Green’s Dictionary of Slang

fecking adj.

(mainly Irish)

a euph. for fucking adj.; also as adv.

[Ire]Joyce Ulysses 261: Fecking matches from counters to save. Then squander a sovereign in dribs and drabs.
[UK]L. Dunne Goodbye to The Hill (1966) 30: He was a feckin’ awful nuisance.
[Ire]H. Leonard A Life (1981) Act I: They take this feckin’ aeroplane.
[Ire](con. 1930s) L. Redmond Emerald Square 288: ‘That,’ said your man, ‘is his feckin’ mail!’.
[UK]C. McPherson Weir 31: Me buying the drinks like a feckin eejit.
[US]Hip-Hop Connection Jan. 69: Turn the fecking heating down next time.
[Scot]T. Black Gutted 130: Don’t push your feckin’ luck [...] watch your feckin’ back.
[UK]R. Milward Kimberly’s Capital Punishment (2023) 72: ‘I need my fecking printing, you fecking grandmother fecker’.
[Ire]A. Killilea Boyo-wulf at 14 Apr. 🌐 Then some mad feen went through a time of shite craic [...] and who every feckin’ night heard the absolute racket from the huge gaff party in the hall.