2021 P. Papathanasiou Stoning 139: [of Muslims] ‘They stick out like dogs’ balls.’ ‘Who do?’ ‘They do. Them’.at stick out like a sore thumb, v.
2021 P. Papathanasiou Stoning 121: ‘We don’t give a toss about the city [and] they don’t give a rat’s arse about us’.at not give a rat’s ass, v.
2021 P. Papathanasiou Stoning 72: ‘You think the government gives two shits about us out here in Woop Woop?’.at not give a shit, v.
2021 P. Papathanasiou Stoning 91: ‘Maybe she was turning tricks as well. Nice little earner’.at turn a trick, v.2
2021 P. Papathanasiou Stoning 18: ‘Those were different.’ ‘My arse they were’.at my arse! (excl.) under arse, n.
2021 P. Papathanasiou Stoning 25: He thought to collar the punks, drag their skinny arses in for vandalism.at arse, n.
2021 P. Papathanasiou Stoning 15: ‘[G]et the baggies.’ The constable retrieved two garbage bags.at baggie, n.
2021 P. Papathanasiou Stoning 231: He’d been threatened [by] rapists, paedophiles and murderers, though they never had the balls to follow through.at balls, n.
2021 P. Papathanasiou Stoning 36: F‘yfe didn’t want a bar of me’.at not stand a bar of (v.) under bar, n.1
2021 P. Papathanasiou Stoning 32: He had a fresh pint in his hand and was holding court with two fellow barflies.at bar-fly, n.
2021 P. Papathanasiou Stoning 131: ‘[H]e’s probably a closet bender himself, all teachers are, benders or paedos’.at bender, n.1
2021 P. Papathanasiou Stoning 34: ‘Good lay, ya mean...’ said a ’fly [...] ‘Town bike,’ muttered another.at bicycle, n.
2021 P. Papathanasiou Stoning 156: ‘I lost interest, never called her again. Frigid bitch’.at bitch, n.1
2021 P. Papathanasiou Stoning 91: ‘You even mentioned that one bloke who carried a torch for her?’.at bloke, n.
2021 P. Papathanasiou Stoning 124: Taking crap from a woman was a sign of weakness, a cardinal blokey sin.at blokey (adj.) under bloke, n.
2021 P. Papathanasiou Stoning 83: [of a large kangaroo] ‘[T]his big red boomer bastard tore his whatchamacallit . . . oesophagus’.at boomer, n.1
2021 P. Papathanasiou Stoning 316: ‘Thanks for not letting me cark it. Yer blood’s worth bottling’.at bottling, adj.
2021 P. Papathanasiou Stoning 96: [E]verything smaller than he remembered, play equipment, water bubblers.at bubbler, n.2
2021 P. Papathanasiou Stoning 118: ‘We’ve now got Buckley’s, no chance, if this ever goes before a judge or jury’.at Buckley’s, n.