Green’s Dictionary of Slang

beehive n.2

1. the number five [rhy. sl.].

[UK]S.T. Kendall Up the Frog.
[UK]T. McClenaghan Submariners I ii: All the fives [...] Beehives.
[UK]Partridge DSUE (8th edn) 64/2: since ca. 1920.

2. (also beehive nest) a woman’s hair style, resembling a hive from excessive back-combing.

Commercial Prints and Labels (Lib. Congress) 13-16 104/3: Qoody beehive foundation; now you can make the stylish beehive hairdo at home.
T. Wolfe Kandy-kolored Tangerine-flake Streamline Baby 287: The turn causes his face to start to mash in the ciliated hull of her beehive hairdo.
[US]S. Ace Stand On It (1979) 151: The waitress [...] pulled a pencil out of her beehive hairdo.
[SA]P.-D. Uys Part Hate Part Love (1994) 53: Not so funny if all you get is a downpour on your new beehive hairstyle.
[UK]R. Antoni Grandmother’s Erotic Folktales 37: White kerchief tied up around she beehive-nest of hair.
[UK]Observer New Review 31/4: This Italian girl with a beehive and an Ann-Margaret-style tight sweater.

3. a five-pound note [rhy. sl.].

[UK]R. Cook Crust on its Uppers 29: I used to pull out a couple of ton in beehives.