (US) admirable, trustworthy.

[US]K. Brasselle Cannibals 104: There’s certain guys you just know are bedbugs, but you can always spot a ‘tom’ guy, get what I mean?

3. second-rate, unpleasant.

[US]E. Gilbert Vice Trap 95: It’s your chance to get out of this tom place. [Ibid.] 109: Lone came next to me. [...] ‘Tom kick, Nicky?’.

4. insane, eccentric.

[US]Mad mag. Aug.–Sept. 6: Who was that crazy man? That boy’s strictly tom. Real gone.