Green’s Dictionary of Slang

manure n.

[euph. for bullshit n. (1)]

(Can./US) nonsense.

[US]E. Hemingway letter 17–18 July in Baker Sel. Letters (1981) 85: I suppose this sounds like all sorts of Merde from the good old manure spreader.
[US]E. Hunter Blackboard Jungle 95: These guys were always tough in the beginning. Until they knew what they were up against, and realized they were shovelling manure against the tide.
[UK]L. Dunne Goodbye to The Hill (1966) 178: That load of manure that I left with her at four o’clock. It was such rubbish.
[Can]R. Caron Go-Boy! 248: You better not be feeding me manure, boy!