Green’s Dictionary of Slang

bardacious adj.

[var. on bodacious adj.]

excellent, wonderful, the very best; used. adv. to imply completeness.

[US]Atlantic Monthly 522: Dey do say dat she dat bardacious stingy dat she lock up all de vittles w’en she go out in de mornin.
[US]L.W. Payne Jr ‘Word-List From East Alabama’ in DN III:iv 289: bardacious, bardaciously, same as bodacious, etc.
D.T. Cooney Study in Ebony 26: She went to de show, an’ she wuz standin’ ’roun’ lack she ne’er have saw nuffin’ befo’, an’ an ole ape bite it bardacious off.
[US]Van Vechten Nigger Heaven 208: Bardacious! agreed his companion.
Barnard Bulletin (N.Y.) 5 Nov. 2/4: A DICTIONARY OF SLANG WORDS and phrases is being compiled by the WPA Federal Writers’ Project, and they want help. . . . From Harlem come words like ‘bardacious’ (marvelous).