Green’s Dictionary of Slang

snore n.

1. a sleep or sleep in general; also attrib.

[UK]Sporting Times 1 Apr. 3/4: The lady [...] was snatched by my own strong hands from the blazing car, and now lies upstairs on the Gubbinian snore-couch.
[UK]J. Curtis They Drive by Night 40: He had not had much snore the night before.
[UK]J. Curtis Look Long Upon a Monkey 85: Me and you’s going to get in some snore.
[US]D. Jenkins Semi-Tough 20: Her daddy can put you into some kind of a snore with stories about his golf game.

2. (Aus./UK) a sleeping place, esp. a hostel for tramps and vagrants; a bed.

[UK] ‘The Pickpocket’ in Encounter n.d. in Norman Norman’s London (1969) 66: The fourpenny snore and the sweeny / Dwell in the box for you. / So nitto, nark it, stoppo, / Or a carpet’s a lay-down for you.
[Aus] ‘Whisper All Aussie Dict.’ in Kings Cross Whisper (Sydney) xl 4/4: snore: A place to rest the bod.

3. a boring person or thing.

[UK]‘Josephine Tey’ Singing Sands 3: Browse, indeed! The very sound of the word was an offence. A snore.
[US](con. early 1950s) J. Ellroy L.A. Confidential 100: The job was a snore.
[US]Mad mag. Mar. 49: He’s a snore! His personality blows!
[US](con. 1964–8) J. Ellroy Cold Six Thousand 145: Spurgeon was a yawn. Duane Hinton was a snore. Eldon Peavy was a faggy snooze.

In derivatives

snoreville (n.) (also snoresville) [SE snore(s) + -ville sfx1 ]

1. bedtime; sleep.

[US]Overbrook Herald (KS) 1 Dec. 1/1: The sleeper snored [...] the snores of the snorer of Snoresville became more resonant.
‘Yulesville’ in Bench Racer at 🌐 I was ready for Snoresville, and man, was I beat.

2. (orig. US) anything or anywhere considered tedious, boring; thus as adj., boring.

[US]Courier-News (Bridgewater, NJ) 19 Nov. 8/2: S small tree-lined street in Snoresville.
Palm Beach Post (FL) 13 July 71/2: ‘I think it’s going to be snoresville,’ said the delegate attending his third convention.
[US]Indianapolis Star (IN) 7 Aug. J5/2: ’I didn’t want to do tired old [...] African prints; that’s snoresville’.
‘Tell It Like It Is’ at 🌐 You’ve all experienced the speaker from Snoreville. You know whom I’m talking about, the presenter who drones on about this profit margin or that market trend but never really gets his message across. Do you fear that you may be from Snoreville?
Sth Florida Sun Sentinel (Ft Lauderdale, FL) 10 June 19/3: She’s the one that organizes a contest so that she and her friends don’t face anoher summer of snoresville.
[US]Arizona Republic (Phoenix, AZ) 29 Apr. D6/1: (Cancer June 22-July 22) Without you, an up-coming event has real ‘Snoresville’ potential.
[US](con. 1962) J. Ellroy Enchanters 152: It [i.e. a movie casting office] was snoresville.

In phrases