2019 C. Hammer Silver [ebook] ‘Then we [...] get a court order to sell the factory and the land, and distribute any proceeds. But it would be cents in the dollar. Sweet FA’.at sweet Fanny Adams, n.
2019 C. Hammer Silver [ebook] The mention of Doug Thunkleton horrifies Mandy [...] ‘That arsewipe?’.at arsewipe, n.
2019 C. Hammer Silver [ebook] ‘Is that right?’ ‘Sure as shit it’s right’.at sure as shit under sure as..., phr.
2019 C. Hammer Silver [ebook] ‘[Y]our girlfriend and her pain-in-the-arse lawyer’.at pain-in-the-ass, adj.
2019 C. Hammer Silver [ebook] ‘Martin fucking Scarsden! What a ball-tearer’.at ball-tearer (n.) under balls, n.
2019 C. Hammer Silver [ebook] He told me to bend over across this desk [...] then he banged me from behind.at bang, v.1
2019 C. Hammer Silver [ebook] [He] wonders if the tide of prosperity [...] has deposited any lasting wealth with the battlers of Port Silver.at battler (n.) under battle, v.
2019 C. Hammer Silver [ebook] ‘Gets the breeze, kids can play on the sand. Real nice.’ ‘Sounds beaut’.at beaut, adj.
2019 C. Hammer Silver [ebook] Poulos rubs his hands together [...] ‘The Supreme Court. Shit, man, that’s the big time’.at big time, n.1
2019 C. Hammer Silver [ebook] There’s none of the bling, none of the pretence, no compulsion to appeal to tourists.at bling, n.
2019 C. Hammer Silver [ebook] ‘[W]hy the fuck are you publishing it all over the Fairfax websites? They boned you, remember?’.at bone, v.2
2019 C. Hammer Silver [ebook] Royce has shit for brains. He tried to sell some eccies [...] in the hostel.at shit for brains, phr.
2019 C. Hammer Silver [ebook] Martin gives him [i.e. a baby] a hug, holds him aloft to smell his bum.at bum, n.1
2019 C. Hammer Silver [ebook] Scotty and Jasper, smoking cigarettes and drinking, flicking butts with practised nonchalance.at butt, n.1