Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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Sergeant Michael Cassidy, R.E. choose

Quotation Text

[UK] ‘Sapper’ Michael Cassidy 23: ‘Mr So-and-so [...] You aren’t be any means udner the delusion [etc]’.
at so-and-so, n.
[UK] ‘Sapper’ Michael Cassidy 28: ‘I thought you were a Frenchie [...] till you opened your beer tap’.
at beer trap (n.) under beer, n.
[UK] ‘Sapper’ Michael Cassidy 9: By jabers! it’s a souvenir you’ll have.
at bejabers!, excl.
[UK] ‘Sapper’ Michael Cassidy 110: ‘You blithering ass’.
at blithering, adj.
[UK] ‘Sapper’ Michael Cassidy 162: ‘And phwat of the issue of rum?’ [...] ‘You may think yourself lucky, my bucko, if you ever get another’.
at bucko, n.1
[UK] ‘Sapper’ Michael Cassidy 47: ‘The cook had run short of milk [...] Devil a drop of the cow oil was there’.
at cow-oil (n.) under cow, n.1
[UK] ‘Sapper’ Michael Cassidy 106: They saw a line of white puffs [...] It was Achibald — or the anti-aricraft gun — ‘doing the dirty’.
at do (the) dirty (v.) under dirty, n.
[UK] ‘Sapper’ Michael Cassidy 39: It [i.e. a hen] had been run over by a wagon, and had eaten a round of ammuniition.
at eat, v.
[UK] ‘Sapper’ Michael Cassidy 105: A Staff officer hacked by on a rustic morning liver-shaker.
at liver-shaker (n.) under liver, n.1
[UK] ‘Sapper’ Michael Cassidy 24: ‘Hampers they have from the big shops [...] with bottles of the stuff inside’.
at stuff, n.
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