2020 S.A. Crosby Blacktop Wasteland 13: ‘You and them rent-a-cops was working together’.at rent-a-, pfx
2020 S.A. Crosby Blacktop Wasteland 189: ‘This ol’ boy got lots of firepower and he don’t give two tight fucks about showing it off’.at not give a fuck, v.
2020 S.A. Crosby Blacktop Wasteland 176: ‘It ain’t taking advantage, if you want it,’ he said. [...] ‘Smart-ass,’ Kia said.at smart-arse, n.
2020 S.A. Crosby Blacktop Wasteland 175: The garage was as busy as a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest.at busy as a one-legged... (adj.) under busy as..., adj.
2020 S.A. Crosby Blacktop Wasteland 94: ‘Them good ol’ boys always telling us to get over slavery, but they can’t get over having their ass handed to them by Sherman’.at get one’s ass handed to one (v.) under ass, n.
2020 S.A. Crosby Blacktop Wasteland 265: In an hour, they won’t be nothing but a big-ass paperweight.at big-ass, adj.
2020 S.A. Crosby Blacktop Wasteland 31: A crazy-ass good ol’ boy [with] twenty-three Elvis tattoos.at crazy-ass, adj.
2020 S.A. Crosby Blacktop Wasteland 156: ‘Cuz you the only black guy who owns a garage that’s been getting its ass kicked’.at kick someone’s ass under ass, n.
2020 S.A. Crosby Blacktop Wasteland 87: The god-awful clusterfuck that was Interstate 64.at God-awful, adj.
2020 S.A. Crosby Blacktop Wasteland 171: Jenny had bailed on him, but that wasn’t such a bad thing.at bail on, v.
2020 S.A. Crosby Blacktop Wasteland 77: ‘I ain’t trying to wake up to three hots and a cot because you gonna ball up like a baby when the work goes down’’.at ball up, v.
2020 S.A. Crosby Blacktop Wasteland 186: ‘Who came up with driving off the damn overpass? That was some brass balls shit there, I tell ya’.at brass balls, n.
2020 S.A. Crosby Blacktop Wasteland 135: He had a cushy job in the prison laundry [...] It was like he was on a vacation instead of doing a bid.at bid, n.2
2020 S.A. Crosby Blacktop Wasteland 62: Hair of the dog my white ass, he thought.at hair of the dog (that bit one), n.
2020 S.A. Crosby Blacktop Wasteland 74: ‘We all straight. Don’t get high. Don’t pop no Oxy. Don’t smoke a blunt’.at blunt, n.3
2020 S.A. Crosby Blacktop Wasteland 75: ‘How many bodies on that one [i.e. a gun]? How many robberies?’.at body, n.
2020 S.A. Crosby Blacktop Wasteland 84: ‘That’s good, boo [...] Love you’ [ibid.] 200: She [i.e. a waitress] came strutting over [...] ‘What ya need, boo?’ she asked.at boo, n.5
2020 S.A. Crosby Blacktop Wasteland 133: ‘[Y]ou don’t think broke-ass Ronnie Sessions throwing around money ain’t gonna attract some attention?’.at broke, adj.1
2020 S.A. Crosby Blacktop Wasteland 6: ‘That old Duster got some get-up-and-go!’ said a heavyset brother with a wide nose.at brother, n.
2020 S.A. Crosby Blacktop Wasteland 50: ‘The manager is this big bull dyke who probably got a strap-on pecker bigger than yours and mine put together’.at bull-dyke, n.
2020 S.A. Crosby Blacktop Wasteland 55: Lying in her bed after bumping uglies.at bump uglies (v.) under bump, v.1
2020 S.A. Crosby Blacktop Wasteland 53: ‘Go get a burner phone and call the shop tomorrow’.at burner, n.1
2020 S.A. Crosby Blacktop Wasteland 255: Beauregard wheeled around with the .45. He panned across the room with the business end.at business end, the (n.) under business, n.
2020 S.A. Crosby Blacktop Wasteland 196: ‘Jesus H. Christ, butt munch, put the gun down’.at buttmunch (n.) under butt, n.1
2020 S.A. Crosby Blacktop Wasteland 167: ‘White went out and got a Corvette and started dropping c-notes at Danny’s bar’.at C-note, n.
2020 S.A. Crosby Blacktop Wasteland 169: ‘Get out the car, Bug. No need to give the cops a reason to pop a cap in you’.at pop a cap (v.) under cap, n.2
2020 S.A. Crosby Blacktop Wasteland 50: ‘The manager is this big bull dyke [...] So one night a couple of weeks ago, this carpet licker took Jenny out for drinks’.at carpet-muncher (n.) under carpet, n.1
2020 S.A. Crosby Blacktop Wasteland 89: ‘I wish I could give you something. I’m just so strapped right now’.at strapped (for cash), adj.