Green’s Dictionary of Slang

hoser n.

[hose n.1 (1)]
(Can./US campus)

1. a promiscuous man or woman.

[US]Baker et al. CUSS.
[US]P. Munro Sl. U. 111: Bill has slept with three girls this week. What a hoser!
[US]Eble Campus Sl. Apr. 5: hoser – promiscuous female.

2. a fool, an idiot, an uncultured, boorish person; note mis-defined as a n. in cit. 2001.

[Can]Toronto Star 2 Nov. A4/5: For parents puzzled by talk of hosers and such, Rick Moranis explained in a telephone interview from Edmonton, where the show is taped, that ‘a hoser is what you call your brother when your folks won’t let you swear.’.
[UK]Guardian Editor 27 Aug. 16: A hoser [Can. an offensive term for a person who is considered to be unintelligent and vulgar, especially a man whose main interests are ice hockey and drinking beer].
OnLine Dict. of Playground Sl. 🌐 hoser adj. A moron or loser.