Green’s Dictionary of Slang

rummy adj.2


[US]Ely’s Hawk & Buzzard (NY) 26 June 4/2: In the habit of going to Hoboken [...] for the purpose of getting rummy and insulting respectable people.
Nichols’ Wkly Arena (NY) 4 June n.p.: One of our most conspicuous characters — conspicuous alike in the brothel and the bar-room [...] ‘Rummy Jack’.
[US]Life in Boston & N.Y. (Boston, MA) 10 Aug. n.p.: A band consisting of himself, Old nell, Rummy B., and long-legged Hay-pole.
implied in rummy stiff
[US]Broadway Brevities Dec. 43/1: As soon as this rummy Romeo notices that, the bets will be off and he'll be home at the dinner-table again!
[US]J. Jones From Here to Eternity (1998) 33: They were always shocked, even the rummy barflies.
[US]J. Crumley One to Count Cadence (1987) 82: You’re not some rummy old sergeant who thinks the Army is his mother.
(con. 1936) F. Deford Sports Illus. June 🌐 ‘You rummy Jew bastard’.

In compounds