Green’s Dictionary of Slang

twak n.

also twakkie
[Afk. twak, nonsense]

(S.Afr.) nonsense, rubbish.

[SA] informant in DSAE (1996).
[SA]P. Slabolepszy ‘Smallholding’ Mooi Street (1994) 172: A Father is a king in his own castle, that’s what they tell you. But it’s a klomp twak. Nothing but moersa klomp twak.
letter in Grocott’s Mail (S. Afr.) 13 Feb. 5: While his erstwhile cronies support him, all that Mr de Klerk has to say may be considered as twak [DSAE].
[SA]IOL News (Western Cape) 4 Mar. 🌐 Amazing host talks a load of twakkie.