Green’s Dictionary of Slang

bevan n.

[‘I attended St Joseph’s College, Gregory Terrace in Brisbane, and I suspect I was around during the Birth of the expression ‘Bevan.’ At the time (late 70’s) there was rumoured to be a Brisbane Boys Grammer individual named Bevan who, on weekends prefered to wear ‘The Flanno’ and Ug Boots, drive around in a Holden Sandman, and listen to Heavy Metal, while your average upper middle class youth, prefered wearing Penguin shirts and Amco tabs the trendy attire of the era. It’s a great story and who knows? It may just be true’ Aus. Word Map 2003]

(20) Queensland-specific equvalent of bogan n. (1); also adj.

[Aus]Courier-Mail (Brisbane) 6 July 21/3: Bevans and bogans. This group is characterised by their common dress [...] tight T-shirts relating to the brand of car they drive or detest, old blue jeans, ugh [sic] boots (replaced by thongs in the summer) and the obligatory pack of cigarettes shoved up one T-shirt sleaeeve. Females also wear tight jeans, high-heeled shoes and skimpy caamisole tops.
Google Groups: soc.culture.australian 16 July 🌐 Up in Ballarat, Central Vic, we also call people who hoon around in old cars Bogans (plus they wear fluffy slippers). I do know that in some parts of QLD they call them Bevans.
J. Lambert Macquarie Dict. Sl. 15/1: bevan, the Queensland term for a flannie-clad, mullet,sporting, unrefined, ill-educated yobbo. […] Apparently from the name Bevan, seen as typical of this type, though of course women can be bevans too.
[Aus]T. Spicer Good Girl Stripped Bare 20: Our eyes meet. I give him the thumbs-up: bevan Bonnie to criminal Clyde. (‘Bevan’ is the Queensland version of ‘bogan’.

In compounds

bevan chick (n.) (also bev chick)

(Aus.) the female equivalent of sense 1.

[Aus]Aus. Word Map 🌐 bev-chick The girlfriend or a young woman who hangs out with a bevan: She is such a bev-chick.
[Aus]T. Spicer Good Girl Stripped Bare 37: I want to be a slight, dark-haired woman of Eastern European ancestry, because it’s so much more sophisticated than being the bevan chick from Redcliffe.