Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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The Scourge of the Desert choose

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[UK] Operator 1384 Scourge of the Desert 39: I felt every sort of a skunk for having treated Lalla as I had .
at all kinds of, adv.
[UK] Operator 1384 Scourge of the Desert 171: ‘So poor Goudet caught it, did he? Well, most of us do sooner or later. But he was a good man, and his death is a big loss to the Service .
at catch it (v.) under catch, v.1
[UK] Operator 1384 Scourge of the Desert 122: ‘Crackers!’ whispered McCann. ‘You can betcha sweet life that guy’s gone cafard’ .
at crackers, adj.
[UK] Operator 1384 Scourge of the Desert 258: [I]t was always dangerous to assume that an Arab was dead; he might merely be foxing, waiting until I was near enough for him to be certain of getting me with his next shot .
at fox, v.1
[UK] Operator 1384 Scourge of the Desert 4: ‘I suggest a bottle of wine might be welcome.’ McCann’s grin broadened. ‘That sounds like real good music to me, Colonel’ .
at music, n.
[UK] Operator 1384 Scourge of the Desert 39: ‘If you’ve anything to say you can spit it out and I’ll tell the sergeant’ .
at spit (it) out (v.) under spit, v.
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