Green’s Dictionary of Slang

moles n.

[SE moleskin, a strong, soft, fine-piled cotton fustian, the surface of which is ‘shaved’ before dyeing]

(Aus.) moleskin trousers.

[Aus]‘A. Pendragon’ Queen of the South 35: Sol shouted out, ‘only a cove as wants a pair of moles’.
[Aus]H. Lawson ‘The Stranger’s Friend’ in Roderick (1967–9) I 370: At the end of the spree, in clean white ‘moles’, clean-shaven, and cool as ice.
[Aus]L.M. Palmer-Archer Bush Honeymoon 327: Nearly all wore sad-coloured moles.
[Aus]Townsville Daily Bulletin 6 Nov. 11/2: The flashest shearer with his white moles, scarlet shirt and cabbage tree hat.
[Aus]K.S. Prichard Coonardoo 234: I’ve always thought of you in a pair of old white moles with a shirt to match the sky.
[Aus]Townsville Daily Bull. (Qld) 4 June 7/3: For comfort and ease give me a Jacky Howe, moles, ’lastic sides.
[Aus]Townsville Daily Bull. (Qld) 3 June 12/6: Stone the crows if I haven’t burnt the seat out of me moles.