Green’s Dictionary of Slang

buftie n.

also buftie-boy
[? buttfucker n.]

(Scot.) a male homosexual; also attrib.

[Scot]I. Welsh ‘A Smart Cunt’ in Acid House 241: The wee buftie immediately springs up to the bar.
[Scot]I. Welsh Filth 294: Yes, buftie-boys are the biggest size queens. [Ibid.] 344: Move yir queer erse ya fuckin buftie!
OnLine Dict. of Playground Sl. 🌐 Buftie n. homosexual.
[Scot](con. 1980s) I. Welsh Skagboys 9: Worrying fir years ah was a possible buftie boy due tae ma musical tastes.
[Scot]T. Black Ringer [ebook] n.p.: I’ll not be lugging any pink fucking suitcase down to the street; not having anyone thinking I’ve gone and turned into a buftie boy.
[Scot]I. Welsh Decent Ride 33: Ah’d huv had that fuckin tube up baith thair snatches and been suckin like a double-teaming Calton Hill bustie till ah tasted claret.
[Scot]I. Welsh Decent Ride 41: If aw they buftie public-school cunts hudnae been ridin each other thaire wid be nae fuckin Aids in the first place.