Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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An Authentic narrative of the most remarkable adventures, and curious intrigues, exhibited in the life of Miss Fanny Davies, the celebrated modern amazon, who received the sentence of death choose

Quotation Text

[UK] Life of Fanny Davies 7: Constantly attending the pawnbroker’s offie, and the gin-shop [she] was even at ten years of age able to ouwtit both Mr. Cent per Cent and the Balderdasher.
at balderdasher (n.) under balderdash, n.
[UK] Life of Fanny Davies 7: [She] was even at ten years of age able to outwit both Mr. Cent per Cent and the Balderdasher.
at cent per cent, n.
[UK] Life of Fanny Davies 28: The Marshalsea, another seminary of Sputhwark, for training up swindlers, was saved from the fire, but all the students were set at liberty.
at college, n.
[UK] Life of Fanny Davies 10: That son of Gripus [...] was a person worth near 100,000l. yet he almost starved himelf and the fair one.
at gripes, n.1
[UK] Life of Fanny Davies 49: She was immediately carried over the water [i.e. from Southwark to the City] , taken before a magistrate, and [...] committed for trial.
at water, the, n.
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