Green’s Dictionary of Slang

fuckery n.2

[fuck up v. (1)]

1. unfairness, ill treatment; treachery.

[US]S. King Stand (1990) 691: That was an act of pure human fuckery.
[UK]K. Kimura ‘Beyond Genetic Mind’ 🌐 Expect to encounter fuckery, attacks, manipulation and suckery of every kind from every corner, every phone call, every encounter, every thought, every contact.
[US]S. King Dreamcatcher 473: It wasn’t telepathy that triggered it. That was pure human fuckery.
[UK] Skinnyman ‘Who? Me’ 🎵 Nothing’s left here but a whole heap of fuckery.
67 ‘Live Corn’ 🎵 When they see me out on freeflow niggas show respect / Like they know all the fuckries I kept up.

2. (UK black, also fuckry) nonsense.

[UK]‘Q’ Deadmeat 277: ‘...Where is the car?’ ‘...On the Harrow Road near Ken Fuckries.’ ‘...So it’s by the Kentucky?’.
[UK](con. 1979–80) A. Wheatle Brixton Rock (2004) 175: Rubbish! How can you say that? No, man, that’s fuckries.
[UK]Amy Winehouse ‘Me and Mr Jones’ 🎵 What kind of fuckery are we? Nowadays you don’t mean dick to me.
[UK]Guardian 8 Aug. 🌐 25 years ago police killed my grandma in her house in Tottenham [...]they're still keepin up fuckry.
J. Spades ‘Turn UP’ 🎵 I ain’t trying to keep up fuckry I’m just trying to keep it real.
[UK]G. Krauze What They Was 53: I can’t do all that fuckery where I’m linking next gyal and lotioning them. calling them babe, while I’ve also got my wifey who’s down for me.

3. the personification of senses 1 + 2 above, i.e. a stupid mean person.

[UK](con. 1981) A. Wheatle East of Acre Lane 200: Denise do dis an’ Denise don’t do dat. You two are fuckeries, man!

4. a nonsensical situation.

[UK]Guardian G2 3 Feb. 7/2: I don’t really like spending too much time thinking about what people expect of me because then it starts to become a big fuckery in your head.
[US]C. Hiaasen Squeeze Me 313: ‘This is the wildlife expert we brought aboard to handle the python fuckery’.