Green’s Dictionary of Slang

dead-eye dick n.

[nickname for a superlative marksman + pun on dick n.1 (5)]

(gay) one who performs anal intercourse.

[US]A.J. Pollock Und. Speaks 29/2: Dead eye dick, a jocker; sodomist.
[US]G. Legman ‘Lang. of Homosexuality’ Appendix VII in Henry Sex Variants.
[UK] ‘Eskimo Nell’ in ‘Count P. Vicarion’ Bawdy Ballads XIV: Now when Dead-Eye Dick and Mexico Pete go forth in search of fun, / It’s usually Dick who wields the prick and Mexico Pete the gun.
[US]Guild Dict. Homosexual Terms 11: deadeye dick (n.): A pedicator. (Slang.).
[US]Maledicta III:2 231: He also may or may not know the following words and expressions: [...] daub of the (tar) brush, Dead-Eye Dick, do it up brown [etc.].