beer n.
(US black/campus) semen.
One Hundred Dollar Misunderstanding 87: She got some longgone boyfrien’ made o’beer an her lil ol pussy jes a-creamin fer her beer boyfrien’. | ||
College Sl. Research Project (Cal. State Poly. Uni., Pomona) 🌐 Beer {vulgar} (noun) Cum, semen. [University of Western Ontario, London, Canada]. |
SE in slang uses
In derivatives
those brewers who have been ennobled, seen as a single subset of the House of Lords.
Liverpool Mercury 17 Apr. 6/8: Sir Arthur, rising to the Peerage, Meets Peers descendingt to the ‘Beerage’. | ||
Truth 22 May 1059/2: The Beerage has decidedly outrivalled the Peerage. | ||
Leisnter Reporter 3 Feb. 3/6: The breweries of England have produced several Peers, or, as the Tories were wont to say, several have risen from beerage to Peerage. | ||
Cornish & Devon Post 10 Mar. 4/6: The combination between the peerage, the ‘beerage’ and the church. | ||
Islington Gaz. 7 Jan. 2/3: Once again there was no reference to the people, but it [i.e. a bill] was obsequiously passed by the peerage and the beerage. | ||
Stapleford & Sandiacre News (Notts) 17 June 2/5: [A] number of clubs in an area will [...] supply themselves with pure beer, without having to pay toll in the shape of huge profits to the "Beera‘e’ . | ||
Port Glasgow Exp. 9 June 3/2: Quite commonly beerage leads to peerage, but that is brewer's luck. Poor publican ! he is not an aristocrat. | ||
Reading Standard 23 Aug. 5/2: A certain establishment in Reading, wedded both to the peerage and the beerage, presents an exterior rather different rfrom what it did a week ago. | ||
Milngavie and Bearsden Herald 3 Sept. 3/4: The Scottish movement for freedom have no [...] funds tor aspirants to climb to the ‘Beerage’. | ||
Halifax Eve. Courier 29 May 4/4: The beerage and the peerage have always gone together. | ||
(con. 1900s) | Maundy Gregory 194: [M]en with brewing interests figured prominently among those whom he had helped in their climb upwards into the ‘Beerage’.
1. the patrons of a public house.
Lincs Chron. 19 Nov. 5/4: At this discovery the Black Horse beerocracy rubbed their hands with glee. |
2. the world of brewers (who had in many cases been ennobled) and publicans.
Scottish Temperance Rev. 1 July 319/2: Certain noblemen or gentlemen have been mulcted in a tax imposed by the ginocracy, or beerocracy of England. | ||
Sheffield Indep. 30 Apr. 10: I am told there is an attempt to establish a beerocracy. | ||
Liverpool Mercury 1 Nov. 6/2: Is Liverpool to come under the tumb of beerocracy? | ||
World (N.Y.) Jan. 10/2: The startling mixture of peerage and beerocracy [...] was absent this time [F&H]. | ||
Hampshire Advertiser 29 May 2/2: The Radicals are now trying to get members of the beerocracy instead of the aristocracy as their leaders. | ||
Eve. Teleg. 17 Mar. 4/1: The liquor traders of the United Kingdom [...] Lord Burton, as a representative of the beerocracy, endeavoured to induce Lord Halsbury to speak. | ||
Sun. Post 29 May 8/5: No Beerocracy! [...] Surely Mr Lloyd George’s Government has enough things to do [...] without attempting to form a new beerocracy. |
1. drunk, tipsy.
Mornings in Bow St. 115: Mykle, when he is beery — and seldom’s the time he is not — is given to dancing. | ||
Sun. in London 17: When the early sabbath bells announce the arrival of that day, then do the Lower Orders begin to shake off the beery slumbers of the midnight pay-table. | ||
Punch XIII 213/2: Beery is expressive of the mental comndition of the Fast Man who has partaken of too much beer. | ||
Household Words 24 Sept. 75/2: For the one word drunk [...] muggy, beery, winey, slewed [etc.]. | ‘Slang’ in||
Silas Marner 153: There was a fair proportion of kindness in Raveloe; but it was often of a beery and bungling sort. | ||
Life and Adventures of a Cheap Jack 302: If one of the party is at all bold and beery. | ||
Nat. Police Gaz. (NY) 18 Mar. 2/2: . | ||
Bulletin (Sydney) 9 May 14/3: The sum thus treated amounted to £23, and the clerk, to punish the beery one, put it all on a rank outsider. Then the unexpected happened, the rank duffer came in first, and the Bacchanalian swain staggered to the front and claimed his dividend, amounting to £300. | ||
Martha and I 251: There is a joviality about Christmas time [...] but the voice of Nature that night sounded a trifle beery, and I made haste to get home. | ||
Sun. Times (Perth) 7 Oct. 1/1: For doing what the boss-John did a beery citizen was recently fined heavily. | ||
Sporting Times 13 June 1/3: There are men who, when beery, will strike the ‘old Dutch,’ / Though when sober they’d blush to do so. | ‘Consistent Consort’||
Truth (Perth) 1 Oct. 10/8: Now to beery get on Sunday, / It are wrong (or any time). | ||
Foveaux 261: He was breezy and cheerful and, at times, slightly beery. | ||
(con. 1948–52) Virgin Soldiers 80: If you think I’m going along to let every beery corporal [...] belch into my face, then I’m not. | ||
Fools of Fortune 22: I don’t think we should call him beery [...] A red complexion doesn’t always mean a person drinks too much. | ||
(con. 1965) Rolling Thunder (1990) 39: Merry Christmas, and to all a cheery, beery good night. |
2. (US) (excessively) fond of beer.
Nat. Police Gaz. (NY) 18 Mar. 2/2: Our actresses [...] are becoming dreadfully beery. We say nothing about the cigarettes they smoke—but we must draw the line on fifty glasses of beer a day. | ||
This Boy’s Life 130: It had been a loose society of beery guys who liked to plink at cans, but that changed . | (con. mid-1950s)
3. (US) of emotions, songs etc, induced by drink.
Tales of the Ex-Tanks 88: Who wants to listen to a lot o’ slush [...] it sounds too much like beery ballads from the go-off. | ||
Keep The Aspidistra Flying (1962) 79: The voices were so soggy, so infinitely beery. |
In compounds
1. a beer drunkard.
Weakest goeth to the Wall line 1167: And whither are they gone Beere Barrell? | ||
Salmagundi (1860) 216: These beer-barrels, indeed, seem to be most able logicians. | ||
Glossop Record 30 Apr. 3/5: The Beer Barrel. Michael Heeley was ordered to pay costs for being drunk. | ||
Cornishman 14 Nov. 7/1: Then the human beer-barrels began to fight. | ||
Amer. Thes. Sl. |
2. the stomach.
Adventures of Mr Verdant Green (1982) II 166: While to another he would cheerfully remark [...] ‘That draws the bung from the beer-barrel I’m a thinkin’.’. |
3. (orig. US) a (beer-drinker’s) paunch.
People Talk (1972) 386: Hit him in the beer barrel! | ||
Fairy Tales of N.Y. III i: That’s how I got that stomach you call a beer barrel. |
4. a fat person.
Cockney 275: Fatty and Tubby have been mentioned [...] Beer-barrel is in the same category. |
see boep n.2
(US campus) a device consisting of a funnel attached to a tube, which facilitates the speedier drinking of beer; thus do a beer bong, to drink beer through such a device.
Corks & Curls 96 295: Chugging through a beer bong is a favorite diversion during Rush at St. Anthony's Hall. | ||
Sl. U. | ||
How to Back Up a Trailer 164: There is absolutely nothing on this planet that will make beer enter your body faster than a beer bong. Unlike its illegal counterpart, a beer bong does not purify or otherwise enhance beer. It just makes it go down faster. | ||
Getting Wasted 45: Another popular method of jumpstarting one’s buzz is the use of the ‘beer bong.’ Generally speaking, a beer bong consists of a funnel with a length of tubing attached to the end and is used to accelerate the ingestion of large quantities of beer. |
a stout, red-faced man.
Passing Eng. of the Victorian Era. |
(US) a drinking party that concentrates on beer; also attrib.
Oakland Trib. 10 Oct. 3/4: The foolish ‘beer-busts’ practiced by a few, and generally condemned by all sensible people. | ||
Santa Cruz Sentinel (CA) 8 Mar. 2/1: The affair took the form, so dear to the students, of an old-fashioned ‘beer bust’. Forty-five gallons of this foaming beverage were place on draught [and] not a guest departed until the last drop of beer had been drawn. | ||
S.F. Call 1 Aug. 2/2: Hagearty’s is well known as the resort of the university boys who desire what they technically term as a ‘beer bust’. | ||
Newton Dly Republican (KS) 1 Dec. 4/5: ‘I had a salad bust head last night,’ said a society young man [...] ‘and it was worse than any beer bust head a man could possibly have’. | ||
S.F. Call 7 Nov. 4/4: [headline] Berkeley ‘Beer Bust’ Is Followed by a Most Exciting Battle. | ||
S.F. Chron. 17 Nov. 8/7: The prevailing sentiment of the student body was strong for the abolition of the custom of beer busts. | ||
John Barleycorn (2008) 127: A wild band of young revolutionists invited me as the guest of honor to a beer bust. | ||
Little Lady of the Big House [e-book] He never cut a smoker, a beer bust, or a rush. | ||
Diamond of Psi Upsilon June 216/2: An Alumni supper and beer bust drew about twenty of the old grads to the chapter house. With an ample buffet supper, and plenty of beer to tempt them, the Alumni seemed to enjoy the evening. | ||
in Derelicts of Company K (1978) 225: Last night, some men from this company went over to F Company as guests to a beer bust. | ||
Time 22 Aug. 53: 500 members frolicked as guests of the bank at a barbecue and beer bust. | ||
Atlantic Monthly June 93: Not that you can drive down to Woolworth’s and pick one up for your next beer bust. | ||
Because the Night 78: [H]e was thinking of a black vinyl Vietnam body bag he had won as a joke prize at a med school beer bust. |
(US) one who frequents saloons in the hope of cadging free beer.
Jackson Standard (OH) 18 Apr. 2/4: [The] report of a carnival of beer-buzzers in which Mr Bayard Taylor distinguished himself in a most shameful way. | ||
Hazard of New Fortunes IX 469: Why, confound the old Dutch beer-buzzer! |
(Aus.) a heavy drinker of beer; thus beer-chewing n., drinking beer, usu. in the context of a contest.
Dead Bird (Sydney) 14 Dec. 7/4: Sir, — There is a lot of talk about beer-chewers challenging one another. [...] We have got a man in Rookwood, who will chew, eat or drink beer with any other man ia the colonies. | ||
Worker (Sydney) 20 Apr. 113: Real good beer chewers, I admit, they could drink anything from clay-pan water to Port Mackay rum. | ||
Sun. Times (Perth) 9 Dec. : A mere sensualist and beer-chewing automaton. | ||
Sydney Sportsman (Surry Hills, NSW) 31 July 1/3: These beer-chewers comer people away, and after breathing their beery breaths on their intended victims, wind up by trying to borrow a bob to have a drink with. | ||
N.Z. Truth 4 Aug. 5/7: ‘Don’t think much o’ that ’ere tale,’ observed one beer-chewer. | ||
N.Z. Truth 31 Aug. 1: A scientist declares that more than a million tiny globules of fat are contained in a drop of milk. Just see what the beerchewer escapes. | ||
Smith’s Weekly (Sydney) 24 Jan. 23/5: Two hairy beer-chewers [...] made themselves a nuisance at Blind Creek races [AND]. | ||
Bulletin (Sydney) 26 June 23/4: Here’s my entry for the beer-chewing championship... Three swipers for a wager consumed respectively 45, 44 and 42 ordinary glasses of beer. | ||
Examiner (Launceston, Tas.) 11 Feb. 7/2: The strikers named themselves the ‘Frothblowers and Beerchewers’ Organization. | ||
Sun. Times (Perth) 20 May 45/9: Will we, who interpret you, Sousa, / Be expected to learn chucking-out, / To wooden the beer-chewing booser / With a smack on the shickersome snout? | ||
Townsville Daily Bulletin (Qld) 1 Mar. 10/4: The cow nearly eat me and calls for a couple of pots. Chewin’ the beer, I’m whippin’ the cat. | ||
Townsville Daily Bulletin (Qld) 3 Apr. 3/3: With a drop or two of metho and some boot polish, there would be no need for any beer-chewer to be downhearted over the strike. | ||
Unknown Industrial Prisoner 231: Have you mob ever thought of the inhabitants of this pretty little earth before we started brewing beer on it? [...] just picture them, you beer-suckers. | ||
Ghosts of the Big Country 52: ‘I don’t drink much,’ he told me, ‘but when I do tackle the stuff, I drink it! I’m not a beer-chewer.’. |
(US) Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Bismarck Tribune (ND) 18 May 4/5: Y.M.C.A. Fellows in the Beer City, Milwaukee. | ||
St Paul Dly Globe (MN) 5 Sept. 1/4: In the Beer City [...] The parade of the trades unions was not so large. | ||
Semi-wkly Interior Jrnl (Stanford, KY) 9 Nov. 2/4: ‘I feel like stopping here and going on a regular bender’ — Theodore Roosevelt in an address at the beer city of Milwaukee. | ||
St Paul Dly Globe (MN) 1 Jan. 6/5: [headline] Grand American Handicap Will be Held in Beer City. | ||
Bismarck Tribune (ND) 21 Mar. 1/3: [headline] Papers Already Drawn Up Seeking Conviction of Beer City Chief Executive. | ||
Catering Industry Employee 41-2 28: The Famous Beer City Local 122 can not boast of being as prosperous as it might be, or should be, for a city like good old Milwaukee . | ||
[bk title] Beer Town and Other Short Stories. | ||
Billboard 13 Apr. 130/2: MILWAUKEE, April 6.— The beer shortage has finally hit this town, long known as the Beer City. | ||
Billboard 22 july 66/1: [headline] Wis. Beer City Ups With Good Biz for Wagner [...] Milwaukee July 15 [etc.]. | ||
Life 21 Oct. 97: [headline] JOYOUS END FOR BEER CITY’S BASEBALL BENDER Braves and their Lew Burdette bring utter bliss to Milwaukee. | ||
Billboard 10 Mar. 6: MILWAUKEE— The Beer City came up with a flock of new disks breaking out — some seven to be exact. | ||
CB Slanguage. | || 🌐 A new brewpub, Onopa Brewing, opened in Milwaukee on June 14, 2001 [...] Why on earth should a city identified nearly the world over as Beer City, USA, a city built with beer barons’ fortunes, be so slow to foster the growth of brewpubs? | ||
Discover Milwaukee 🌐 For generations, Milwaukee has been known as ‘Beer Town.’ It used to be considered the beer capital of the world and its name has been immortalized by such beers as ‘Old Milwaukee’ and ‘Milwaukee’s Best’. |
a leisurely progress from public house to public house, drinking one or more beers in each.
Port August Dispatch (SA) 24 Mar. 2/2: Doing what in cities is called a ‘beer crawl’ —going from hotel to hotel—not so much, maybe, from a desire to drink as to fill up the time. | ||
🌐 We organised a beer crawl, beginning with the weakest and ending with the strongest of selective Belgian beers. | ‘Youth Event Antwerp’ on||
L.A. Times 14 Jan. A1/2: [advert] Gilded path to Craft Beer. Follow our beer crawl along the Metro Gold Line. |
a heavy drinker.
Referee 21 Aug. in (1909) 24/2: Beerseekers [i.e. berserkers] [...] must not be confounded with a race peculiar to London, found mainly upon licensed premises, and distinguished among their kind as the Beer-eaters. | ||
Wanderings Simple Child (3rd edn) 81: I called him a ‘beer-eater’, and thought him a mean-spirited cur. | ||
Tocsin (Melbourne) 5 Oct. 6/3: The Chronic Beer Eater. Although the Habitual Drunkards' Board refused to examine such an expert on the subject, both in theory and in practice, as ‘Scotty the Wrinkler,’ their report bears evidence of very much care ful thought. | ||
Truth (Sydney) 4 Jan. 1/8: There is a beer-eater in Sydney who seems to swallow pints of beer one after another. | ||
Sun. Times (Perth) 3 Apr. 5/5: The people who let boats to the beer-eating ‘disciples of Isaak Walton’. | ||
Passing Eng. of the Victorian Era. | ||
Bulletin (Sydney) 3 Nov. 15: First Professional Beer-eater: ‘Ain’t it wunnerful the number o’ blokes wot tells yer to go an’ get work.’. | ||
Morn. Tulsa Dly World (OK) 14 Aug. 29/3: [headline] British ‘Beer-Eater’ Here to Rest. |
(N.Z.) a tickling sensation in the stomach due to drinking an excess of beer.
Reed Dict. of N.Z. Sl. |
see separate entry.
see separate entry.
(N.Z.) a beer belly.
Auckland Star 28 Mar. 8: Charlie again made a tom-tom of his tum-tum. I winced, look shamefacedly at my beer goitre. | ||
Dict. of Kiwi Sl. 14/1: beer goitre a large stomach or pot induced by too much of the amber fluid, aka beer; high incidence of goitre into this century here, until iodine deficiency was rectified. | ||
Reed Dict. of N.Z. Sl. [as cit. 1988]. |
(US) a (usu.) heavy drinker of beer, thus beer-guzzling .
Knickerbocker (NY) 25 39: Were the man of talents to be robbed of any of his elegant attire, he would not as now perspire with terror lest it should disgrace its former wearer by appearing on the person of a small-beer guzzler in a hedge-tavern. | ||
Fun-Jottings 278: A more innocent old beer-guzzler lives not on the road. | ||
Nairnshire Teleg. 7 Sept. 8/2: ‘When I was a beer-guzzler, mother cried, father cried, Bill cried, Moll cried, and the cat cried’. | ||
in | Resource of War 90: Half the nation has to support the other half, but with the health and vigor of the athlete, and not with the bloated flesh of the beer guzzler.||
Gippsland Times (Vic.) 12 Nov. 4/2: [Y]ou gave her to understand that I was a beer guzzler, when you knew full well that for every pint I took you drank three. | ||
Northampton Mercury 16 Feb. 7/2: We Englishmen are [...] nothing but a lot of beer guzzlers and beefy swill tubs. | ||
Sth Aus. Register (Adelaide) 29 Apr. 5/7: [A] week’s coffee drinking at Id. or even 2d. a cup, as opposed to six days and nights of beer guzzling at 2½d. a glass. | ||
Princeton Union (MN) 15 Jan. 1/2: It is a pity that there are not many more such beer-guzzlers in this country. | ||
Teleg. (Brisbane) 16 Apr. 2/2: [H]is gin-drinking, whisky-soaked, beer-guzzling mob of discontents. | ||
Northern Dly Teleg. 9 Jan. 4/3: The champion beer guzzler of America is unknown, although there are probably many local champions. | ||
Advocate (Meriden, KS) 8 July 7/3: He is what the beer guzzlers call a temperance fanatic. | ||
Arrow (Sydney) 25 May 1/4: Jinks: ‘What's a septic tank?’ Binks: ‘Oh it means a beer-guzzler what don’t believe in no religion at all!’. | ||
Newcastle Morn. Herald (NSW) 17 Feb. 3/6: As long as you are a beer-guzzler it’s all right, but don't ask for any other drink, or you are voted aristocratlc. | ||
Sun. Times (Perth) 11 Mar. 2/5: They Say [...] that no one would growl if the beer guzzled behaved a little like gentlemen. | ||
Border Morn. Mail (Albury, NSW) 5/7: [headline] ’Buufs’ Under Suspicion / Suggestion of Much Beer ‘Guzzling’ [...] ‘Buffalo Society [...] meetings develop into something very unpleasant where members demonstrate their ability to guzzle beer’. | ||
Truth (Brisbane) 15 mar. 19/3: [S]pectacles of debauchery witnessed nightly [...] Drunks wallowing in city gutters; metropolitan parks thronged with beer-guzzlers [...] young girls, much the worse for drink, involved in shocking and sordid scenes. | ||
letter in Dly News (Perth) 20 May 5/2: One only has to see the sordid beer guzzling at the races and trots. Many of these guzzlers don't go to watch the racing events; the bar is the main attraction. | ||
Kings Cross Whisper (Sydney) Jan. 5/3: He has entered for Sydney’s Best Beer-Guzzler title and is flat out to clinch a place in the finals. |
a paunch, a beer belly, also attrib.; thus beer-gutted adj.
Banner (Knightstown, IN) 21 Apr. 3/: Now, for God, country and reveneue, she [i.e. American women] must adopt the beer-gut silhouette! | ||
Battle Cry 274: ‘Looks like you lost your beer gut, Mac,’ I said to him. ‘Been on a diet, Mac,’ he answered. | ||
Slumgullion Stew 168: No true Aussie would allow himself to be seen, after the age of thirty, without a proper beer gut. | ||
This Blessed Shore 74: Mickey Crane brought two bottles of beer and two glasses [...] He had a red Irish face, a beer gut, and white hair. | ||
Erections, Ejaculations etc. 114: I lit a cig, stood up, scratched my beer-gut and walked out. | ||
Stand (1990) 1287: I used to have a hellava beergut. Now I can look down and see my toes again. | ||
Only Fools and Horses [TV script] Unless the other one had got a dimple in its chin and a beer gut, noone’s gonna be none the wiser! | ‘Wanted’||
Observer Rev. 13 June 10: ‘Snuggles’, the beer-gutted truck-driver. | ||
Stalker (2001) 201: A saggy, baggy beer gut would hang over a genuine croc belt. | ||
Sucked In 119: A man in a faded flannel shirt with a beer gut and a head like a pontiac potato. |
1. a German.
Runyon à la Carte 200: Kindly do not refer to our people as krauts, pretzels, beerheads, Heinies. |
2. a beer drunkard.
[ | Tinker Aesop 167: [He] is to be of no more account than that of Tim Thriftless, or Joe Beerhead, who inhabits a neighbouring cottage]. | |
Detroit Free Press (MI) 22 Apr. 4/7: On the records [...] are the names of ‘Beerhead’ Becker, ‘Leggy’ kennedy, Cincinnati Slim [...] and others who have been in the house of correction. | ||
in El Paso Herald 4 Dec. 11/3: A fellow by the name of Petey something, who is one of the best known beerheads in this town. | ||
in St Louis Star 21 Sept. 1/2: The frenchman must have his beer, also his wine. Strange as it may seem, the frenchman here is a terrific beer-head, as we say. | ||
Miami News (FL) 6 Apr. 16/1: Pat was greeted every five minutes with, ‘Lets go, beer-head’. | ||
Mrs. Candy and Sat. Night 89: ‘Ah, shut up and get me a beer,’ Blance was saying. ‘You getting to be a beerhead,’ Eddie said. | ||
Been Clever Forever 94: ‘Hornet Heaven’ and ‘Wilson Douglass is a beerhead’ were scrawled side by side, and so on. | ||
Urban Dict. Oct. 25 🌐 Does drunk jocks things and looks stupid. Yo that dude is such a beerhead, he drank a six pack for breakfast and is doing kegstands for lunch. |
3. attrib. use of sense 2.
Hate Crimes 193: The apartment we’re in is your basic beerhead single man’s dive. |
(US) a heavy beer drinker.
St Louis Post-Dispatch (MO) 27 Oct. 2/3: Low-browed beings [...] men of the instincts of beerhounds at a ward rally. | ||
Quad-City Times (Davenport, IA) 20 Mar. 14/5: He spent most of [his money] for booze, but when some beerhound offered to sell him the ‘knucks,’ he bought them. | ||
Morn. Call (Allentown, PA) 30 July 6/4: Thewir charm is void of kick as to a beer-hound water. | ||
Vanish in an Instant (2016) 9: She called me a snooping old beerhound. | ||
Lead With Your Left (1958) 9: The beat cop, an old beerhound, slipped Lampkin a halfhearted salute. | ||
Suicide Hill 137: My only vice is brew. [...] I am a righteous beerhound motherfucker’. |
1. (US) a drunkard [jerker n.1 (3)].
N.-Y. After Dark 99: Good, honest glasses here, and well filled, let me tell you, not all froth. Try it. Oh, smack your lips if you like, and as loud as the Muleteer of Toledo whips – this is no Maison Doree, and the ‘beer-jerkers, (speaking Milwaukiely)’ are no Belle Delmonicoes, to turn up their already elevated promontories at so vulgar a sign of satisfaction. | ||
True Drunkard’s Delight 244: A sot, a barrel [...] in America, a beer-jerker. |
2. a girl or woman (orig. a ‘pretty waiter girl’) who either draws beer and/or works as a waitress in a saloon; thus beer-jerking n., the occupation [jerker n.1 (2)/slinger n. (1)].
Baltimore Sun (MD) 1 Oct. 1/7: ‘Pretty waiter girls’ are known in St Louis as ‘beer jerkers’. An effort is being made to suppress beer-jerking by city ordinance. | ||
Public Ledger (Memphis, TN) 31 Aug. 3: His pocket was picked [...] in some beerjerking saloon last night. | ||
White Cloud Kansas Chief (KS) 18 June 2/2: The Bible-bangers do delight to labor with the nymphs, who are profanely called beer-jerkers. | ||
Public Ledger (Memphis, TN) 8 Jan. 3/2: Clinton [...] had been living with Lizzie, a beer jerker. | ||
Brenham Wkly Banner 2 Apr. 1/7: Sarah Hughes [...] a beer-jerker in San Antonio, suicided in that town by taking arsenic. | ||
Dead Bird (Sydney) 20 July 1/4: ‘Hello,’ said Early Bird to a friend in the beer jerking industry, ‘what’s the matter that you’re dolled up in your Sunday suit?’. | ||
Anaconda Standard (MT) 1 Dec. 4/3: The feeling against the employment of women in places where liquor is sold is now very strong [...] the days of the female beer jerker are numbered. | ||
Anaconda Standard (MT) 5 Apr. 22/6: The beer-jerker [...] has her good points. She is never too proud to speak to the most humble. | ||
Bulletin (Sydney) 26 Oct. 14/2: Father Hayseed didn’t see the joke for quite a long time, and Mary had to leave the beer-jerking to pacify him. | ||
in | Great Debates in Amer. History 330: If a woman is highly educated she may teach school; if not, she must be a sewing-woman, a beer-jerker, or a harlot!||
(con. 1860s) French Quarter 320: Plenty to eat and drink, served at little tables by waiter girls, popularly known as ‘beer-jerkers’. |
3. a male bar-tender.
Harrisberg Teleg. (PA) 15 Dec. 1/5: The wrather of that beer-jerker [...] was fearful. | ||
Dly Commonwealth (Topeka, KS) 18 July 4/2: A ‘beer jerker’ on the north side is suspected for disposing of the ‘vile stuff’ on the Lord’s day. | ||
Jackson Standard (OH) 11 May 2/1: If an American [...] is arrested for sellijg whisey by the drink, the German beer-jerker will laugh himself hoarse. | ||
Dict. of Sl., Jargon and Cant 102: Beerslinger (American), a term for a barman in a lager-beer ‘saloon’ or tavern. It originated in Philadelphia in 1848-49, about which time lager-beer was first brewed in America. The word ‘slingers’ had previously been commonly applied for at least forty years to other barmen, who were often spoken of as ‘whiskey-slingers’ [...] ‘Rum-slingers’ or ‘gin-slingers’ [...] ‘Jerk’ and ‘jerker’ are in every way exact synonyms for ‘sling’ and ‘slinger,’ e.g., a beerjerker. | ||
Remarks 430: The beer-jerker was never too proud to speak to the most humble. | ||
Sun. Times (Perth) 10 Apr. 1/1: He is bulleting his hard chivvied male malt-jerkers and replacing them with cuddlesome clyners. | ||
Caucasian (Shreveport, LA) 3 Oct. 4/1: The saloonists and ‘beer jerkers’ intimated that Genral Grant should be reprimanded. | ||
Sun. Times (Perth) 23 Jan. second section 1/1: They Say [...] That the nine-stone beer-jerker hopped over the bar in defence of the ancient. | ||
(ref. to 1881) Musical Messenger 15 71: He did coon shouting at the old Theater Comique, Kansas City, in 1881, when Eddie Foy was a ‘beer jerker’ there. | ||
Indep.-Record (St Helena, MT) 19 Aug. 7/5: Haggerty had just embarked upon his career as a beer jerker. | ||
Tampa Bay Times (St Petersburg, FL) 9 Oct. 16/4: A beer jerker serves beer. |
(US) a saloon or bar serving primarily beer.
Boston Post (MA) 9 Nov. 3/6: That most remarkable instiution tacked on to the rear of almost every family grovcery store — the ‘five cent beer joint’. | ||
Life 15 153: No. 18 Mott Street is an unpretentious beer-joint. | ||
Medical News 69 299: He simply goes into the drug store, throws down his nickel [...] and is given a cocain package without his ever opening his mouth —just as he would slouch into a beer-joint and get a glass of beer. | ||
Palestine Dly Herald (TX) 20 Aug. 4/4: The officers were called out to a beer joint south of the city. | ||
Everybody’s Mag. 27 797/2: His course was directed to Otto’s beer-joint on Eighth Avenue. | ||
Breckenridge News (Cloverport, KY) 20 Apr. 8/4: He loafed around a stale beer joint, talked politics, argued relgion. | ||
Aberdeen Jrnl 26 Oct. 5/6: Did Mr Thomson see some of our Aberdeen laddies come rolling down the steps of a ‘beer joint’ [...] drunk, crazy and noisy? | ||
Farewell, My Lovely (1949) 116: Across the street from it [i.e. a hotel] was a beer joint and a car was parked in front of that. | ||
(con. 1920s) Hoods (1953) 50: ‘Speakeasies?’ ‘Yep, that’s what they call them: closed-door beer joints with peep-holes in the doors.’. | ||
Thief’s Primer 84: I don’t go into beer joints very much. | ||
Sweet La-La Land (1999) 168: He goes into this beer joint where this barmaid’s shaking her booty under his nose. | ||
Robbers (2001) 139: They any beer joints near here? |
a barmaid.
Daily News Oct. in (1909) 24/2: The only busy people in the place were [...] the women who sold drink. These latter are called beer-juggers. | ||
East by West 87: Perceiving opportunities for business a beer-jugger showed us into a private box. | ||
Passing Eng. of the Victorian Era. |
1. (Aus./US) a bartender.
Eaton Democrat (OH) 14 Sept. 1/6: A seedy-looking individual [...] walked into a beer saloon on Third Avenue [...] The beer juggler had his opinion about the customer. ‘He’s a little off,’ he explained. | ||
Sun. Times (Perth) 5 Feb. 1/1: Seeing a bit o’ skirt in one he crept up stealthily and fondly enfolded it [but] instead of his beauteous beer juggler it was the 57-year-old land-lady! |
2. (US) a beer drinker.
Practical Druggist 39 25/1: Every beer juggler was ready to spring some ailment requiring beer for a panacea and now the beer privilege lies on the bier of the State Dry Law. |
see keg n.
a saloon that sells beer.
Letters (1917) III 6: We went to a beer mill to meet some twenty Chicago journalists. | letter 11 Nov.
1. (US) a pot belly, engendered by excessive beer-drinking.
Sel. Letters (1988) 413: Beer muscles? Well, look out and be sure it’s muscles! | letter in Bogard & Bryer||
Amer. Thes. Sl. | ||
Observer Sport 20 Jan. 13: People were afraid to bring their children to the games because of the drunken buffoons with their beer muscles and bad language. |
2. aggressive macho posturing, the result of becoming drunk, also attrib.
Down by the River 220: Suburban kids [...] the boys clean-shaven and beer-muscle cocky . | ||
‘Funny Words’ at Bored at Uni 🌐 Beer Muscles – one obtains beer muscles after drinking their @ss off; they believe that they have super human strength and ability and constantly say to every person who looks at them, ‘WASSUP B!TCH’. | ||
Betrayal in Blue 160: I could feel the air getting tense. Dowd was high and obnoxious, and Tommy was flexing his beer muscles. |
In compounds
(Aus./UK) an exceptional consumer of beer, thus beer-eating (heavy) consumption of beer.
Mirror of Life 5 Oct. 11/3: [T]he Marine, who is a nasty handful in a row, had a beat with one of the beer-eaters hanging round the White Hart. | ||
Sport (Adelaide) 6 Sept. 10/4: They Say [...] That Gundy U., the beer eater, ought to murder ninepence and get his hair cut . | ||
Sport (Adelaide) 22 Jan. 5/6: Notice — Don’t forget the beer eating contest Saturday night. |
(Aus.) an uproarious (drunken) party, presumably based on drinking beer.
Sport (Adelaide) 18 Oct. 6/4: George G has promised the stiffs a beer fight when his brother and J B get married. |
(US black) mainly during Prohibition, an apartment used for illegal sales of beer.
St Louis Post-Dispatch (MO) 13 June 12/6: [headline] one man still sought / for beer-flat murder. | ||
Indianapolis Times (IN) 13 Dec. 13/2: [T]he beer flat’s latest creation, the ‘beer mama’. | ||
Butterfield 8 51: [A] Harlem beer flat was one number Dr. Reddington had called on occasion. | ||
in Chicago Defender 20 June 10: 47th street ‘ham-snatchers’ tossing overcoats out of a beerflat window. |
(US) a ther woman who presides over the illcit drinking provided by the form of speakeasy known as a ‘beer flat’.
Indianapolis Times (IN) 13 Dec. 13/2: [T]he ‘beer mama’ [...] [r]egally the preside in apartments, many of them beautifully furnished and appointed; invitingly they pop the caps off home brew bottles. |
in the theatre, money that is paid to gangs of possible hecklers who will instead applaud if sufficiently bribed.
London Life 24 May 7/1: Dear pros., sweet pros., can’t you stop the ‘beer money’ system? Can't you refuse to support a gang of roughs in idleness, and go in yourselves for legitimate applause? |
a barmaid or barman.
Bird o’ Freedom (Sydney) 21 Feb. 5/1: [B]y the same composer as ‘Too-aley in the morning,’ or ‘The Beer-jerker’s Boy’. | ||
Truth (Sydney) 3 Dec. 12/5: Harold Edwards is a little bloke with whips of darn cheek, and he follows the occupation of a beer-jerker or pint-pot juggler— i.e., a barman. | ||
Sport (Adelaide) 26 July 10/3: Bert C., the beer jerker, is supposed to be a lady killeer [sic]. |
(Aus.) a barman.
Sport (Adelaide) 7 Mar. 5/2: Joe S., the veteran soldier and beer juggler. |
(Aus.) a heavy drinker of beer.
Sport (Adelaide) 12 Feb. 5/5: Sylvester M., the hollow-legged beer king. |
(Aus.) a heavy drinker of beer.
Sport (Adelaide) 18 Oct. 6/2: N T and M M are favorites for the beer moppers’ mile. |
an off-licence, a liquor store.
Nottingham Journal 15 Mar. in DSUE (1984). | ||
Live Like Pigs XVI: I’ll stop in at the Beer-off, get us some bottles; give you a whistle; then we can all go. | ||
Start in Life (1979) 59: I bought some drink at a beer-off. |
a fat stomach caused by a steady intake of beer.
‘Tips and Information’ on It Works! Online 🌐 Men, it seems, are more inclined to say it does not matter: After all, it is just a beer pot (or a little middle-aged spread). |
(US) a (heavy) consumer of beer.
Wheeling Dly Intelligencer (WV) 4 Oct. 4/4: Where, oh where were the great beer punishers all this while? | ||
Eve. Bulletin (Maysville, KY) 27 June 1/4: A colored individual, who appeared to be the center of an admiring crowd of beer-punishers. He was picking a glass of the amber fluid from between his massive lips. |
(N.Z. / US) drinking rather than eating one’s lunch.
Reed Dict. of N.Z. Sl. | ||
Deeper Blue 38: All of us would meet at some place on the Hill for lunch. And Townes would always say to one of his friends, ‘So, do you want to go to class or do you want a beer sandwich?’. |
the process, when very drunk, of making one’s way home without knowing what form of transport was employed.
Roger’s Profanisaurus 3 in Viz 98 Oct. 4: beer scooter n. Miraculous method of transport employed when leaving the pub after drinking large amounts of beer. So called due to the ‘lost time’ effect when returning home seemingly in no time and at incredible velocity. | ||
personal correspondence: beer scooter – the ability to get home after a night out on the booze and not remember it, i.e. ‘I don’t even remember getting home last night, I must have caught the beer scooter’. |
a bartender.
S.F. Chron. 31 Aug. 3/2: When jack comes ashore he is marked as fair game by all the thieves, lager beer slingers, et id genus omne in the city. | ||
Memphis Dly Appeal (TN) 7 Sept. 4/1: Lizzie Rossell, beer-slinger by profession. | ||
Orleans Co. Monitor (Barton, VT) 13 Apr. 1/6: The young joker [...] paid for the beers [...] and hurried away to find a greener hand than the Eighth Ward beer slinger. | ||
McCook Wkly Tribune (NE) 10 July 1/4: Commend us to the Milwaukee beer slinger. | ||
(ref. to 1848-49) Dict. of Sl., Jargon and Cant 102: Beerslinger (American), a term for a barman in a lager-beer ‘saloon’ or tavern. It originated in Philadelphia in 1848-49, about which time lager-beer was first brewed in America. The word ‘slingers’ had previously been commonly applied for at least forty years to other barmen, who were often spoken of as ‘whiskey-slingers’ [...] ‘Rum-slingers’ or ‘gin-slingers’. | ||
Lawrence Dly Gaz. (KS) 14 Sept. 2/1: The valiant guards [...] vanquished forty of the biscuit shooters and beer slingers. | ||
N.Y. Tribune 25 July 14/2: From the ordinary beer slinger to the mixed drink ‘artists’. | ||
West Aus. Sun. Times (Perth) 23 Feb. 1/1: They say [...] that one half-drowned beer-slinger was unfortunately wearing lingerie of a lurid blue. | ||
My Old Bailiwick 96: The ‘beer-slinger’ gathered his wits. | ||
Princeton Union (MN) 3 Oct. 4/4: ‘What is to become of the thousands of bartenders [...] when the saloons are shut down?’ is a question which is agitating the beer slingers. | ||
How to Be Saved 111: He drifted to Minneapolis, became a beer slinger in the lowest saloon in the city, ‘the Jumbo saloon’. | ||
Detroit Free Press (MI) 28 Dec. 3/4: ‘A beer slinger [...] knows nly how to mix a rye highball, a gin buck and draw a glass of beer’. | ||
Argot: Dict. of Und. Sl. 6: beer slinger—a bartender. | ||
Rolling Stone 91: The beer slinger didn't get the gold, for a little while later he died of pneumonia. | ||
Mysterious North 118: The Nugget Dance Hall, which used to be the Auditorium in the days when Alexander Pantages was a beer-slinger. | ||
, | DAS 28/2: beer-slinger A bartender [...] Still some use. | |
Chicago Trib. 21 Aug. 2/2: [pic. caption] Veteran beer slinger Brian Ward [...] working the aisles at a Sox game. |
(Aus.) a heavy drinker of beer.
‘Dads Wayback’ in Sun. Times (Sydney) 27 July 10/1: ‘[T]hey turns from idle swaggies an’ beer-sinkers inter industrious yeomen’. | ||
Sport (Adelaide) 12 Feb. 5/7: Peter, the beer sinker, has given up pints and has taken on gallons. |
(Aus.) a heavy drinker of beer.
W. Australian (Perth) 2 Mar. 7/4: Accused denied that he was a ‘professional beer-sparrer’. | ||
Sun. Times (Perth) 18 May 2/3: The professional sparrer (generically beer-sparrer) being admitted as far as the doormat. | ||
Sun. Times (Perth) 29 Oct. 1/3: A Port policeman takes the beer-sparrer’s championship belt. | ||
Bulletin (Sydney) 2 June 14/2: ‘Buzz’ is the pastime which has the greatest vogue among beer-sparrers. | ||
Bulletin (Sydney) 26 Sept. 12/4: Beerchewer No. 1: ‘Pretty rotten, mate, having to drink our usual quantity in three hours less time.’ [Ibid.] The ‘dinkum’ tramp – the ubiquitous, useless beer-sparrer and borrower of threepenny-bits – never becomes over-joyful, fightable or voluble. | ||
Argus (Melbourne) 6 Dec. 8/4: The agitator and the ‘beer sparrer’ were there to a man. | ||
Sun. Times (Perth) 25 Jan. 4/7: The beer-sparrer had pestered the good sort until the latter agreed to shout. | ||
Western Mail (Perth) 9 May 10/3: Paddy — a stoush slinger of some fame, was also champion beer-sparrer of the town. | ||
Geraldton Guardian & Express (WA) 13 Dec. 2/5: He was a ‘beer-sparrer’ who had lived all over the State [...] He had more than 130 charges of drunkeness. |
the mouth or throat.
DSUE (1984) 65/2: —1909. |
see beer-chewer
a large pack of beers.
Atomic Lobster 60: Coleman stood with a beer suitcase in a Grab ’N Dash. |
(Aus.) a drunkard; thus beer-swiping, drinking heavily.
Exp. & Teleg. (Adelaide) 17 Dec. 3/6: Captain Haggard was very successful in the role of the ‘beer-swiping’ Eccles, and did not make the character too degraded. | ||
Melbourne Punch 15 June 5: [cartoon caption] beer swiper.— Yes, and the M’istry’s about to take a penny dutish off beer. | ||
Warwick Examiner (Qld) 15 July 3/: Mr. Hoolan said be took no notice of what beer-swipers or brewers said. | ||
Sun (Kalgroorlie, WA) 12 Apr. 4/4: Only those who have some conception of the colossal thirst of a back-block beer-swiper can realise the peerless self-abnegation involved in his abstaining from his favorite beverage for a single day. | ||
Truth (Perth) 8 June 1/7: His motives are, of course, to save / The wine-hog from his fate, / The beer-swipe from a drunkard’s grave. | ||
Barrier Miner (Broken Hill, NSW) 31 Jan. 7/7: [advert] Cabbys ain’t all beer swipers y’ know — there’s many a one of us never touches a drop o’ anything stronger en tea. | ||
Narromine News (NSW) 29 June 6/3: ‘Why you big, hulking waster and beer swiper,’ he said. | ||
Recorder (Port Pirie, SA) 10 Feb. 2/8: The checks at the foot of the drawing read as follow: — ‘Designed by Prof, Guzzlegutz; checked by O. U. Beaut; tested by M. E. Twice; drawn by All Pubs; issued for all beer swipers; scale, full; drawing No. 04A Mug; date, post war’. |
(Aus.) a heavy beer drinker, claiming that he is just ‘testing it’.
Sport (Adelaide) 20 Sept. 5/2: Why didn’t the girl in brown meet Bobby G [...] She must have fou d out that he was a beer tester . | ||
Sport (Adelaide) 17 Apr. 4/6: Corrigan can’t be a beer tester not when he drank vinegar for stout. |
Press (Canterbury, N.Z.) 20 Nov. 2: Bloomsbury’s Dictionary of Contemporary Slang lists an extensive range of obscure synonyms from beer token and bollers for money, dust bunny, and ghost turd for dust balls, and dangleberries and jub-nuts for animal droppings. | ||
Football & Real Ale Guide 40/1: As a condition of him getting a brown envelope stuffed with beer tokens I asked him to describe his football and real ale experiences. |
see Beer City
the mouth.
Michael Cassidy 28: ‘I thought you were a Frenchie [...] till you opened your beer tap’. | ||
DSUE (8th edn) 65/2: late C.19–mid-20. |
(Aus.) a riotous, drunken party.
Bundaberg Mail (Qld) 8 May 4/5: He came into town last Thursday, saying he wanted to ‘have a beer up’. | ||
Murrumbidgee Irrigator (Leeton, NSW) 18 Feb. 7/1: When the out-back shearer reaches the country pub. for a ‘beer-up’ doesn’t he show a wonderful love for his enemy — the long beers—by swallowing them. | ||
Don Dorrigo Gaz. 14 June 2/2: Drunks and slanguage, which with some people appears to be a natural corollary to a ‘beer-up,’ were the chief of fences. | ||
(con. WWI) Smith’s Wkly (Sydney) 28 Nov. 16/8: We had a good beer-up before we marched into the line; and, when we went, our water-bottles did not carry water. | ||
These Are My People (1957) 154: They were both drunk and [...] explained that every six months or so life got them down and they had a ‘beer-up’ together. | ||
(con. 1940s) Andy 175: An excuse for a [...] bloody good beer-up at the mess. | ||
Outcasts of Foolgarah (1975) 206: They’re havin’ a big beer-up tonight to celebrate. | ||
Lex. of Cadet Lang. 38: Beer-up a bout of ‘serious beer-drinking’ (for ‘serious’ read ‘prolonged’ / ‘heavy’). |
(US) a bartender.
Public Ledger (Memphis, TN) 22 Apr. 2/5: The annual statements of the Division Bartender and Most Noble Beer Yanker have been handed in and passed. |
In phrases
(orig. US) drunk on beer.
Dly Globe (St Paul, MN) 3 July 4/2: He made for Emmert’s brewery, where at nightfall he was well beered up. | ||
Sun (NY) 21 May 6/4: One might say, for instance, he is [...] pretty well beered up. | ||
Stirling Obs. 28 Mar. 4/5: Her husband qas quarrelling with a neighbour’s husband who was ‘beered’. | ||
Al Capone 130: Joey [...] used to get beered up. | ||
Cross of Lassitude 78: He will come in [...] all beered up and in an ugly mood. | ||
Great Shark Hunt (1980) 542: He’s all beered up. | ||
Disco Biscuits (1997) 4: You see what the place looks like? [...] Who do you reckon could stomach it, if they weren’t already beered up? | ‘Ardwick Green’ in Champion||
Indep. Rev. 24 Jan. 8: A gang of beered-up louts. | ||
PS, I Scored the Bridesmaids 189: I’m trying to get seriously beered here. |
(US) to drink a full can of beer in a single swallow, esp. when a hole has been poked through the bottom.
St Louis Post Dispatch (MO) 28 July GO/7: His shows always mean watching him [...] challenge a fan (almost always a dude) to a beershotting contest. |
1. to give someone money for beer.
Houndsditch Day by Day 63: Now, then, Tinker, beer up. | ||
Sporting Times 143: He felt really aggrieved that she had not ‘beered up’ to him. |
2. to get drunk; to render someone drunk.
N.O. Dly Crescent (LA) 20 June 2/3: They then entered, sung and ‘beered up’ [...] AS like number from Milwaukee met [...] to see which party could drink the most beer. | ||
Bulletin (Sydney) 17 Jan. 22/1: ‘His legs are younger than mine mate,’ says the old man, ‘and he can take a spell after I’ve beered up at Mother Murphey’s shanty ahead.’. | ||
Ipswich Jrnl 19 Nov. 2/2: The Conservative meetings were senselessly interupted by ill-mannered Radical roughs, who were ‘paid and beered’ by ill-mannered Radicals. | ||
St Paul Dly Globe (MN) 9 July 3/4: The other delgates adjourned to a convenient thirst factory where they beered up. | ||
Eve. Star (Washington, DC) 23 June 19/2: The two youths [...] shook hands and beered up together as a token of their reeconciliation. | ||
Truth (Brisbane) 10 Apr. 5/2: He had to beer up or bust . | ||
Crittenden Press (Marion, KY) 24 Jan. 4/2: Two of the town reporters anticipating the fun of getting Hick slightly beered up. | ||
Banner of Gold 23-9 38: They ‘beered up,’ not once, but twice; and Jerry was generous, even while unjust, and so paid the twenty cents. | ||
Omaha Dly Bee 17 Oct. 15/1: One o’ d’ muffs gets beered up and pulls a squawk [and] we gets pinched. | ||
N.Y. Times Mag. 16 Nov. 10: The mechanics, beering up with the guys and driving off to Detroit. | ||
Fowlers End (2001) 294: ‘Where’s this mob now?’ He replied: ‘Like I told you, guv’nor, beering up in the “Load o’ Mischief”.’. |
(N.Z.) to be very drunk.
Truth (Wellington) 7 Dec. 6: The well-dressed blackguard had a beer in and commenced patting the shoulder of the pretty girl beside him in the car . |
Gent.’s Mag. Dec. 559/2: To express the condition of an Honest Fellow [...] under the Effects of good Fellowship, it is said that he is [...] 28. In his beer . |
see under talk v.
In exclamations
a cry raised by workers when one of their number commits a blunder that has to be paid for by buying their fellows a round of drink.
Passing Eng. of the Victorian Era. |