Green’s Dictionary of Slang

grommet n.2

[surfing use grommet, a novice]

1. (Aus.) a surfer.

[Aus] in Tracks (Aus.) Dec. 3: I have known one grommet [...] who is really dedicated and takes his surfing seriously.
[Aus]T. Winton Human Torpedo 12: He could sure ride a board. Genuine surf rat, grommet extraordinaire.
[Aus]B. Moore Lex. of Cadet Lang. 178: grommet [...] In the wider community the term may be used to refer to surfers in general, not just to tyros.
[Aus]S. Maloney Something Fishy (2006) 94: The surf scene [...] was tight and the local nazis took a dim view of blow-in grommets.
D. Boyd Legends of Surfing 24: Bluey, who of course was a redhead, started out surfing on his mom’s ironing board when he was a grommet of six years of age.

2. see grummet n. (4)

In compounds