Green’s Dictionary of Slang

Snor City n.

[Afk. snor, a moustache + SE city; many male Pretorians supposedly wear moustaches]

(S.Afr.) Pretoria.

[US]Cosmopolitan Dec. 168: Other aliases are Snor City (there’s a ‘total onsnort’ of moustachioed men), and Spark Plug (NGK) Country. ‘Pretoria,’ said a retired clerk living in Irene, ‘is Sodom and Gomorrah in a cloak of respectability.’ [DSAE].
Weekly Mail (S.Afr.) 4 May 23: When the police [...] start shouting at the dogs through loudhailers in the roof, the associations with Snor City, our capital, will send extra shivers down a Johannesburger’s back [DSAE].