Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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My Camp choose

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[Aus] J.R. Lawrence My Camp 116: He should have been called Sgt Buzzkill, he really was a joyless, empty man.
at buzzkill, n.
[Aus] J.R. Lawrence My Camp 193: I was about to meet the biggest cockwomble I have ever met in my life (and I’ve been around) .
at cockwomble (n.) under cock, n.3
[Aus] J.R. Lawrence My Camp 194: [H]e had a typical dad bod, with thin arms poking out the sides that were the same thickness all the way up .
at dad, adj.
[Aus] J.R. Lawrence My Camp 193: [N]o one else who I mention in this book will come close to the levels of douche-baggery that he attained .
at douchebaggery (n.) under douchebag, n.
[Aus] J.R. Lawrence My Camp 216: The captain started off by shouting at him [and] escalated to physical assault. [...] Fortunately for everyone, on the second day of shooting we had a journalist turn up and the captain had to wind his neck in .
at wind one’s neck in (v.) under neck, n.
[Aus] J.R. Lawrence My Camp 207: I finished in twenty-seventh place (third to last), which kind of pissed on my strawberries [Ibid.] 272: [T]hose negative results sure pissed on his bonfire .
at piss on someone’s parade (v.) under piss on, v.
[Aus] J.R. Lawrence My Camp 147: ‘Caffeine is a drug and millions of Muslims drink it every day, are they bad?’ ’I don’t,’ replied Mejri in a haughty tone, while sitting there with a can of coke in his hand. At which point everyone leapt on him and pointed out that Coca-Cola contained caffeine. It was great to see him get owned like that and have no way of coming back.
at own, v.
[Aus] J.R. Lawrence My Camp 81: Those who had neglected to write their name on everything were in a world of shit.
at in (the) shit under shit, n.
[Aus] J.R. Lawrence My Camp 81: [W]e were all tired, but you could never say that, or you would get smoked.
at smoke, v.2
[Aus] J.R. Lawrence My Camp 325: ‘[P]ray and spray’ (poking your gun over a wall, or round a corner, without aiming and emptying a clip) .
at spray and pray (n.) under spray, v.
[Aus] J.R. Lawrence My Camp 216: [T]here were a few overzealous jerks who shot at every target and that’s when you were in danger of getting tagged .
at tag, v.1
[Aus] J.R. Lawrence My Camp 333: If they could get eyes on the insurgents then they would be toast .
at toast, adj.2
[Aus] J.R. Lawrence My Camp 7: I stood outside the shop thinking to myself, this guy is a fucking train wreck.
at train wreck, n.2
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