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Hicky's Bengal Gazette or the Original Calcutta General Advertiser choose

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[Ind] Hicky’s Bengal Gaz. 24-31 Mar. n.p.: Her Guardian Cuddy Matchwell her Ciscibeo Jacky Dandy.
at jack-a-dandy, n.
[Ind] Hicky’s Bengal Gaz. 18-25 Aug. n.p.: Ye Gods! it is enough to make old Saturn smile.
at ye gods (and little fishes)!, excl.
[Ind] Hicky’s Bengal Gaz. 19-26 May n.p.: The Just-Ass is a very fearfull Mon.
at ass, n.
[Ind] Hicky’s Bengal Gaz. 4-11 Aug. n.p.: Play at all fours and put, that being the favorite Game here — sweet little Miss!
at play at all fours (v.) under play (at)..., v.
[Ind] Hicky’s Bengal Gaz. 21-28 Apr. n.p.: [O]ur brave General is gone to Coromandel, / To give Hyder Ally a pretty tight banging.
at banging, n.
[Ind] Hicky’s Bengal Gaz. 29 Sept.-6 Oct. n.p.: ‘Tis of a Young Blacky lamenting her swain.
at blackie (n.) under black, adj.
[Ind] Hicky’s Bengal Gaz. 6-12 May n.p.: It is said [they] will attempt to storm our Black Town.
at black town (n.) under black, adj.
[Ind] Hicky’s Bengal Gaz. 12-19 May n.p.: Ye are a parcel of Blockheads from the first to the last of ye.
at blockhead, n.1
[Ind] Hicky’s Bengal Gaz. 1-8 Sept. n.p.: I have [...] three of my Timbers in, but the shipwright of bones gave me no other assistance than telling me it was bad enough [...] but time [...] would splice them together again [Ibid.] n.p.: Russle, by the help of the Cobbler of Bones, can walk.
at bone-bender (n.) under bone, n.1
[Ind] Hicky’s Bengal Gaz. 3-10 Nov. n.p.: He struck the seller such a Derier on the bread basket, as knoked [sic] him [...] sprawling.
at breadbasket (n.) under bread, n.1
[Ind] Hicky’s Bengal Gaz. 2-9 June n.p.: To their sorrowful disappointment, [they] found they had brought their Turkies to a wrong market.
at bring one’s hogs to a fair market (v.) under bring, v.
[Ind] Hicky’s Bengal Gaz. 21-28 Apr. n.p: That Crop’d eard Apostle in Embrio [...] Obadiah Broad-brim.
at broadbrim (n.) under broad, adj.
[Ind] Hicky’s Bengal Gaz. 23-30 June n.p.: The Presumptuous Pulta Rotas (the Copper smith) commonly call’d the Bermingham Counterfeit .
at Brummagem, adj.
[Ind] Hicky’s Bengal Gaz. 15-22 Dec. n.p.: The Isle of Skey plate which provided such keen sport is likely to prove a Bubble at last.
at bubble, n.1
[Ind] Hicky’s Bengal Gaz. 21-28 Apr. n.p.: Come push about the Bottle, my Bucks let’s be brisk, / Let’s toast the fine Girls that grace India’s soil.
at buck, n.1
[Ind] Hicky’s Bengal Gaz. 1-8 Dec. n.p.: The Sawneys soon silenced poor John Bull crying Oot with him.
at John Bull, n.1
[Ind] Hicky’s Bengal Gaz. 28 Apr.-5 May n.p.: I am ready to [...] toss off a bumper to Peace.
at bumper, n.2
[Ind] Hicky’s Bengal Gaz. 19-26 May n.p.: All of them think it both prudent, and Just / To make what the[y] call a Neez Bundobust.
at bundabust, n.
[Ind] Hicky’s Bengal Gaz. 28 July - 4 Aug. n.p.: She seemed amaz’d wah wah Burrah Saib hi!, was her exclamation.
at burra sahib (n.) under burra, adj.
[Ind] Hicky’s Bengal Gaz. 24 Nov.-1 Dec. n.p.: It is the Verdict that does the Business, but it is the Evidence [...] that governs the Verdict.
at do the business (v.) under business, n.
[Ind] Hicky’s Bengal Gaz. 17 Mar. n.p.: Pretty little looking-glasses, Good and cheap for chee-chee misses [Hobson-Jobson].
at chee-chee, adj.
[Ind] Hicky’s Bengal Gaz. 1-8 Dec. n.p.: Lucy Chinless and Sammy Tallow sat chirp’d and caroused it [...] till three in the Morning.
at chirp, v.
[Ind] Hicky’s Bengal Gaz. 23-30 June n.p.: Chutah Pigdanny [...] Hovers about her like an unfledged Cupid oror ‘Fribble in Miss in her Teens’.
at chota sahib (n.) under chota, adj.
[Ind] Hicky’s Bengal Gaz. 19-26 May n.p.: Nat Chucklehead [...] metamorphosed himself by having [...] his mischeivous mangy Head Shaved close and bare.
at chucklehead, n.
[Ind] Hicky’s Bengal Gaz. 19-26 May n.p.: Of al the Animals that move on Earth, there is none so completely mischievous as a wickeed [sic], dull, clod pated Country Justice.
at clod-pated, adj.
[Ind] Hicky’s Bengal Gaz. 2-9 June n.p.: Alas! poor John Company! thou art Bled [...] to Death by — Hireling Schemers.
at John Company, n.
[Ind] Hicky’s Bengal Gaz. 22-29 Sept. n.p.: Moors and gentoos (cheifly [sic] Cooleys, and poor people).
at coolie, n.1
[Ind] Hicky’s Bengal Gaz. 24-31 Mar. n.p.: Drive Emma W—m from thy head, / And cease to crib any more.
at crib, v.2
[Ind] Hicky’s Bengal Gaz. 24-31 Mar. n.p.: Her Guardian Cuddy Matchwell her Ciscibeo Jacky Dandy.
at cuddy, n.1
[Ind] Hicky’s Bengal Gaz. 11-18 Aug. n.p.: A professed Friend both to the Cyprian Goddess, and Tent-pole Impromptu.
at Cyprian, adj.
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