Green’s Dictionary of Slang

nutmegs n.

[predates nuts n.2 (1)]

the testicles.

[Scot] ‘Kentish Dick or The Lusty Coach-Man of Westminster’ in Euing Broadside Ballads No. 148: We’ll geld him, says one, of nutmegs we’ll free him.
[UK] ‘West-Country Frolick’ in Pepys Ballads (1987) V 161: [A] poor fumbling Elf, That has no precious Nutmegs to please a young Bride.
[UK]Ladies Delight 4: In the Nutmegs lies the Breed.
[UK]Hist. of Jack Horner 20: My precious nutmegs doe not wound, For fear I should not live.
[UK]Rambler’s Mag. June 226/2: The Natural History of the arbor vitae [...] Some virtuosi have thought of improving their trees for some purposes by taking off the nutmegs, which is however a bad way; they never seed after.
[UK]Grose Classical Dict. of the Vulgar Tongue.
[Ire] ‘The Trump-Case’ Songs (publ. Monaghan) 3: He pull’d out his nutmegs and at her anvil knock’d.
[UK]Harris’s List of Covent-Garden Ladies 124: [She] particularly likes Adam’s apple-tree, sensitive plant, stich-wort, nutmegs and such valuable productions.
[UK]Lex. Balatronicum.
[UK]Egan Grose’s Classical Dict. of the Vulgar Tongue.
[UK]‘The Rat Catcher’ in Rummy Cove’s Delight in Spedding & Watt (eds) Bawdy Songbooks (2011) III 114: And on his two nutmegs he’d fixed a steel trap.
[UK]Crim.-Con. Gaz. 5 Oct. 229/1: A note written by one of those girls [...] requesting him to treat them [...] to two nutmegs and a bit of cinnamon.
[UK]Cythera’s Hymnal 63: She pissed all down his legs, / And shat o’er his nutmegs.
[US]Maledicta IV:2 (Winter) 195: [Testicles] are commonly called [...] nuts.The precise nuts are rarely indicated, but they vary from coconuts (in the West Indian calypso Marianne) to nutmegs.
[UK]Roger’s Profanisaurus 3 in Viz 98 Oct. 21: nutmegs n. Balls that hang between a footballer’s legs.