Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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[UK] G. Krauze What They Was 10: D is the big man [...] he knows wagwan.
at what a gwarn?, phr.
[UK] G. Krauze What They Was 174: Every now and again I holla for the linkage [...] I message Mystery u wanna link up?
at -age, sfx
[UK] G. Krauze What They Was 35: Someone would go who’s dat? bare loud and aggi.
at aggi, adj.
[UK] G. Krauze What They Was 252: Couple seats down there’s there black akhis — on this Muslim gang ting.
at akhi, n.
[UK] G. Krauze What They Was 189: I had to pull an all-nighter in the library.
at pull an all-nighter (v.) under all-nighter, n.
[UK] G. Krauze What They Was 64: I’m thinking allow these ratchet chicks tryna hustle man.
at allow, v.
[UK] G. Krauze What They Was 63: We get a couple of boxes — two kilos of amnesia — and break them down into smaller bits [Ibid.] 67: Not Nice comes past me, smell of ammi following him.
at amnesia, n.
[UK] G. Krauze What They Was 210: [T]ight jeans rolled up showing ashy ankles.
at ashy, adj.
[UK] G. Krauze What They Was 45: The brer she actually likes tells her it’s cool, b, don’t watch nuttin.
at B, n.4
[UK] G. Krauze What They Was 68: Tying up mandem’s babymums and raping them n all sorts.
at baby-mother (n.) under baby, n.
[UK] G. Krauze What They Was 86: She gets down on hn ds and knees and pushes her juicy backoff out like a rip apricot full of sap.
at backoff, n.
[UK] G. Krauze What They Was 45: Some chicks fall in love with the badness [...] attaching themselves to the baddest brer they can find.
at bad, adj.
[UK] G. Krauze What They Was 63: [M]e see how unu badboy fi true.
at bad boy, n.
[UK] G. Krauze What They Was 63: Everyone gets too mashup and they start arguing [...] badding each other up .
at bad up, v.
[UK] G. Krauze What They Was 53: You just have to be more savage, more badmind [...] and then bang — you’ve got your own reputation.
at bad-mind, adj.
[UK] G. Krauze What They Was 210: Moving so badmind that the wickedness you do come like you got no heart [...] to feel anything.
at bad-mind, adj.
[UK] G. Krauze Who They Was 3: It’s [i.e. a Cartier watch] easily worth ten fifteen bags.
at bag, n.1
[UK] G. Krauze What They Was 282: I can tell if he’s been bagging up cos he’s got hay fever and the dust from the punk makes him sneeze.
at bag, v.
[UK] G. Krauze What They Was 308: You’ll see a bag of mandem coming down the road towards you.
at bag, n.1
[UK] G. Krauze What They Was 176: He drops the baggie on the floor.
at baggie, n.
[UK] G. Krauze Who They Was 5: He’s moving smart; not driving overly fast like it’s some bate getaway.
at bait, adj.
[UK] G. Krauze What They Was 10: Fuck dat blood I’m not doing that kinda bateness after what just happened.
at bateness (n.) under bait, adj.
[UK] G. Krauze What They Was 284: My brother comes upstairs [...] I say don’t bate me off Danny, shit.
at bait someone off (v.) under bait, adj.
[UK] G. Krauze Who They Was 7: Stunting about how they’re balling coz they’ve got black [Amex] cards .
at ball, v.2
[UK] G. Krauze What They Was 45: They only rate ballers [...] man who are trapping and making p’s and rocking Gucci and Louis and Balmain.
at baller, n.
[UK] G. Krauze What They Was 201: Bunny runs up he yard [...] bally’d up, holding a Glock 9.
at bally, n.2
[UK] G. Krauze What They Was 213: Ah wa di bumbaclart you ah chat bout set up.
at bambaclaat, n.
[UK] G. Krauze What They Was 46: I’ll bang her mum in the face.
at bang, v.1
[UK] G. Krauze What They Was 31: Look at that banging view fam.
at banging, adj.
[UK] G. Krauze What They Was 30: It was a wrap after that [...] I couldn’t even spit the rest of my bars.
at bar, n.3
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