Green’s Dictionary of Slang

f.i.g.m.o. phr.


fuck it, got my orders; sometimes bowdlerized as finally I... or forget it...

[US]Current Sl. II:2 13: Figmo, Forget it, I’ve got my orders. Attitude of person in final days of old assignment.
[US]Army Times ‘Army Talk in Vietnam’ 10 Apr. n.p.: FIGMO: acronym for ‘Finally I get my orders.’ Especially in ‘figmo chart,’ a shortimer’s calendar, usually a drawing of an undraped female form, with numbered sections which are filled in, one each day, as the shorttimer keeps track of days to go.
[US]N.Y. Rev. of Books 13 June 5/2: The ‘short-timers’’ abracadabra magic word was figmo — ‘Fuck It, Got My Orders’.