Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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jive, n.1 1.  sexual intercourse, also a sex partner. 2.  nonsense, rubbish, insincere, deceitful or pretentious talk . 3.  Afro-American slang, esp. as coined in Harlem and thence used by jazz musicians; also attrib. 4.  any thing, stuff, goings-on, situation. 5. in drug uses. (3 subsenses) 6. wine. 7. a second-rate person. 8. one’s personality or material possessions. 9. a gun. 10. a proposition, a suggestion.
14 sub-entries
jive, n.2 1. a deceitful, arrogant or pretentious person. 2. an unsophisticated person.
jive, adj. 1. a generally negative term, applicable to a range of dubious actions, fake, phoney, deceitful, unappealing, hypocritical, insincere etc; occas. of objects (see cite 1938). 2. unimportant, trivial, foolish.
7 sub-entries
jive, v.1 1. to engage in sexual intercourse. 2.  to talk nonsense, to deceive, trick or flatter by apparently empty chatter; thus jive about with, give some jive, to play with, to mess around. 3. to play or dance to jive music, thus to live hedonistically. 4. to tease, to make fun of. 5. to converse, to talk. 6. to saunter, to swagger, to dodge. 7. to idle, to loaf about.
6 sub-entries
jive, v.2 to fit in, to make sense, to agree, esp. in negative uses, e.g. that don’t jive, that doesn’t make sense.
jive artist (n.) a pretentious person.
under jive, n.1
jive hive (n.) a juke box.
under jive, n.1
jive kit (n.) the equipment – needle, spoon, eye-dropper, cotton – used for taking narcotics.
under jive, n.1
jive rattle (n.) slang .
under jive, n.1
jive stick (n.) a marijuana cigarette.
under jive, n.1
jive talk see separate entries.
under jive, n.1
jivey (adj.) 1.  redolent of jive music, lively, aware . 2.  pretentious, insincere, phoney, hypocritical etc. .
under jive, adj.
jive hand (n.) an undesirable situation that puts one person at an unfair disadvantage, one is dealt ‘a bad hand’.
under jive, adj.
jive handshake (n.) any of variously choreographed handshakes in which, e,g., the parties may release their clasp, perform fist bumps or other ritualized gestures, then clasp again.
under jive, adj.
jive nigger (n.) see jive-ass n.1
under jive, adj.
jive roller (n.) see roller n. (7)
under jive, adj.
jivetime (adj.) insincere, dishonest, stupid.
under jive, adj.
jive turkey (n.) an insincere, deceitful, dishonest person.
under jive, adj.
jive and juke (v.) to have a very good time .
under jive, v.1
jive around (v.) 1. to tease, to make fun of, to fool around. 2. to tell lies, to deceive.
under jive, v.1
jive (someone) out of (v.) to deceive, to trick, to cheat.
under jive, v.1
jive up (v.) to ruin, to make a mess of.
under jive, v.1
jive bomber (n.) a good dancer.
under jive, v.1
jive-ass, n.1 a deceitful, arrogant or pretentious person.
jive-ass, n.2 one who loves fun or excitement.
jive-ass, adj. 1.  deceitful, pretentious, arrogant, insincere. 2.  a general derog. epithet.
jive-ass, v. to talk nonsense, to swagger, to boast.
jiver, n. 1.  a trickster, a deceiver, a flatterer, an insincere person. 2.  a jazz fan. 3. a rock musician.
jive talk, n. slang-talking.
jive-talk, v. 1.  to talk slang; thus jive-talker n.; jive-talking n. and adj . 2. to talk inconsequentially, to talk nonsense .
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