Green’s Dictionary of Slang

effing adj.

a euph. for fucking adj. (1)

[UK](con. WWI) R. Graves Goodbye to All That (1995) 79: The Bandmaster, who was squeamish, reported it as: ‘Sir, he called me a double-effing c—.’.
[UK]R. Grinstead They Dug a Hole 83: Our sergeant is no effing bon.
[UK]B. Kiely Honey Seems Bitter 104: I wish this effin thing was over.
[UK]J. Sparks Burglar to the Nobility 154: Corporal, I can’t understand why you should want to see your face in an effing barrack-room floor.
[SA]A. La Guma Walk in the Night (1968) 4: ‘Strolling again. Got pushed out of my job in the facktry.’ ‘How come then?’ ‘Answered back to a effing white rooker. Foreman.’.
[US](con. 1940s) E. Thompson Tattoo (1977) 127: You know that’s just a come-on to get you to buy the effing candy.
[UK]J. McClure Spike Island (1981) 150: He’ll want to take us back to ’is shop, and I’ll be dere fer effin’ hours!
[UK]Indep. 27 Nov. 29: He called me an effing slut, and effing slag.
[UK]Guardian 23 Feb. 5: It is the theatre which likes to call a spade an effing spade.
[UK]D. Mitchell Black Swan Green 235: Where’s the effing gear this? Where’s the effing money that? [...] you effing old bitch.
[UK]Financial Times 18 Dec. 4/5: Mr Khan hands over his mobile again so another business partner can tell Mr Hines he plans to ‘come down and punch your effing lights out’.
P. Hensher Missing Ink 22: How the effing eff could they?
[Aus]N. Cummins Adventures of the Honey Badger [ebook] Head torch (effing bright).
[UK]C. Crampton Way to the Sea 266: ‘Yeah, I’m by the water, usual place [...] It’s effing windy’.
[US]C. Hiaasen Squeeze Me 13: ‘No effin’ way’.
[Aus]G. Disher Consolation 230: ‘I touch the doorknob and it is effing hot’.
[UK]R. Milward Man-Eating Typewriter 87: You’re disgusting! An effing poof! A pansy!