Green’s Dictionary of Slang

science n.

1. constr. with the.

(a) (UK Und.) stealing, pickpocketing.

[UK]Defoe Street Robberies Considered 12: I was full fourteen before I attempted any thing noble in the Science, as they Term it.

(b) boxing or fencing, esp. the former.

[US]N.-Y. Eve. Post 17 Aug. 2/1: The writer of a communication signed ‘Mendoza,’ giving an account of a boxing-match yesterday, on board of a ship, while on her way down the bay, must excuse us. Our readers take no interest in the science of boxing.
[UK]Jack Randall’s Diary 63: If not science, I at least am bottom.
[US]N.-Y. Eve. Post 4 June 2/4: He happened to be a stout two-fisted captain of a ship, with a little knowledge of the science, and so placed his blows upon their knobs, that in almost a twinkling of an eye, two or three of them found themselves sprawling in the gutter.
[UK]‘The Randy Mot of Oxford Street’ in New Cockalorum Songster in Spedding & Watt (eds) II 12: If other mots get on her beat / Good science she can show.
[US]Sthn Pioneer (Carrolton, MS) 20 Feb. 1/5: After having been ‘laid out’ ten or a dozen times by the superior ‘science’ and size of O’Whack, the major [...] put spurs to his nag.

2. (W.I. Rasta) obeah, witchcraft; thus science v., to cast a malign spell on someone.

[UK]T. White Catch a Fire 50: Somebody science ’im [...] put duppy on ’im bwai.
[UK]V. Headley Yardie 61: It seemed like the old science that had saved him many times in the past was still working.
‘Patois Dict.’ 🌐.

3. information, knowledge.

[US]G. Smitherman Black Talk.
[US]Source Oct. 83: What’s the science behind the title of the new album.
[US]‘Dutch’ ? (Pronounced Que) [ebook] ‘Where are you?’ [...] ‘In VA beach. What’s the science?’.

In derivatives

scientific (adj.)

pertaining to boxing.

[[UK]Kentish Gaz. 9 May 4/1: The mode of their fighting was scientific: the former stood boldly up, and stopped the blows of his adversary].
Dublin Eve Post 11 Feb. 3/3: A Peep at the Amusements of the Lyceum London, or the Scientific Art of defence, by D. Mendoz\.
[US]Commercial Advertiser (N.Y.) 19 May 2/5: Our readers are not used to such scientific expressions as — ‘close-enough-in’ — ‘giving a rattler on the chest’ — ‘hit well left and right, and one of his peepers queered’ — ‘giving a hit which crimsoned well,’ &c. &c.
scientifically (adv.)

in a manner pertaining to boxing.

[US]Morning Courier and N.-Y. Enquirer 25 Feb. 2/2: The Fancy. — Yesterday two ragamuffin colored ‘gemmen of the ring’ [staged a fight in the street] [...] the principals, seconds, and stakeholder (a white man) were lodged in quod, or less scientifically speaking, in Bridewell.

In phrases

drop science (v.) [drop v.4 (6)]

(US black) to demonstrate wisdom or skill.

[US] Eric B. & Rakim ‘My Melody’ 🎵 I drop science like a scientist, My melody’s in a code. [...] Just turn it on and start rockin, mind no introduction. / Til I finish droppin science, no interruption.
[US]J. Ridley Love Is a Racket 101: It was heavy science Nellis was dropping.
[UK]Guardian Guide 15–21 Jan. 28: Largin’ his oneness and droppin’ his sick science over the last fortnight. [Ibid.] 18–24 Mar. 28: All we need to do is drop some science on some fat corporate skeeze, bag the money and then drop out on the way to Heathrow.
Kendrick Lamar ‘Fuck Your Ethnicity’ 🎵 Dropping that science like an alchemist, and I be kicking that ass.