Green’s Dictionary of Slang

brekker n.

also breaker, brekkers
[SE break(fast) + -er sfx2 ]


[UK]Barrère & Leland Dict. of Sl., Jargon and Cant.
Wodehouse Pothunters 35: ‘[Y]ou’d better buck up and change, or you'll be late for brekker’.
[UK]Gem 18 Nov. 26: He’s blown steam off this morning at brekker.
[UK]E. Packe diary 10 Aug. 🌐 After brekker letters arrive. Parade at 9.30 rather a sweat of a Route March.
[Aus]L.D. Richards diary 7 Mar. 🌐 Up at 8; a fairly decent ‘brekker’, and we shifted to Zuytpeene. [Ibid.] 16 Mar. Tuesday: Had a ripping brekker of bacon and eggs.
[UK]W. Holtby Anderby Wold (1981) 144: David found himself recalling memories of brekkers in Harcourt’s rooms at the House.
[NZ]Eve. Post (N.Z.) 17 June 12/8: He loves lamb’s fat for brekker.
[Aus]Truth (Brisbane) 2 Feb. 42/1: ‘It’s a cinch, you'd have been late for breaker’.
[US]Mencken Amer. Lang. (4th edn) 568: At Oxford [the vocabulary] is made up in large part of a series of childish perversions of common and proper nouns, effected by adding -er or inserting gg. Thus, breakfast becomes brekker.
[UK]M. Marples Public School Slang 69: To these [i.e. words with an -er suffix] may perhaps be added brekker (=breakfast; generally regarded as an Oxford expression) and topper ( =top-hat).
[UK]Willans & Searle Complete Molesworth (1985) 250: Being late for brekker.
[UK]J.P. Carstairs Concrete Kimono 9: An undesirable brekker kipper.
[Can]M. Atwood Cat’s Eye (1989) 209: They call eggs eggie-poos, and breakfast brekkers.
[Scot]I. Welsh Filth 275: Maybe get a bit of brekker in.