Green’s Dictionary of Slang

grandma (George) n.

also George

(US) menstruation; thus grandma’s coming.

[US]Randolph & Wilson Down in the Holler 106: Old grandmaw’s coming, which refers to menstruation.
[US]Current Sl. I:3 3/2: Grandma george, n. Menstruation, v. To be menstruating.
[US]Baker et al. CUSS 124: George, have Be menstruating.
[US]Eble Campus Sl. Mar. 4: George – menstrual period: George is visiting.
[US](con. 1970s) G. Pelecanos King Suckerman (1998) 89: What’samatter, baby [...] you got a George?
OnLine Dict. of Playground Sl. 🌐 george n. Word used to mean a menstrual period. At Ackworth School, Yorkshire (a Quaker boarding school) the dates of the girls’ periods had to be recorded in the ‘George Book’.