Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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B.O.B., n. a derog. description of an unattractive female.
Bob, n.1 1. a generic term for a man, on lines of such equally common names as Jack, Tom etc. 2. see Bob Hope n. (1)
Bob, n.2 euph. for God; esp. in excls. no sirree, Bob! ; s’elp me bob! excl.; thus struesbob! excl.
b.o.b., n. see B.O.B. n.
bob, n.1 1.  an act of sexual intercourse . 2. the penis. 3.  an effeminate male homosexual .
1 sub-entry
bob, n.2 a shoplifter’s assistant, to whom the stolen goods are quickly passed by the actual lifter; 20C use refers to any shoplifter.
bob, n.3 1. a spirituous liquor, e.g. gin, rum, i.e. a shilling’s (5p) worth. 2. a shilling (5p); thus attrib. 3. a counterfeit shilling. 4. money in general; esp. as a few bob. 5.  $1.
9 sub-entries
bob, n.4 50 strokes of the lash.
bob, n.5 a marijuana cigarette.
bob, n.6 see bobtail n.3
bob, adj. safe; pleasant, satisfactory; usu. in phr. all is bob.
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bob, v.1 1.  to cheat, to deceive; thus bobbed, cheated; bobber, a cheat. 2. to thrash, to beat; thus bob(bed), beaten. 3. to adulterate milk with water. 4. to wound or kill.
bob, v.2 1. of a man, to have sexual intercourse; ext. in phr. play at bob-cherry. 2.  to work.
bob, v.3 to act in a nervous manner; thus bobbing n .
5 sub-entries
bob, v.4 see ralph v.
bob!, excl. stop! enough! esp. as response to the drink pourer’s request ‘Say when?’.
Bob Marley, n.1 1. marijuana . 2. (female) pubic hair .
bobtail, n.3 a dishonourable discharge; thus the soldier thus discharged; also attrib.
ralph, v. to vomit.
babbie-shop, n. an Indian-owned store.
bobby (adj.) counterfeit.
under bob, n.3
bob hop (n.) a dance.
under bob, n.3
bob in (n.) 1.  the payment of a shilling (5p) into a common pot, esp. as used for buying drinks; also attrib. 2.  a dicing game in which all players contribute a shilling (5p); the winner then buys the round of drinks.
under bob, n.3
bob-in (n.) a collection of money (nominally a shilling per head), e.g. to pay for drinks.
under bob, n.3
bob-kid (n.) one who is poor but can still afford a shilling-fare for travel.
under bob, n.3
bob a nob (n.) one shilling each person, used when estimating the cost of meals, outings, tickets etc; also attrib., with sesne of second-rate (see cite 1894).
under bob, n.3
bob cull (n.) a pleasant, good-natured person.
under bob, adj.
bob ken (n.) 1. a house considered worth robbing. 2. a house occupied by thieves.
under bob, adj.
bob and weave (v.) to avoid direct action, either confrontation, explanation, aggression etc.
under bob, v.3
bob around (v.) to move quickly from place to place.
under bob, v.3
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