Green’s Dictionary of Slang

snuff n.1

[snuff v.2 (3)]

1. a murder.

[US]E. Sanders Family 51: The family was neat, orderly and extremely clean [...] during those early days prior to snuff.
[US]J. Ellroy Silent Terror 151: ‘[We] blow the old fart to kingdom come [...] Needless to say, we didn't get made for the snuff’.
[US](con. early 1950s) J. Ellroy L.A. Confidential 54: He’s made for at least a dozen snuffs for Mickey C.
[US](con. 1964–8) J. Ellroy Cold Six Thousand 218: The snuffs fucked Holly up. The snuffs fucked Holly up with Wayne Senior.

2. attrib. use of sense 1.

[UK]P. Theroux Picture Palace 306: The seconds-before death pictures of executions and ambushes and train wrecks: snuff shots, as they were called.
[US]R. Campbell In La-La Land We Trust (1999) 144: ‘Where’d you get those pictures?’ ‘They’re off the snuff reel.’.
[UK]Kirk & Madsen After The Ball 46: Necrophilia, bestiality, pedophilia, feces fetishism, and snuff sex.
[UK]Guardian Guide 17–23 July 2: The seedy world of snuff cinema.
[UK]Observer Mag. 12 Sept. 11: Footage of Robert Kennedy’s gunning-down in 1968, my first exposure to the jangling horror of snuff news.
[UK]Observer Screen 20 Feb. 9: It was moving and sensitive but would they have got away with TV’s first snuff programme were it not for the ‘educational’ smokescreen.
[US]J. Ellroy Hilliker Curse 18: Mike Hammer was a chick magnet and a Commie-snuff artiste.
[US]T. Robinson Hard Bounce [ebook] ‘We just yanked that kid away from a kiddie porn — no, a snuff porn — freak’.

In compounds

snuff movie (n.) (also snuff, snuffer, snuff film)

(orig. US) a film, usu. pornographic, that climaxes in the actual death of one of the participants, usu. an actress or, if paedophiliac, a child; also in attrib. use.

[US]J. Wambaugh Glitter Dome (1982) 294: They were going to kill her. On camera. A genuine snuff film.
[US]R. Campbell In La-La Land We Trust (1999) 14: S and M, Walter. Kiddie porn. Snuff films. [Ibid.] 129: You like snuff? I got Rosita Dies for It.
[US]‘Joe Bob Briggs’ Joe Bob Goes to the Drive-In 44: Visiting Hours [is] full of what Rhett Beavers says are psychological subtleties. In other words, killer-creep snuff movie.
[US]A. Vachss Hard Candy (1990) 11: His snuff-film business was as dead as the little girls he made into movie stars.
[US]S. Morgan Homeboy 274: He made em star in their very own snuff movies. [...] Snuffers shipped to every sick corner of the earth by his company.
[US]P. Beatty Tuff 60: A snuff film where masked niggers go around ambushing police officers, field-testing these bulletproof vests.
[SA]M. Orford Like Clockwork 193: Don’t start that shit about snuff movies, Clare. They’re all staged. Nobody dies in them.
[Aus]L. Redhead Thrill City [ebook] Watto was over by the laptop, fiddling with a webcam [...] Was he doing a snuff movie?

In phrases

put the snuff on (v.)

to murder, to assassinate.

[US](con. 1960s) G. Washington Blood Brothers 18: I began receiving threatening letters against my life. In plain old English, somebody wanted to put the snuff on me.