1886 Indep. (Footscray, Vic.) 3 Apr. 2/6: Mr Patrick [...] received a well-deserved encore for his excellent manipulation of the ‘Constant Screamer’.at constant screamer, n.
1887 Independent (Footscray, Vic.) 21 May 3/4: Then we have ‘Lob-do-minion,’ ‘Puny-um-jum,’ ‘Cracker Hash,’ ‘Burgoo’ (porridge).at burgoo, n.
1887 Independent (Footscray, Vic.) 21 May 3/4: ‘Daddyfunk’ is biscuits ground down with molasses, which taastes splendid.at dandyfunk, n.
1887 Independent (Footscray, Vic.) 21 May 3/4: Dog’s body is pea soup (made with invisble peas) and broken biscuits mixed together.at dogsbody, n.
1887 Independent (Footscray, Vic.) 21 May 3/4: Then we have ‘Lob-do-minion,’ ‘Puny-um-jum,’ ‘Cracker Hash,’ ‘Burgoo’ (porridge).at lob-dominion, n.
1887 Independent (Footscray, Vic.) 21 May 3/4: We also have a dish which bears the somewhat ghastly title of ‘Harriet Lane,’ known as Irish stew.at Harriet Lane, n.
1887 Independent (Footscray, Vic.) 21 May 3/4: We have ‘hash-ma-gandy,’ which is composed of sea biscuits broken up into very small pieces mixed with beef and anything else we can get.at hashmagandy, n.
1891 Independent (Footscray, Vic.) 23 May 3/3: The court case does not enter into full details [...] of the contending parties, but from the unmatronly, unworthy, unwifely prayer of the aggressor and the plaint of her present lord and master, it may be fairly assumed that she is either frisky and frolicsome, young and canty or inane and imbecile.at canty, adj.2
1891 Independent (Footscray, Vic.) 14 Nov. 3/4: [H]is mate, who was standing on the opposite side of the street and said he was keeping ‘nit’ whilst Perkins went into the shop.at keep nit (v.) under nit!, excl.2
1893 Independent (Footscray, Vic.) 7 Jan. 2/8: There’s the ball, dead to rights — see it, fellows?at dead to rights, phr.
1893 Independent (Footscray, Vic.) 7 Jan. 2/8: Here you are — forty in the long green.at long green, n.
1893 Independent (Footscray, Vic.) 7 Jan. 2/8: Come, hurrah, boys — who’s next.at on the hurrah under hurrah, n.
1893 Independent (Footscray, Vic.) 7 Jan. 2/8: I’m bettin’ on a dead-sure thing. Lift the cup, perfesser.at professor, n.
1896 Indep. (Footscray, Vic.) 4 Apr. 2/7: There was enough motion to keep a good many below, but as far as I was concerned I had not lost a meal, and already felt better.at lose a meal (v.) under lose, v.
1898 Independent (Footscray, Vic.) 25 June 5/5: [title] The Murrumbidgee Whaler Hurrah! for the jolly old whaler’s life / Hurrah! for the wallaby track.at Murrumbidgee whaler (n.) under Murrumbidgee, n.
1911 Indep. (Footscray, Vic.) 18 Mar. 3/2: Smith’s bowling encountered much ‘paste’, or rather it ‘got slops,’ a rather disappointing feature just as the final is approaching.at paste, n.2
1911 Indep. (Footscray, Vic.) 18 Mar. 3/2: Smith’s bowling encountered much ‘paste’, or rather it ‘got slops,’ a rather disappointing feature just as the final is approaching.at get slops (v.) under slop, n.1
1921 Indep. (Footscray, Vic.) 19 Feb. 3/5: Usually one of the most sober men in this town, the strikes have got on my ‘quince,’ and have given way to drink.at get on someone’s quince (v.) under quince, n.